underground | 류경신

golden dragons!
ryuu gyeongshin.
     Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead. 
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— ❛ full name : ryuu gyeongshin.
— ❛ birthdate : 15th february 1998.
— ❛ orientation : homoual.
— ❛ occupation : novel writer.
— ❛ g.ng : golden dragons.
— ❛ g.ng alias : arthur.

— ❛ face claim : zb1 kim jiwoong
— ❛ back up face claim : ateez park seonghwa



— ❛  positive : trustworthy. sophisticated. cautious. charming. intellegent.

— ❛ neutral : flirtatious. private.

— ❛ negative : greedy. materialistic. vindictive. manipulative. rebelious.

Gyeongshin exudes a trustworthy demeanor, earning the confidence of those around him. His reliability stems from a consistent display of honesty, integrity, and a genuine commitment to his commitments. Colleagues and friends find comfort in his steadfast nature, knowing that he can be relied upon to keep his word and maintain a high level of transparency. Gyeongshin's trustworthiness is a cornerstone of his character, establishing him as someone dependable and loyal in both personal and professional spheres.he embodies sophistication and charm, effortlessly navigating social interactions with an air of refinement. His polished demeanor is marked by a keen sense of style, articulate communication, and an innate ability to exude charisma. Whether in professional or social settings, Gyeongshin carries himself with grace and elegance, leaving a lasting impression on those around him. His charming nature is characterized by a combination of charisma, wit, and a genuine interest in others, making him a captivating presence in any situation.

Gyeongshin is characterized by his innate caution and meticulous approach to various aspects of life. Thoughtful and deliberate in his actions, he carefully weighs the potential risks and benefits before making decisions. His cautious nature extends to his interactions with others, as he tends to observe and assess situations thoroughly before revealing too much or fully committing. In both personal and professional matters, Gyeongshin's cautious demeanor serves as a shield, protecting him from potential pitfalls and ensuring that he navigates through life with a discerning eye. Gyeongshin is undeniably intelligent, showcasing a sharp and perceptive mind in various facets of life. His ability to quickly grasp complex concepts, analyze situations, and devise effective solutions sets him apart. Whether faced with intellectual challenges or strategic decision-making, Gyeongshin demonstrates a keen understanding and a capacity for critical thinking.  As a writer, he demonstrates a capacity for critical thinking, research, and the ability to convey information in a manner that captivates readers. Gyeongshin's intelligence is not solely measured by the depth of his knowledge but also by his skill in translating that knowledge into impactful and resonant written expressions. Whether delving into fiction or non-fiction, Gyeongshin's intelligence as a writer shines through, making his work both intellectually stimulating and compelling.

Gyeongshin carries a charismatic and flirtatious demeanor, effortlessly navigating social interactions with a charming flair. However, beneath this façade lies the essence of a skilled con artist, adept at weaving tales and manipulating situations to his advantage. His ability to charm and deceive is finely honed, leaving many unsuspecting individuals in his wake. Despite his engaging exterior, Gyeongshin is an intensely private person, revealing little about his true self. This enigmatic quality adds to his allure but also creates a sense of mystery and suspicion among those who attempt to get closer. The negative impact of Gyeongshin's flirtatious and deceptive tendencies becomes evident in the emotional aftermath of his interactions. Those who fall prey to his charm may find themselves misled or betrayed when they discover the true nature of his intentions. Gyeongshin's reluctance to open up emotionally may leave a trail of broken trust and fractured relationships, as his enigmatic persona conceals a more complex and elusive reality.

Gyeongshin is characterized by an insatiable greed and a strong materialistic inclination. His desires are often centered around the accumulation of wealth, possessions, and status symbols. The pursuit of financial gain and luxury plays a dominant role in his decision-making, overshadowing other considerations. Driven by a constant thirst for more, Gyeongshin may prioritize personal gain over ethical or moral concerns, often engaging in opportunistic behaviors to amass wealth. The materialistic lens through which he views success may strain personal relationships, as connections become transactional, measured by their potential for financial benefit. The negative impact of Gyeongshin's greed is reflected in the potential exploitation of others, as well as the erosion of genuine connections in favor of more tangible gains. The pursuit of material wealth may lead him down a path of moral compromise and isolation, where the relentless pursuit of possessions eclipses the value of human connection and ethical considerations.

Gyeongshin is a master manipulator, employing cunning tactics and psychological strategies to achieve his objectives, particularly in his role as a con artist. His ability to read people and situations allows him to craft elaborate schemes, using charm and deceit to manipulate others for personal gain. Gyeongshin excels in the art of persuasion, exploiting vulnerabilities and playing on emotions to create a false sense of trust. The negative impact of Gyeongshin's manipulative tendencies is felt by those who fall victim to his schemes. Whether it's financial deception or emotional manipulation, his actions can result in shattered trust, financial loss, and emotional distress for those caught in his web. The aftermath of Gyeongshin's manipulation often leaves a trail of broken relationships and a asive sense of betrayal.Gyeongshin is inherently rebellious, possessing a strong aversion to conforming to societal norms or established rules. His nature is characterized by a fervent desire for independence and a rejection of authority, leading him to challenge and question the status quo. Gyeongshin's rebellious spirit is often reflected in his actions, choices, and a willingness to venture into uncharted territory. his rebellious nature can sometimes lead to conflicts with authority figures or societal structures. Gyeongshin's defiance, while reflective of his strong individuality, may result in consequences that affect his relationships and standing within conventional settings.

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extra information

▪ ― likes :  luxury perfume. classic novels. sculpture. opera. wine (Chateau Margaux). antique cars.

▪ ― dislikes :  rich people. politicians. invasion of privacy. breads. mint chocolate.

▪ ― hobbies :  playing piano. writing poems.

▪ ― habits :  drinking too much wine when getting stressed. giving silent treatment when mad.

▪ ― trivia :
♣ He dedicates spacious rooms in his apartment solely for his extensive wine collection, revealing the depth of his passion and obsession for wines.
♣ he lives with his boyfriend but his private workspace remains off-limits, creating a boundary that his partner need to respect along with the secret he keep from his boyfriend.
♣ While he may exude the aura to be untouchable to others, in the presence of his boyfriend, he reveals
a remarkably tender and affectionate side.
♣ His obsession on wine extends to a point where he indulges in it even during breakfast.
♣ Without fail, every month, he ensures to attend an opera show whenever possible.
♣ He possesses a petite plushie keychain, a thoughtful gift from his boyfriend, and it becomes a constant companion, accompanying him everywhere, even during missions.
♣ At the age of six, he found himself in an orphanage, and it wasn't until he turned ten that someone extended the warmth of adoption, providing him with a new home.
♣ His disdain for politicians and the wealthy originates from a troubling past. When his mother remarried a rich politician, he faced mistreatment, ultimately being cast aside and sent to an orphanage, deemed as a societal burden. This history fuels his resentment towards individuals in politics or even rich people.

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there's a mask behind my good boy image, don't get fooled by the mask.

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uhm kijung; foster dad; uhm kijoon

In Kijoon, Gyeongshin discovers a comforting presence akin to home, despite being taught the art of a con artist. Their bond, though lacking blood ties, is marked by Kijoon's genuine care for Gyeongshin. At times, Gyeongshin can't help but wish that Kijoon might be his real father, highlighting the deep, familial connection they share. (status: alive)

lee hyuk; bestfriend; stray kids lee know
Gyeongshin and Hyuk share a unique bond forged during their time together in the orphanage. Despite being adopted by separate families, their connection remains strong, and they continue to stay in touch,
regularly spending time together. Hyuk, in particular, plays a pivotal role in Gyeongshin's life, encouraging him to pursue a career as a writer. (status: alive)
han junseo; boyfriend ; zb1 sung hanbin
Upon meeting Junseo, Gyeongshin's perspective on life undergoes a profound shift. Junseo becomes a source of enlightenment, teaching him to appreciate the beauty in the world. Junseo's love and care become Gyeongshin's anchor, reshaping his understanding of love. Inspired by this transformative connection, Gyeongshin contemplates leaving behind his illicit activities as a golden dragons member, considering proposing and marrying Junseo as a step towards a more positive and fulfilling life. (status: alive)
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In his early years, he endured a joyless childhood despite hailing from a chaebol family. His father, a womanizer, not only engaged in numerous extramarital affairs but also subjected him to physical abuse whenever he fell short of his expectations. His mother, echoing the same disregard, viewed him as the cause of her husband's diminishing affection. Despite possessing material comforts that other children envied, he remained untouched by happiness. The situation worsened when his parents divorced, compelling him to accompany his mother, who remarried a wealthy politician.

His stepfather consistently regarded him as a stain on the family, subjecting him to even harsher treatment than his biological father. Treated as a lower-class individual, he endured daily hardships, surviving on meager portions of bread and tap water. Denied the opportunity for education, he became a target for his stepfather's stress-induced aggression, enduring physical abuse. Despite witnessing this mistreatment, his mother remained passive until the day arrived when they, his own mother and stepfather, decided to sever all ties. Gyeongshin was sent to an orphanage, discarded and abandoned, as his parents prepared to start anew with their own children, wanting nothing more to do with him.

He found a new home with Kijoon, a seasoned con artist, who promptly initiated him into the world of deception. Under Kijoon's guidance, he learned the art of crafting lies to manipulate wealthy individuals and extract their money through fraudulent schemes. Despite the criminal nature of his newfound life, it provided a sense of belonging that had been absent for years. Kijoon, unlike his biological parents, treated him as a son, offering not just a proper education but also the freedom to pursue his desires. At the age of fourteen, armed with the lessons from his foster father, he committed his own crime, marking a significant turn in his life's trajectory.
Crimes committed:
fraud. He started his criminal activities as a con artist, defrauding numerous wealthy individuals to illicitly acquire their funds and money.
money laundering. Being exceptionally astute, his criminal endeavors remain elusive to law enforcement, as he carefully navigates a balance between playing it safe and strategically taking risks when necessary.
solicitation of murder. He hired an assassin to eliminate his stepfather, a prominent politician at the time. The high-profile nature of the case generated significant attention, yet the police remained unable to find and catch him.
cybercrime. He skillfully infiltrated the systems of major banks, executing successful hacks that resulted in substantial financial theft.
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