the basics.

name Charlotte Han
other names
— han juyeon 한주연 her Korean name. It is mainly used by her father and extended family members living in South Korea.
— char, charlie, lottie nicknames originating from her English name. She’s usually called by such names by her twin brother, Chris and her friends.
— char siu a nickname coined by Chris, and a play on her name and a Cantonese roast pork. She doesn’t mind him calling her by this name, as she finds it rather amusing and cute.
— charlotte russe another nickname coined by Chris, this time being a play on her name and the dessert of the same name. She also doesn’t mind being called by this name.
— charles now this a nickname given by Chris (in retaliation) that she’s not so fond of, because it’s a guy’s name. Like how she’ll call Chris Chrissie to annoy him, he’ll call her Charles to annoy her back.
— yeon , yeonnie 연니 nicknames orginating from her Korean name. She's mainly called as such by her relatives in South Korea.
birth date September 20, 2000
birth place New York City, USA
hometown New York City, USA
ethnicity Korean
nationality American
— english 100% fluent. Having been born and raised in the US, it’s expected that she’ll be fluent in the language.
— korean 80% fluent. Like Chris, she struggles in expressing herself and understanding others, which has also earned her a look of disapproval or two from uncle Jaejoong and aunt Jihye. However, she has a slightly higher level of proficiency as compared to Chris, so whenever he has trouble speaking Korean, she’s the person he’ll turn to.
face claim Roh Jeongeui, actor
back up Soojin, Weeekly
measurements 163 cm, 47 kg
At first glance, Charlotte gives off the vibe of a girl who looks pleasant enough, with a delicate face, lively eyes and a nice smile. But take a closer look at her, and you might just find that there is this sense of coldness to her, one that is not particularly friendly or inviting. Even so, most people will agree that she’s pretty, her fans on Youtube even saying that she and her brother have clearly inherited good looks from their mother.

Speaking of Youtube, she usually wears light makeup before filming. Because she usually goes for neutral or light colour palettes, it can be difficult to tell whether or not she’s got makeup on. But on the good side, this means that there isn’t really a difference between her bare face and her made-up face.

She currently has dark brown hair. She’s also growing out her bangs, so that she can part them to the sides of her face more easily. As for piercings, it’s the standard lobe piercings and a helix piercing, the latter of which she got back in 2022.
Charlotte has a rather unique habit when it comes to putting together her outfits, and that’ll be having contrasting clothing pieces. As such, you can expect her to wear a leather jacket over a dress, pair a denim jacket together with jeans, or wear a dress over a turtleneck sweater.

It’s also for this reason that her wardrobe has a good mix of feminine-looking and masculine-looking clothes. She sometimes will even borrow oversized shirts from her brother’s closet, which her brother doesn’t mind. So long as it is fashionable and she can find a way to pull it off, it’s definitely good in her book.

Accessories-wise, she has a soft spot for uni jewellery and hats (especially berets). Same goes for her shoes, of which her favourites are combat boots. As for bags, though, it’s the only thing in her closet that is clearly designed for women, since she likes them more.


observant, creative, meticulous,
assertive, forthright, nonchalant,
shy, unsociable, passive
While Chris is more likely to be found in the centre of attention, the same usually can’t be applied to Charlotte. She’s more likely to be found in a corner by herself, sometimes with a friend of two.

People say that she’s not easy to befriend, and they’re absolutely right. She’s very happy to be in quiet contentment, and therefore less likely to need the company of another person. It’s for this reason that it takes a lot out of her to talk to someone completely new, and when she does, she’s always prepared to flee at any given moment. Stepping back and being an observer does have its merits, though. This means that she’s less likely to be caught up in something, allowing her to see things that others tend to miss or not give too much thought about.

Stepping back also means that she has much more time to be immersed in her thoughts, which often manifest in amazing ways. When she’s got something new brewing in her head, she’ll take her time to explore and experiment. She’s usually only satisfied when she’s done something she deems good quality and thorough enough; otherwise she wouldn’t dare to express it to people on the internet. It always pays off, with how her fans notice her hard work and praise her for it.

Her tendency to take her time, as expected, has its drawbacks. It’s hard to get a reaction out of her, but you should not take this as a sign of lacking empathy. She cares, just that it’s not over a whole lot of things. As such, she will not even bother doing something if she doesn’t care about it or she’s not affected in any way. One prime example is the need to socialise, where she finds no purpose in doing so more often than not. But there’s somebody who’s in need of help, she definitely will lend a hand, no questions asked.

Of course, it goes without saying that someone should not push their luck by bothering her. Like Chris, she has her boundaries, and can be extremely clear about it when she needs to. Too clear sometimes, as a matter of fact; if her brother is considered to be direct in his words, she will be even more direct than he is. Yes, she’s aware that being so sharp with her words will push people away more often than not (and she does so more than Chris does), but it does send them a clear message to not even attempt to do the same thing in the future.

But if you’re able to get past all the not-so-nice layers that she put out in the forefront, you’d find someone who is dedicated and can be extremely loving. The thing is, it’s not often expressed in the form of words, but rather, through her actions. That’s what makes her so unique, according to people who are close to her. Because instead of listing a thousand reasons why she loves you, she’d be making you a little ornament or a photo collage, even if she may not particularly enjoy the process of preparing the gift.
— INTJ, 5w4, Ravenclaw,
Lynette from Genshin Impact


When Jaebeom travelled to New York City, planning to work there for 3 years before he headed to another country, he met Annabelle Han, who worked in the same building as he did. Like the other girls Jaebeom was involved with, Annabelle soon fell for his charming ways and before long, they were dating. But it didn’t last long, however, the both of them eventually breaking up due to incompatibility.

Just a month before Jaebeom was to head for the next country on his list, Annabelle realised that she had become pregnant. When he heard of this, he attempted to take responsibility in the form of raising his child (later children) together with her. But she wouldn’t hear of it; she’ll manage somehow, and didn’t want to end up in potentially awkward situations should the both of them co-parent. Turned out that her decision was for the best because of Jaebeom’s womanising ways, which, she would soon realise, means that he isn’t the most reliable person around.

Charlotte is the older twin, with her younger twin, Chris, being born 15 minutes after her. Growing up, for the most part, involved being in New York City together with her mum and twin brother. They do travel once every year to South Korea to meet their father, uncle, aunts and cousins, but outside of the yearly visits, they don’t talk to them much. As a result, they’re arguably family members the rest of the Hwan family is the most distant to. Not that anyone really questioned it, including Charlotte himself (and frankly speaking, she doesn’t really care that much about it).

Growing up, for the most part, is pretty much like any other kid- go to school, get a high school diploma, and enrol in university to get a degree. But if there’s something that surprises her family members and her friends, it’ll be how much she enjoys reading and researching random topics, from optical illusions to the evolution of mobile phones to the American Revolution. She never really thought too much about it, until one day, one of her coursemates in university suggested the idea of starting a Youtube channel and sharing her thoughts.

And she ended up doing just that halfway through her sophomore year.

When she finished filming her first video, she actually found it much easier and even far more enjoyable talking to a camera, so perhaps this could be her way of sharing her thoughts with other people and expressing herself.

Her first few uploads did get a bit of attention, but there was one particular video she uploaded that made her subscriber count increase dramatically. And that’s none other than making a video detailing miHoYo’s history (yes, the gaming company that developed the smash hit, Genshin Impact). A good number of people found her deadpan and sometimes borderline dark humour funny, and even appreciated how detailed her research was. And so they stayed, bearing witness to her uploading even more random topics, and Charlotte branching out to other forms of content like life lessons, vlogs and gaming videos.

She was able to earn herself a silver play button from Youtube and a good amount of money through her channel and sponsorships. She even collaborated with two Genshin Impact voice actors, which only helped draw even greater attention to herself and her Youtube channel.

Being a Youtuber was never something that she initially had in her mind, but now? She’s glad that she gave it a try, and even built up a community through her channel and its videos.


occupation Market researcher at Love, Bonito, Youtuber @charlottesayshi
She’s extremely thankful to have gotten a job under Love, Bonito, a fashion company that has relatively flexible working hours. Because her usual working hours are between 9.30 am to 5 pm, and rostered in such a way that she can work from home on one or two days every week.

When she’s not doing market research, she’ll be working on new videos for her Youtube channel. Once she’s done brainstorming and planning what she wants to do, she’ll be dedicating a good amount of time to do research and film content, and is no stranger to even pulling her phone camera out when she needs to film outdoors. Next comes editing, and once that’s done, it’ll be uploading them onto her Youtube channel. Considering the nature of her job and the time she needs to make her videos, her frequency of uploads is usually once every two or three weeks unless she states otherwise.

Her free time would usually be spent on playing Genshin Impact, or heading out (usually to nearby shops) when she feels like it. Whenever she gets a longer break from work, she’ll try her best to travel to a place outside New York City or even overseas. Because after all, that’s the only time where she can get to relax even more.
current living situation
A few months after Chris began working as a full-time radio personality, Charlotte and her brother moved into an apartment a 20-minute drive away from their old home. It’s relatively small, but it has everything they need- a living room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms and a balcony. Should there be a major change in the future, he may consider moving houses again.
Like Chris, Charlotte thinks that some of her relatives’ values and beliefs are outdated, or rather, not in line with her current values and beliefs. For the most part, she doesn’t even bother correcting them unless it’s something that she absolutely cannot stand.

With that being said, she wonders how her relatives would think if they find out that she has a Youtube channel, and that she’s not afraid to talk about more sensitive issues such as religion, politics and uality, and even crack a few jokes in her videos. And that she’s already performed some ual acts with her boyfriend (though they haven’t had yet). Only Chris is fully aware of both matters, and whether or not Charlotte will reveal any of the above or it gets leaked out by someone else, it’s all up in the air. Either way, it doesn’t matter, and she could care less about what the rest of the Hwan family thinks. Her life, her choice.

did you know.

— She likes androgynous fashion, stand-up comedy, documentaries, salted caramel and handmade gifts.
— She dislikes heavy makeup, sharp smells, talking excessively, birds and overly tight or short clothing.
— She tends to look at her phone immediately after waking up, speaks in English when she struggles to speak in Korean, and always has a lip balm in her bag.
— She enjoys doing research, gaming and collecting earrings.
— Comedy-wise, she is a huge fan of deadpan and dark humour. Her favourite comedians are George Carlin and Rowan Atkinson, but will laugh at other jokes when done well.
— Although she can cook a pretty decent meal, she only does so when it’s necessary. Otherwise, she depends on someone else’s cooking (usually her brother’s) or having food outside.
— She taught herself to design thumbnails and edit videos. And truth to be told, she couldn’t have done it without Canva at the beginning.
— She has a Canva Pro and Premiere Pro subscription.
— She is not particularly fond of Youtube sketches and listicles, especially the latter. More often than not, she finds them a little over-the-top and the acting rather poor.
— She attended New York University and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Sociology.
— Her usual perfume is Victoria Secret’s Amber Romance.
— She doesn’t drink coffee very often. When she does, her usual order would be a cold brew coffee with milk from Starbucks.
— With her name being exactly the same as the dessert, she’s gotten a charlotte cake as a treat from her brother several times.
— Her Instagram account is @charlottesayshi, the exact same username as her Youtube channel. She actually doesn’t update her Instagram account very often, but when she does, it’s usually pictures of herself, the things she’s doing, the places she’s gone to and her friends. She currently has 60.1k followers.
— She has been playing Genshin Impact since 2020. Her current team consists of Ganyu, Xingqiu, Diona and Sucrose. If she is not at work or doing Youtube videos, she likely is playing Genshin Impact, sometimes with her brother. She also uploads her gameplays on Youtube at times.
— She has an ability to explain things like she’s 5; in other words, to simplify and explain complicated or highly technical things in a way that’s easily understandable. Perhaps this is a result of the videos she has made on topics that have interested her thus far.
the holidays.
Celebrating Chuseok with her relatives in South Korea has always been a grand affair, and she neither likes it nor hates it. More often than not, she can be found eating sweet treats, fruits and tea in one corner than talking to her extended family, until someone (her brother, for example), finally approaches her.

She actually very much prefers to celebrate Chuseok with a smaller group of people, where she’s more likely to feel at ease. To her, eating songpyeon together and watching a movie with her family or friends is all she needs, and even better still when the sweets are prepared by her very own brother. Last year, Rich joined her family for Chuseok, and everyone had a great time. Her mother even told her how well-mannered he was and open to cultures outside of his own.
When she was younger, she always went trick-or-treating together with Chris in matching costumes, once even dressing up as Siamese twins.

It’s notable that Charlotte doesn’t participate much in Halloween-related games, but when she does, many people are shocked at just how brave she is, barely even flinching at attempts made to spook her. Perhaps it’s got something to do with how she’s not easily affected by things.

There was a period of time where she stopped going trick-or-treating entirely, but after she opened her Youtube channel, she resumed doing so, sometimes bringing her friends or her boyfriend along. She even managed to get her brother to take time off work to go trick-or-treating with her, with many of her fans finding it endearing to see how they did so while wearing matching costumes. And with Halloween approaching soon, the twins have already planned out what they’re going to be wearing- Lyney and Lynette from Genshin Impact.
Christmas has always been a holiday she looked forward to as a kid, and even when she’s grown up, she still looks forward to it. There’s just something utterly delightful about Christmas- the food, the decorations, the wintry weather and everything else associated with the festival (yes, even snowmen, elves and reindeer).

When she was young, she and Chris would leave milk and cookies by their house’s front door, and jump in joy when she got presents the following day. Now, her role is quite the opposite- gifting presents to her friends and loved ones. And boy, does she quite enjoy the process. But she still loves receiving gifts more. And having lots of delicious food. And even playing fun games.
new year's day
To be honest, New Year’s Day lost its appeal as she grew older, because there’s nothing particularly special about this holiday. She’s certainly not going to be attending New Year’s Day parties, but she does enjoy doing countdown with her family and friends, and even watching fireworks from afar. One time, Chris had brought her to Times Square, and despite it being extremely crowded (and her not enjoying this), she has to admit that the ball drop was spectacular, and it was worth it in the end.

holiday video!
How do you feel about coming back to Hwan village, or having everyone come back to Hwan village?
“I feel pretty alright,” she says, and then goes silent after that. Youngjae, the person behind the camera, gave her a look which she knew meant that she should say more, but she truly finds it difficult. She doesn’t have a whole lot of opinions about her relatives, so what’s there to say? So she gave him a look that read “I can say more, but they may not sound pleasant”. Thankfully, he got the hint, and didn’t probe further.
Who is your favourite aunt or uncle?
“I’d say aunt Jihye. She’s such a successful businesswoman and raised her children at the same time, and I’d love to know how she managed to do that,” she replies with a nod, as if to affirm her thoughts.
We’re doing Secret Santa this year. What do you hope to get?
“A Canva Pro subscription or a Premier Pro subscription, or even better yet, both.” But then she chuckles at Youngjae’s look. “What, too difficult a present to give? Ok fine, I’ll go for something that is practical, and better still if it’s handmade.”
Should we do this again next year?
“Sure, why not?” Truth to be told, she doesn’t really care if they have a big gathering again next year. She probably wouldn’t mind going, but as of now, it’s up in the air, especially with how packed she is with her job and Youtube channel.
The parents are giving us a surprise on New Year’s Day. What do you hope it is?
“The real question is, what do you hope it’ll be?” she says with her eyebrow raised. “Okay, I’ll be serious and say that I hope it’s something that is useful to me. Yep, like what I hope my Secret Santa will be.”
Charlotte considers herself to be extremely lucky that she has a brother, and a twin brother while at that, because life would’ve been way more boring without Chris around.

This is because the both of them did pretty much everything together. They played together, did their homework together, went to the same school, and even sometimes got into trouble together. Needless to say, Charlotte knows Chris pretty much like the back of her hand, and likewise for Chris.

With her brother dragging her around and encouraging her to go outdoors and talk to people, she has to admit that it’s helped her greatly in taking initiative and being more vocal when issues arise. However, the twins are aware of how reserved she still is, and Chris certainly won’t make her say or do something she’s uncomfortable with. On the other hand, Chris has some random fun facts up his sleeve, no thanks to Charlotte and her ramblings when she’s around him. It’s clear that the both of them bring out the best in each other, and she hopes that their bond will remain strong over many years to come.
chris han
Like Chris, Charlotte has a whole lot of respect for her mother for being able to juggle both her family and career. Truth to be told, Annabelle has always been more worried about Charlotte growing up, especially because of Charlotte’s tendencies to keep to herself. She definitely can see why; she’s not exactly the easiest child to raise, but she’s thankful for her mother for looking out for her over the years.

Now that Charlotte’s all grown up, she sees it being her turn to take care of her mother. Due to her packed schedule, she can find it difficult to visit her mother frequently, but this doesn’t stop her from trying her best to do so. Other than that, she will chat with her mother frequently and update her about the latest happenings in her life, and when it comes to seeking advice, Annabelle will most likely be the first person she turns to.
annabelle han
Charlotte first met Richard (better known as Rich) when she was in university, Rich being her teaching assistant for several modules she took during her sophomore and junior years. She initially wasn’t particularly close to him, only contacting him when she needed help with her work or to schedule consultations with him. It was until her junior year of university that Rich said that he enjoyed watching her videos on Youtube that she began talking to him about other things beyond her schoolwork, and that’s when they realised that they have a lot more things in common than they initially thought.

When Charlotte found out that her feelings for him were growing by the day, she would likely have to confess to him at some point. But she knew better than to do so when he was still a student at New York University. So several weeks after he graduated with his master’s degree, she invited him to dinner and had a walk with him at Central Park. Imagine the surprise when he said that he had feelings for her, too.

When Chris found out that Charlotte had gotten herself a boyfriend, he was surprised, but definitely happy that she’s found someone special. He can tell how happy his twin sister is when she’s with Rich, considering how the couple meet each other frequently and can sometimes be sickeningly sweet (in a good way). Like Charlotte, Rich definitely brings out the best in her and helps her become a better version of herself, and will always be there for her, no matter what happens. Even when they’re miles apart from each other, they’ll always make sure to call and text each other often.
rich kingsley
If you think that Chris finds that he has nothing much to say to his father, this rings even more true for Charlotte. Because Jaebeom has never really been a father figure in her life, she treats him pretty much like how she generally treats her relatives.

Ask Charlotte about her opinions on her father, and she’ll say that he seems okay enough, though they certainly are nowhere close to having a father-daughter relationship. It’s always her father who’s approaching her and starting a conversation, because she never can think of anything to say or a reason to talk to him in the first place. Maybe Jaebeom’s tired of being so distant to Charlotte (even more so than Chris) and might want to have a deeper bond with her daughter beyond small talk, and if he does, she wouldn’t mind that. Because she doesn’t care about how close or how distant she can be to him.
hwan jaebeom
Like Jaebeom, Charlotte also considers herself to be distant from her uncle and aunts. She doesn’t have much to say to any of them, or that (at least from what she can see) Chris appears to be closer to them and able to get along with them much better than she can. But it’s not like she really cares about it.

Truth to be told, the way uncle Jaejoon talks to her reminds her of her father. He seems to her as someone who is extremely dedicated to what he does, and a very loving husband and father (unlike her own father), and for that, she looks up to him. But if there’s anything that she does roll her eyes at, it’ll be his opinions that can be, frankly speaking, very outdated and ignorant. She does correct him from time to time, especially when it involves things she cares deeply about.

As for aunt Jihye, she admires how she’s run such a successful business, and also how straightforward and assertive she is. Yet she does get annoyed when her aunt has to say something, when, in her opinion, it would have been better if she had remained silent. Charlotte doesn’t really talk to her much, but she does enjoy it when her aunt talks about the Hwan family business and her experience running it.

Charlotte’s okay with aunt Youngae, given how kind she always is to her and tries to start a conversation. In return, Charlotte is always polite to her aunt. But for some reason, it appears to Charlotte that her aunt might be a bit intimidated by her. Is it because of neutral facial expression, or how she’s not bothered by a lot of things? But there’s also a part of Charlotte that doesn’t want to read too much into it.
the hwan
Charlotte has to admit, Youngjae isn’t exactly her favourite cousin. Maybe it’s because of the way he approaches her, usually with a little too much enthusiasm, that it throws her off. Charlotte tries not to brush him off too rudely, but there definitely were occasions where she’s told him no and to go find someone else. Thankfully, Youngjae has never really seemed to be bothered by this.

If Youngjae finds out that Charlotte has her own Youtube channel, there’s a high chance that he’ll try to rope her in on his own videomaking project. Of course, there will be an equally high chance that she’ll decline to be involved in it, especially when her own twin brother is already involved in helping him out. But if he asks her for favours that wouldn’t require too much effort or time on her end, maybe she wouldn’t mind helping him out.
hwan youngjae
ending notes.
I will be honest and say that writing about Charlotte hasn’t been the most fun experience, especially when I’m trying my best to finish this app before the deadline and worrying about whether I made my twins a bit too similar. But hey, I made it, and I hope you’ve enjoyed reading her too!
scene suggestions
— I’ve mentioned this in her relationships section, but I leave it up to you if Youngjae finds out about Charlotte owning her own Youtube channel! Though I do think it’ll be fun if he asks her for small favours every now and then
— Charlotte losing her temper
— I also love to see Charlotte voice her opinions, especially when she doesn’t do so very often
— Charlotte creating and editing her videos! I’m especially curious on what kind of topics she’ll choose to cover, as they can be just about anything
— Cute messaging or video calling moments with Rich! I imagine them to be a very loving and cute couple who adore each other
password Lavender Haze by Taylor Swift



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