Her Story.




Full name : kwak saerom

Alternate name(s) : here (optional)


- yg's star trainee - thats what netizens used to call her back in the days


D.O.B : June 2, 1994
Birthplace : Seoul, South Korea
Hometown : Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity : Korean
Nationality : Korean


Pronouns : She/her
Orientation : Straight


- Korean - native
- Japanese - basics from training


Faceclaim : Namjoo
Back-up : Naeun?

Height : 165cm
Weight : 48kg

Appearance : She looks just like her faceclaim after surgery. She has a botched nose but she has been taking care of her body quite a bit and has a nice hourglass shape. 


Fashion : She just follows trends. Since she has a nice body shape she doesn't mind showing it off sometimes by hearing a crop top with some shorts. She values comfort over everything though.


getting to know

isfj. gemini. hufflepuff.


- (+) friendly, hardworking, encouraging, wise
- (-) insecure, pessimistic, self-depreciating, closed off


friendly: since she went ghost for a few years without much human interactions saerom is pretty shy now. her shyness doesnt come off as cold, it just comes off as timid. at first she'd struggle to talk to others unlike before when she was super outgoing but after a few weeks and maybe even days it would become easier. but if you talk to her she's very friendly either way and easy to talk to. she's good at keeping the conversation going because she kind of craves it but deosn't go out looking for it.

hardworking: now this is a trait that she's had all her life. she doesnt mind putting in the extra hours for perfection. since she is older and lacking visually compared to the others she would work herself to the bone. after everyone leaves shes still practicing whether its dancing, singing or just practicing facial expressions. there are many times wehn she's not practicing but she's making weird facial expressions all on her own just practicing in her head.

encouraging + wise: saerom remains an optimistic presence for others. whenever someone is down in the dumps she'd go to them and offer them wise words and a hug. she knows this process is hard and will give advice to all the little ones. honestly seeing them a bit as her kids after a while that she wants to succeed no matter what. she would definitely cry everytime someone gets eliminated.

insecure: saerom knows she isn't pretty but it still hurts to hear or see others say it. even people that stare at her nose when she talks maeks her wants to run away and hide. she takes compliments with pure embarrassment. she gets all red at the slightest good job and brushes it off trying to point out someone that did better. 

self-depreciating: saerom can be a bit of a pessimist when it comes to herself. she always thinks the worst and it comes out in self-depreciating jokes or just bad self talk sometimes. usually its mumbled to herself but it might slip out once in a while. reading hate comments only prove her point.

closed off: whenever she's going through a hard time she wouldn't say it. she would literally be tearing up adn say she's fine with a smile. she doesn't want to burden anyone with her problems so she buries it all. in a competition setting it can be overwhelming especially when she becomes the rock for so many other people.


Good family, loving parents, only child, supported her dreams. The end.

- here
- Min 5!


- here
- Min 5!


- here
- Min 5!


- here
- Min 3!


- here
- Min 3!


Notable talents
- variety show stuff
- Min 3!


- Unlimited! List anything you think adds to the character


Quotes : 
- here
- Optional but much appreciated!

Hello, please introduce yourself : here


What is your reason for joining the show? : here


What do you consider your strengths? : here


Is there anything new you want to try on the show? : here


What is your view on Genesis88? : here


Would you ever try to compete for the center or leader role? : here

And finally, what advice would you have for your younger self that's about to audition for the first time? : here

Relationships :


- ex boyfriend : kitae
-  They met back when they were trainees, both still wet behind the ears with many hopes and dreams. They were in the same class and their companies were close so they’d take the train together. They were both passionate about training and music and it felt amazing to meet someone so similar. Dating wasn’t allowed in either of their companies but that didn’t mean it didn’t happen so when Kitae asked her out she risked it all by saying yes. Both were 17 at the time and the following year Kitae debuted. You’d think with his schedule they’d break up but their bond grew even stronger, she was so happy for him and always there for him if he needed someone. With all the member changed Saerom was his only constant in all the craziness. But when her surgery happened she refused to let him see her, afraid he wouldn’t find her beautiful anymore and break up with her. She didn’t need to lower her confidence anymore so she did it first instead. She broke up with him through text and with how reclusive she got ignoring his texts and calls weren’t hard. Her parents appreciated the flowers and deliveries he sent but even they couldn’t convince her to come out the room. They too had to put her dinner in front of her door. After a while he just accepted it and let it go. They haven’t talked since 2016, not including his random texts. Seeing him in Genesis88 would be embarrassing to say the least, she’d try to avoid him as much as she can but they’d actually be exactly what each other needs in that process. An old companion to lean on during the hard times. 

Stagename : Mask Romi – this is what she's known as on tiktok and youtube. she hides her identity so no one knows its her.


Position : vocals & dance
Talent twin : apink's namjoo


Trainee and/or idol life
When Saerom was 15 she uploaded a video of her singing and dancing to gee by snsd. The video went viral in Korea and she got scouted by YG through it. 2ne1 already debuted so she became a trainee. YG kept her busy though, she was featuring in bigbang and 2ne1’s mvs, being a backup dancer for them, featuring in songs, even went on tour with them. YG didn’t keep her identity a secret either because they uploaded dance and singing videos of her all the time. She was able to gain her own fanbase in a short amount of time because of how talented she was and was a clear favorite of Yang Hyunsuk.

Blackpink was originally built around her, she was supposed to be the face of the group. But Hyunsuk kept facing the same problem, everyone he consulted for an extra opinion said her visuals were lacking. How could they be the pretty 2ne1 with the face of the group not even fitting the Korean beauty standard. For a while he tried to work around it, he changed the lineup numerous time with her in everyone. Even tried to get a member or two that were more unattractive than her so she’d look better but that wouldn’t help the group any. Rumors were coming out that she’d make her debut and everyone was looking forward to it.

So in mid 2016 Saerom agreed to get plastic surgery on her nose. But a simple procedure to get a higher nose bridge and a smaller tip turned into her having a botched nose that even a revision couldn’t fix. YG had no choice but to terminate her contract 2 months before Blackpink’s debut due to “personal reasons” which surprised everyone. But they sure did keep the choreography for boombayah which she made.

While Blackpink went on to live her dream life Saerom found herself secluded from society and depressed. She lived with her parents who supported her every step of the way. She didn’t leave her house at all for 2 years in fear of someone recognizing her. When she tried to eventually get a job she struggled because her looks were off putting. She settled as a dog walker, that way she could at least be with animals instead of humans and were a mask wherever she went. Everywhere she went she wore a mask so she was never recognized, it was like she dropped off the face of the earth and every now and then forums would pop up asking what happened to her.

In the last two years she started to go to therapy and did helped her rethink her life and past decisions, she no longer wanted to live in her own shadow when she had so much talent. But she was still scared to show her face so instead she opened a tiktok account called @Maskromi where she posted dance and vocal covers. It made her feel like a trainee again, her parents helped her set up a small dance studio in the house and she’s buy the outfits to match the song she was doing. When she felt courageous she would film dance covers in public with her parents helping her film. On her free time she started to take dance classes at local studios, still with a mask of course but at least she was slowly getting out of her shell. Over those 2 years she amassed over 500,000 followers on TikTok and YouTube. It became her main source of income. She even had some sponsored posts that gave her a good amount of money and a few thirst trap ones got her some cash sent her by from fans. Under every video there were comments asking her to take off the mask and she thought she never would because at this point she was too old to be an idol so why put herself through that again.

But then she saw Genesis88, a show that could give someone her age the possibility to be a singer again. She was terrified but she knew she’d regret it if she didn’t audition. It’s finally time for her to proudly show the infamous Saerom hiding behind maskromi.


Life on Genesis88
She'd go through her ups and downs. she'd try to be optimistic but will have her times of insecurities and crying. her talent shows she could debut but netizens are forever talking about her looks instead. And in the meantime her past relationship with kitae buds again.


The audition : she's show up with the mask she usually wears on social media and introduce herself as mask romi but then has some dramatic face reveal with a bunch of people like :O and she even talks about her experience and what happened and starts tearing up. but her performance is great though and the body is bodying.


Seat number(s) : 33


Predicted grade : A


Flexibility level : 70%


The intro video : She'd sing and dance to how you like that by blackpink with her mask all confident and when that look at you now look at me part comes on she takes it off and still dances confidently then ends with the line how you like that just staring at the camera.


Second mission song of choice : Rollin by brave girls


Genre of choice : Latin pop


xkimjonginx-- : darcy


Closing words : i really threw this together but i tired D:


Questions or concerns : here

Suggestions : here

Scene requests, plot ideas : in the beginning she'd prefer to wear the mask during the day just out of insecurity and then after a while she slowly uses it less and less

Password : GenZYX LMAO


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Oohh this is going to be so interesting :o