underground | 相川喜

aikawa yoshie.
      Some call it murder, I call it a job well done. 
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— ❛ full name : aikawa yoshie.
— ❛ birthdate : 05th january 1998.
— ❛ orientation : panual.
— ❛ occupation : florist.
— ❛ g.ng : hellbound.
— ❛ g.ng alias : phantomz.

— ❛ face claim : lesserafim sakura.
— ❛ back up face claim : twice mina.



— ❛  positive : affectionate. courageous. disciplined. supportive. adaptable.

— ❛ neutral : observant. idiosyncratic.

— ❛ negative : hyprocritical. perfectionist. defensive. possesive. stubborn.

Yoshie is a remarkably affectionate and supportive individual, particularly when it comes to her younger brother, Yuusei. Her love for him knows no bounds, and she consistently goes above and beyond to provide emotional and practical support. Whether it's showering him with affection, ensuring his needs are met, or standing up for him in challenging situations, Yoshie's unwavering dedication showcases her as a pillar of support in Yuusei's life. Her actions reflect a deep and nurturing bond that transcends the challenges they face together. Yoshie is a courageous and fearless individual who doesn't shy away from danger. Her willingness to confront and navigate through perilous situations showcases her bold and daring nature. As a disciplined person, especially in matters of training, Yoshie approaches challenges with determination and focus. Her commitment to honing her skills reflects a strong work ethic and a relentless pursuit of excellence. In the face of adversity, Yoshie's courage and disciplined approach make her a formidable force, unafraid to confront whatever challenges come her way. Yoshie is an exceptionally adaptable individual, showcasing resilience in various situations. Whether faced with the demands of her multiple jobs, the challenges of her role as an assassin, or the complexities of personal relationships, she navigates through them with flexibility and resourcefulness.

Yoshie is an observant individual, maintaining a neutral and keen awareness of her surroundings. Her ability to notice and analyze details allows her to navigate through various situations with a thoughtful and perceptive mindset. This observant nature contributes to her overall adaptability and strategic decision-making, as she remains attuned to the nuances of her environment. Yoshie's observant nature, while generally beneficial, can sometimes lead to a heightened sense of suspicion and wariness. This tendency to overanalyze situations may create a level of perpetual caution, potentially impacting her ability to fully trust others. Yoshie is an idiosyncratic individual, demonstrating unique and distinctive traits that set her apart. While her unconventional nature adds a layer of intrigue, there are instances where her idiosyncrasies can lead to misunderstandings or conflicts with others. The negative impact lies in the potential for miscommunication or difficulty in relating to those who may find her peculiar habits or behaviors challenging to comprehend.

Yoshie's hypocritical tendencies may manifest in the duality of her actions. On one hand, she may emphasize the necessity of her work for the sake of survival or protecting her loved ones, justifying the violence she inflicts. Yet, there could be moments when she expresses remorse or moral reservations about her deeds. This inconsistency can lead to confusion or disappointment among those who observe her, as they may struggle to reconcile her stated convictions with her contradictory behavior. Yoshie operates as a perfectionist assassin, meticulous and precise in every aspect of her work. From planning to execution, she leaves no room for error. Her attention to detail ensures that each assignment is flawlessly carried out, leaving no traces behind.  However, Yoshie's perfectionist tendencies in her role as an assassin come with a negative impact on her personal well-being. The relentless pursuit of flawlessness can lead to heightened stress and anxiety, as she constantly fears the consequences of even minor mistakes. This self-imposed pressure takes a toll on her mental health, potentially affecting her decision-making in critical moments.

Yoshie is inherently defensive, quick to guard herself against potential threats or perceived challenges. This defensive nature stems from a combination of her tumultuous past and the dangerous world she navigates. She tends to be guarded with her emotions and intentions, revealing only what she deems necessary. In interactions, she may exhibit a heightened sensitivity to criticism or perceived slights, leading her to adopt a protective stance. While her defensiveness serves as a survival mechanism in her tumultuous life, it may also create barriers in forming deeper connections with others, as she instinctively shields herself from vulnerability.

Yoshie exhibits possessive traits, especially when it comes to her younger brother, Yuusei. Her deep love and protectiveness towards him border on possessiveness, as she endeavors to shield him from potential harm and maintain a tight grip on their relationship. This possessive nature may extend to other aspects of her life, making it challenging for her to easily trust or relinquish control. While her intentions may stem from a genuine desire to keep those she cares about safe, the possessiveness can sometimes strain relationships and limit the autonomy of those around her. Her stubborn nature is evident in her unwavering determination to achieve her goals and protect those she cares about. This stubbornness can be an asset, driving her to overcome challenges, but it may also lead to conflicts, especially when she refuses to compromise or accept alternative viewpoints. Yoshie's possessiveness and stubbornness add complexity to her character, influencing her actions and interactions with others.

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extra information

▪ ― likes :  flowers. cats. bikes. totoro. stars. instant noodles. weapons esp guns. chocolate pie.

▪ ― dislikes :  liars. toxic people. snobbish people.
rich people. messy surroundings.

▪ ― hobbies :  organizing flowers. making flower bouquet.  listening to music. bike racing.

▪ ― habits :  throwing things when getting mad. vaping when getting too stressed.

▪ ― trivia :
♠ She possesses a small Totoro plushie that accompanies her wherever she go. Despite encountering ridicule from certain individuals about it, she remains unfazed and unbothered.
♠ Having spent years working as an assassin, she now owns three impressive superbikes, each with its own given name. Among them, her favorite holds a special place in her heart, known as 'Blacky' which is her first.
♠ Abandoning school early to care for her brother, she takes on multiple jobs before transitioning into the dangerous role of a hellhound assassin.
♠ Maintaining her dangerous role as a hellhound assassin in secrecy from her younger brother, she quietly plots an escape from the gang once he secures a job after graduating.
♠ She continually displays affection towards her younger brother, Yuusei, even in the face of his resistance. To her, he remains her cherished baby, and her love persists despite his protests.
♠ for some reason, Yoshie consistently leaves a black rose at the scene after each kill, claiming it's merely for her own amusement.
♠ In a fierce defense of her younger brother, Yoshie nearly takes drastic action against a bullying student, skillfully hurling a knife to send a powerful message and protect her sibling.

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i might look like i can't even kill an ant but try me and i will kill you in no time.

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aikawa  yuusei; sibling; treasure haruto
Yuusei is Yoshie's most cherished possession, and he remains blissfully unaware of her life as an assassin. Yoshie's protectiveness extends into his college years, where she continues to shower him with care as if he were still a baby needing her safeguarding. Anyone daring to talk ugly of Yuusei risks swift and lethal consequences, a testament to Yoshie's unwavering devotion to her younger brother. (status: alive)
yoon siwoo; first love; kim wooseok
Siwoo becomes Yoshie's first love, offering her a home and support when she's lacked it throughout her life dedicated to her brother. Siwoo witnesses the breakdown of this strong woman under immense pressure. Just as Yoshie believes she deserves happiness, tragedy strikes when Siwoo is betrayed and killed by his own friend. This traumatic event propels Yoshie into seeking revenge, leading her to commit her first murder. (status: dead)
kang hyeon; best friend; actor song kang
Hyeon enters Yoshie's life when she's resigned to solitude, initially rejecting his friendship. However, witnessing his sincere efforts, she eventually lets her guard down, experiencing a new sense of happiness in his presence. Despite Hyeon's confession of feelings, Yoshie, haunted by the trauma of losing Siwoo, decides to reject him, fearing the pain of loss once again. (status: alive)
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As the elder sibling in the Aikawa family, Yoshie shoulders the responsibility of being the primary caretaker for her younger brother, Yuusei, following the tragic demise of their parents in a devastating accident. Yuusei becomes her singular anchor in a world marked by loss, prompting Yoshie to become overprotective. Her commitment to his safety reaches extreme measures, even leading her to resort to lethal actions to ensure his well-being.

To provide for her brother, Yoshie adopts a grueling routine, working multiple jobs each day and extending her efforts into the late hours as a nighttime delivery girl. However, her life takes a dramatic turn when a confrontation with the Hellhounds gang forces her into a physical altercation. Utilizing the judo teachings passed down by her late father, Yoshie not only defends herself admirably but also captures the attention of the gang's leader, King.

Intrigued by her skills, King extends an offer for Yoshie to join the Hellhounds, plunging her into a world of rigorous training to become one of their assassins. Despite initial reluctance, the allure of lucrative opportunities for financial stability persuades Yoshie to accept the offer. Enduring the demanding training, she grapples with moments of doubt, yet the promise of a secure life for herself and Yuusei propels her to persevere.

Over time, driven by her innate perfectionism, Yoshie ascends to become one of the gang's premier assassins. Her meticulous approach to each mission ensures that she leaves no trace behind, making it exceedingly difficult for law enforcement to track her activities. The combination of her overprotective nature, perseverance, and perfectionism paints a complex portrait of Yoshie as a formidable force within the clandestine world of the Hellhounds.

Crimes committed:
drug dealing. Before joining Hellhounds, Yoshie struggled financially and was involved in drug dealing for a small gang. Even after joining Hellhounds, she occasionally partakes in their drug activities.
murder. As an assassin, Yoshie has taken numerous lives, ensuring a clean slate by leaving no traces behind after each killing.
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