

healing bloody dove


 ✱  background

  She used to be a creative optimistic kid, but she lost her faith in humanity at a young age. Was she really so disposable to them something to throw away? Discard?
Thrown away time and time again. She was their cute little healing dove until she was too much for them, then she was their broken dove, and now the media has named her the bloody dove.

Never mind this was all their fault… they did this to her they made her this broken monster. She didn’t want to hurt anyone no one.,, but they painted her like that a name she couldn’t escape villan ViLLan VILLLIAN

That’s all she was to them. So she will be that character, Life is just like a play after all nothing really matters



On a business trip in Japan Choi Dooyoung met Sato Mai a waitress at the expensive restaurant they were dining at. He fell for her beauty and asked her out, Mai agreed and was straightforward about being a struggling single mother, who had lost her husband to illness. Doyoung didn’t think it was anything really serious, just a fling where he could pamper Mai, and make her feel special while he got her company and more in return. He remembered Mai telling him she was pregnant that she hadn’t slept with anyone else, and that she wanted to keep the baby. He agreed to be in the child’s life, he hadn’t found a woman he liked as much as Mai, and he supposes she could make a good wife. The additional stepchild would be a pain, but he could try and make it work. Doyoung had to return to Korea after his trip ended, but he would fly back to Mai at least once a month, he was also there during the birth, signing the birth certificate with no complaints. Doyoung knew that Mai wanted him to invite them to Korea. He hadn’t made his mind up, every time he visited being in their small apartment reminded him how lower-class Mai was. Hearing the constant crying of the baby and her other child Yuki obnoxious noise. He started feeling like being a father was a bad idea. Getting the promotion further up the ladder in the government was the nail in the coffin of his decision. He stopped flying back to Japan, and ignored all Mai’s attempts at reaching him.


the beginning


 Hana loved her mum she really did but she was always busy juggling multiple jobs, and   when she was home she was sleeping. The person who tucked her in and read her   stories was her older sister Yuki. She was the one who helped her get ready morning   for school and helped look out for her. She would protect Hana from the other students   teasing her.Hana found school boring as she was far above her average grade level, the kids found   her pretentious, and due to her eccentricities.

Hana was quite blind to the extent her mum and Yuki were struggling, she knew she was being kept in the dark but not to the extent. She never really realised that both Mai and Yuki having small appetites wasn’t true, but instead was their way to justify giving most of their limited food to her. Even then she didn’t have a lot in her stomach.

Hana remembers Yuki giving her a chess set on her birthday knowing she wanted one herself after falling in love with it at school, she was so excited about it hugging her tightly she didn’t even question how Yuki could afford it.

Mai refused to talk about her father. Yuki told her what she could remember which wasn’t much, that he was a businessman from Korea, and one day just stopped coming to visit.

March 2015

 When Hana was 13 she was in the backseat, of their beaten-up old car, her mum and   Yuki in the front seats, she remember Yuki telling her mum to pull over because she   looked tired, and she remembered them raising their voices at each other.

 And then it was pain all pain. She remembers opening her eyes her vision blurry seeing   them passed out in the front seat, she tried to check on them but when she tried to move she felt blinding pain. And then she fell unconscious.

 When she awoke she was in the hospital, Hana was informed that her mum had died on the way to the hospital and that she was gone. Yuki had been severely injured but was stable for the moment in an induced coma, the nurses told her that they couldn’t predict if she’d wake up/when she would.

Hana believed that Yuki would pull through, she wouldn’t abandon her like this all alone in this cruel world. Yuki always said she’d be there. She wouldn’t do that She wouldn’t leave her.

Hana had to stay in the hospital to be monitored for the time being, She would visit Yuki holding her hand demanding she wake up.

2 weeks after the accident Doyoung, her father showed up. Hana wanted to run away, she remembers yelling at him hitting him on the chest for leaving them, leaving her, that she has nobody anymore. He listened and held her as she sobbed.

Hana was still mad at him, but he was there offering comfort, telling her he would keep her safe. She asked if he’d keep Yuki safe too, because she refused to leave her. He told her he would if she woke up. Hana said she would wake up. Two days later she was woken by him, he saw his grim face.

“I’m so sorry…”

No no No no No no

He’s lying

He has to be

No No

Hana went to run out of the room but he grabbed her, asking her if she really wanted to see that, to see her body. That she could just remember as she was. Hana wanted to see her, but a part of Hana has always believed in magic, in a weird way if she never saw the body, she could just pretend.

 Pretend Pretend. Pretend.

If she never sees it it’s not real…. The nurses gave her the necklace Yuki was wearing the day of the accident the one she would always wear.

A week later she moved to Korea.

Doyoung had moved up in the government over the years. due to his background in the scientific field, he was a perfect fit for this project being one of the main overseers of it. it was his passion project.

He was monitoring the progress of the scientists when he got the call. He was the closest living relative of the daughter he left behind 13 years ago.
At first, he had no intention of taking her in, but he asked someone to look into her and what she had been up to. Doyoung was pleasantly surprised to see that she seemed far ahead of her peer's academic level at school.

“I think your daughter might be a genius, sir, “ his assistant said.
He stared at the report, “I think you’re right.”

Doyoung couldn’t ignore the opportunity he had. He had the rights to what seems to be a genius tween, ready to be moulded. A perfect test subject in the making.

Her sister was the problem, in a coma, he knew Hana wouldn’t stop whining if he didn’t take her with him. He considered he did, but he needed to be able to teach Hana without interference. And he knew there was a chance Yuki would just be trouble, he couldn’t risk her getting in the way. He considered killing her, it wouldn’t be hard for her in a coma, but he felt too heartless somehow.

There was a high chance she would die without his interference so instead he paid some of the hospital staff an obscene amount of money, to lie directly to Hana’s face. He knew Hana was broken but he could fix her. 




Doyoung moved Hana into a large house far away from people, he gave her space while still trying to bond with her by doing fun activities. He got a therapist to come to the house, the therapist was coached on what to say and would record the sessions so he could listen to them. Hana had trouble opening up at first, but over time she did. But not on everything, she kept that She started writing letters to Yuki, pretending she was just away on a trip, just to herself it helped her cope, and that was private just for her and Yuki.

Dear Yuki,

I’m still very mad at Doyoung there is a part of me that doesn’t want to forgive him, but he’s been very kind to me, he respects my space and doesn’t force me to do anything. It’s nice living in this house, I also get all the food I could ever want it all tastes so good! I ate too much and I felt so full my stomach hurt I never knew what that could feel like.

I love being able to learn without annoying kids interrupting me and I can use tools I never thought I’d have acess to.

But it’s not the same without you, sure all this fancy stuff and all. But it’s not the same as with you and Mum,

I just want you back please come back Please Yuki



He got private tutors to teach her traditional school subjects but actually at the correct level which helped bring her mood up. Sometimes he would take Hana to the cinema or other activities Hana never really had friends, so she didn’t really feel like she was missing much not seeing her own peers. She still did ask about it though why he didn’t put her in school on any social groups.He asked if she wanted to, and she replied, not really.
Hana didn’t have any interest in social media, so Doyoung decided it would be easiest for her not to have access to a lot of the internet, instead she had an extensive library, and was free to play with technology and mechanical parts. And a very watered censored version of the internet.
He taught her about the Korean government in a very romanticised propagandaized way, he told her about 777 that he was actually a superhero. She was so amazed, he said he could be like 777 if she wanted. .

Dear Yuki, I know you’ve never liked the government
 but this program Doyoung is telling me out sounds like it’s gonna help a lot of people, you always told me how important it was to help, even if the world felt unfixable, to do your part.

I want to help people and he’s giving me this chance.

I think You said something like this-

that the world is corrupt and that there are greedy bad people, but that’s why we have to keep on fighting to change the world so it’s better for people like us.

I’ll do that Yuki so I can make you proud. Since your not here

 Not only that but can you believe I’m gonna be a real-life superhero?! I know right, I wish I could see your face I’ve still got the crappy sketch I made when I was 10 I feel with some adjusting I could make it my costume.
Doyoung even said I could design my own costume so cool right?


Dear Yuki

I’ve started getting lessons in physical fitness and fighting AND I HATE IT!!! You’d always cheer me up when I came home from PE, at least I don’t have to deal with team sports and never getting picked… But my fragile clumsy body still keeps on failing me, I don’t understand it just won't listen, I can tell Doyoung is a bit disappointed in me…
I don’t want to care what he thinks, you never were disappointed when I struggled in P.E But Yuki, he’s been so nice to me, I think he might really want to be a dad. I still don’t understand why he abandoned us IT STILL MAKES ME REALLY MAD

 But if I don’t have him what do I do? You're not here

Dear Yuki,
I had an emotional meltdown today…. I know it’s embarrassing But my body wouldn’t listen! You always told me not to give up on things because they didn’t come easy to me. 777 has been telling me all about all the good he does (he’s my teacher)

I think I want to be like him, he even dealt with hardships similar to us, I think I can trust him.

April 2018

When Hana is only 16 the might starts, Doyoung gives Hana the contract saying it's up to her. She signs without much thought. Hana ends up being (one of ?) the first person to take the second version of the tonic.

For someone in training for two years now, embarrassingly Hana was only just passable in combat. However, her high intelligence showed promise for weapon building and strategic planning.

Dear Yuki,
I took the tonic today, I’m gonna be a superhero!! I’m soooo excited I’m gonna be in a superhero team and everything, it’s gonna be like all the comics I read

I wish you were here

During training, the first ability she showed was healing. Hana was so happy she had gotten a power that could do so much good. But Doyoung wasn’t very happy given Hana’s weak combat skills he was hoping for something that would help in that area.

Yuki, I got healing powers!!
It wasn’t what I was expecting, I never really saw myself as a healer…
You’ve always been the healer I always caused problems


The healing dove seemed to be popular with the media. She becomes the baby of the might, cute and endearing.They showcased how the other members of the might took care of her a great way for more PR.
However despite the media’s favour For a while, she was considered quite weak, she could feel Doyoung’s disappointment, and how she was lagging behind making her more frustrated at herself.
But through more training, the second thing she learned how to do was drain other people's energy, at the time she was only able to do it to the point they passed out. This made them realise the fact her power was energy manuplation a broad power with so much potential, suddenly there was all this pressure and focus around her learning all her potential abilities.

They kept trying different methods to unlock other abilities within her power, they worked out that causing her emotional distress had the most success, so they began training her using this method showing her videos and image sounds that provoked a strong emotional reaction with little regard for her mental health. A lot of these stronger abilities seemed to cause her physical pain or fatigue.
They forced her to use these even when training. Doyoung said if she wanted to help people she had to learn to use this power. That pain tolerance is a muscle she just needed to build it and push through the pain.


Dear Yuki,

I know I haven’t written in a long time… a lot has been happening. I really want to tell you all about it but even writing this feels tiring, Dad said to help people I need to endure this but do I really need to watch all these horrible videos? Sometimes when I close my eyes it’s still there the sound to It keeps

Ongoing Going Going on never gone


What they didn’t realise is they had opened up Pandora's box a switch in Hana’s power had been made, they were stronger but volatile and she had little control of her stronger abilities.
Every mission Hana would screw up somehow. Exploding a building, or accidentally killing someone when she didn’t mean to.
She felt horrible and wanted to stop using her powers altogether, but they convinced her they could teach her to control these aspects. She was being told not to shut out these aspects while also being scolded for screwing everything up she felt pulled in so many ways while also dealing with unbearable levels of physical pain and emotional distress.


Yuki if you know what I did you would hate me, I keep on screwing everything up I’m a monster. I’m hurting people, Yuki, Yuki what have I done? Yuki please I just need a hug Please Yuki hug me


She tries to not think about that mission the one that changed everything, she doesn’t even remember what set it off. Sometimes her powers were like that a brief feeling of anger causes a literal explosion.
Without intending to she killed multiple civilians in a very public way, and they saw it was her who did it in her all so recognisable costume.
They quickly took Hana out of the public eye and tried to do damage control.

Hana didn’t know how to cope with all the people she killed, she started shutting down emotionally. Despite everything that happened, the government didn’t want to push down those elements of her power. She was instead put into isolated training again like when she was 13.
She would draw and tinker and listen to music loudly to try and drown out all the voices in her head. She focused on designing and making weapons so she was still useful… always useful.

She remembers the look of disgust and shame she was given by her teammates. Never mind all the damage they had done in the past, this time it affected their image. She heard the way her old teammates talked about her that she wasn’t worth it she was a burden.


They hate me they all hate me, i hate me Yuki, I feel so alone, even 777 looks down on me now, would you Yuki?Would you judge me? Would you hate me?
Answer me please Yuki No one is here Please I need someone


Hana was tired of being isolated and alone, she used her power to get out of the locked house, and she headed to Doyoung's office in a government building where she knew he was working. And then she overheard Doyoung, talking about how her on the phone. She paused before entering.


“I know… I know, she is a bit of a liability, but she also has our strongest potential I just wished she wasn’t so unstable.”
“I only took her in because I saw how ahead she was ahead of her peers, I saw her potential usefulness. She is my weapon I just have to do some mantannice on her.”

That’s not true Right? That’s not true It’s a misunderstanding misunderstanding

“I mean if it came down to it, we could keep her locked up, her weapons are solid regardless of her powers. She trusts me she’ll do anything I ask her to if I say she sits. He let out with a laugh.

Hana felt no control when the energy swam around her body pushing it towards the door, her eyes whiting out hair flying, all she felt was her anger, betrayal and hurt.

All those years All those years She had no one Everyone lied Yuki said she’d always protect her lie Her mum said she’d always be there lie Dad said he loved her lie


 Doyoung looked at her in horror and fear trying to calm her down, saying he didn’t really mean that, it was just talking in work language, Pathetic lies that didn’t make sense it just made her more mad.

Her hands lifted up as energy exploded into his chest, he lay there silent. Hana just stared in shock, tears falling down her face she began holding her head

I didn't mean to Everyone’s dead I killed him
No no no
I couldn’t have

She heard voices and running foot steps she tried to shut it all out, she couldn’t think she didn’t mean to she really didn’t.
and just like that everything went white Part of the building came crashing down around her, along with the bodies of the people who were running to the room,
and yet she didn’t have a scratch because this was all her This was her own destruction
Closing her eyes she teleported away.

The news was everywhere multiple other government officials had died. There was no turning back for her, she was a terrorist she was a killer. She was now the bloody dove

Early 2020

Yuki, What is death? I’m starting to wonder if death isn’t real or life isn’t real?
It doesn’t make much sense does it how we can exist and then just poof not, maybe we’re all in a simulation, maybe this is a movie, maybe I’m in a comic.


Hana didn’t feel real anymore she felt like she was in a dream. Like she was in one of her daydreams, or even a comic book. But it wasn’t real none of it was it couldn’t be

The ringmaster took her in at first, Hana tried she really did, but they didn’t feel very different from the government to her. She wasn’t allowed in on the plans, she was just told what to do no matter what she asked she wasn’t allowed to know the details they didn’t trust her. She heard them talking about her that she was a loose canon, that she wasn’t worth the risk it just made her more mad. And one day it just hit her the ringmaster saw her as just a weapon just like her father did. She was too young Too unstable She was just a weapon She had enough.


She didn’t want to work for anyone anymore. She just wanted to be free. She doesn’t know exactly when it happened but at some point, she stopped seeing life as something as real or with consequences she couldn’t cope with all the people she killed so the best thing she could do was pretend that death was meaningless.

She would play the comic book villain, it would be fun just like a play, just like a play.

 ✱  depth

 Personality traits — chaotic neutrual type 5 BIT LIKE POWDER/JINX FROM    ARCane
  +  excitable, book-smart, curious, loving, brave
  = Contridictry, emotional
  - naive unstable unpredictable sensitive, childish, paranoid, impulsive, insecure,     inferiority complex

 PERSONALITY EXPANDED Hana doesn’t care about most people’s opinions of her, but she does want to be respected for the things she can create and do. In the past, she wanted to come up with unique thought of ideas to try and help the world. Hana is imaginative she likes to ponder far-away concepts and daydream concepts that feel so far away. She likes putting these things into action, by creating things, like art and invention. She’s been told her brain works differently from other people.

Hana never wanted to play pretend in quite the same way her peers did, she would come up with an idea get bored of playing with it, and instead try and bring it to life using what resources she had on hand. Whether it be sketching on scrap paper, or gluing together metal scraps to make her robot friend that existed in her imaginary play. She always found this much more fun than just acting with friends, In any kind of board game or strategic game like chess, she would always beat her classmates leading to them getting frustrated with her finding her arrogant and pretentious.

Hana has always been expressive and a bundle of excitable curious energy, Constantly wanting to learn new things, and often those things came easy to her. Undoubtedly gifted she’d ramble to others about scientific concepts far past her age, often alienating herself from her peers. Hana often has a weird way of speaking rambling and jumping around speaking incredibly fast and sometimes slowing down. Acting incredibly childish with very little emotional regulation, while having the intellect of someone far beyond her years creates a strange contradiction that other people find difficult to navigate. Her emotions swing rapidly she can go from happy to sad to angry in a second small things can cause a shift in her emotional state, in many ways, she seems to be emotionally stunted reverting back to child-like behaviour and state.

In general, Hana felt her intelligence was the main thing she could offer people so if she ever slipped up or fell short of the expectation people had for her she’d feel incredibly inferior. Even when succeeding she felt a strong sense of imposter syndrome, her self-worth tied in what she could do for others in her usefulness, made it hard for her to ever find any kind of happiness or contentment. She is very sensitive to criticism, or any level and will often internalise it and her brain will over-exaggerate it and what it means

She has developed a high level of paranoia, mostly due to being betrayed and let down by those around her it’s hard to believe people when they state good intentions now she believes strongly that people always have alternative motives that they are not telling her about.

Hana always seemed to struggle with sports and physical activity and since so many other subjects came easier to her she would often have outbursts of frustration not understanding why it was so difficult for her. She tends to get impatient and frustrated, if something doesn’t capture her she doesn’t want to give it any of her time.

Hana always wears her heart on her sleeve, and usually just says what she thinks. She's her authentic self through and through.

She is expressive and loving and will show you how much you mean to her, through compliments physical touch and actions. Despite her being detached and distant from people, she used to believe in the good she really did, people may be boring to her but she didn’t think anyone deserved to suffer or struggle and really did want to do her part to make the world a better place.




♡ love interest




hana thinks she's a liar like everyone else, and sometimes does things to make her life harder just for the fun of it. She thinks her expression when she's mad is funny.

☆ the real 
 He was one of kinder teammates during her worst period. Which makes her a little softer towards him, however, she intends to mess with him still potentially taking advantage of his memory problems. Just a little bit more like hijinks than full-on chaos

☆ 777 
Outside of Doyoung Hana was closest to 777, he protected and cared for her. She trusted him, she even talked about Yuki with him. 777 would never replace Yuki, but it was nice having an older brother. When she told him about growing up in poverty, he told her a bit about his experience And then everything fell apart, 

Hana learnt the harsh way that 777’s loyalties will always lie with the government. He watched them push her to the point of no return and then agreed with them when she was painted as the problem she could see his disappointed look every time she screwed up a mission. And she saw 777 in their press meeting talking about her being a terrorist, and that she needed to be apprehended at any cost. It hit her he never protected her not really, not in the way Yuki did.
He was just like Doyoung using her. Always using her.

She swore to get her revenge on her older brother.


Name  choi hana


— dove
Birthdate  25/02/2002

birth place  tokyo, japan

home town  tokyo, japan

ETHNICITY  korean/japanese

Gender  cis women


— korean / fluent 
— japanese / rusty



power (100%)


speed (50%)


technique (50%)


intelligence (85%)


cooperativeness (0%)

colour palette.





[!] visuals

face claim: sakai moka
backup: NAOI REI

height: 164cm
weight: 47kg

— h same as fc, only differnce is her hair is longer ending at her hips 

everyday style
— Unlike her costume, in her everyday life Hana is pretty casual she has a lot of hobbies that get her hands dirty (art and inventing) so it’s just not practical to care all that much about it. She often wears baggy pants with crop tops, her hair up in a ponytail or pigtails to keep her long hair out of the way.

training style
— When she was a part of the Might she just wore pretty standard athletics outfits and didn’t really care much about it.


+ the metal nail things?
— Hana has always enjoyed drawing superheroes including herself as one, she did adjust the idea over time, but she had a rough sketch to go ahead when beginning the might.

So I had a vague idea of what I wanted but I was unable to really find it anywhere. So I ended up drawing up a quick sketch in Procreate using one of those fashion sketch templates I found on Google, I also combined a bunch of ideas I put in this board. This board also includes some of her everyday clothes.

 ⋄ Food
  ⋄ Scientific Theories
 ⋄ Loud music 

 ⋄ fantasy / magic

 ⋄ superhero's + manga / anime

 ⋄ daydreaming
 ⋄ scientific theories

⋄ Liars
⋄  Being bored

⋄ The government

⋄ 777

⋄ The world

⋄ Everyone

⋄ Vegetables

⋄ Sports, particularly team-based ones ⋄ Cars



 ⋄  Idk if this is cringe but basically like jinx like body language

⋄ humming and singing to herself   
⋄ talking to herself 
 ⋄ playing with her hair.

Poking her tongue out when concentrating

She speaks in a sing-song way and sometimes in riddles
She sits in weird ways

She fiddles with things

She talks to herself

Talking with her hands

- Humming and singing to herself

- playing with Yuki necklace -

Skipping when she walks -

jumping up and down.

- dancing around

- tilting her head

- pouting -


- Smiling
 ⋄ Smiling

⋄ inventing

- Art has always been her main hobby, in particular drawing comics, she also sometimes writes comics ---

making up stories
- pranking and hijinks to the people she dislikes

- making weapons.

- chess

⋄ Singing

 ⋄ She's clumsy

She has an Instagram which she logs into sparingly to post a selfie as a way to taunt the government (no she doesn't read comments or DMS is a waste of time) - she is working on a comic staring at her in her free time. First as a hero now as a villain

She likes to narrate herself like a comic book narrator out loud

- She's always gravitated towards theories and unknown concepts.
- She is always even a daydreamer
She was told she was too sensitive a lot by other people,
 she Is worried her only worth is in what people think she can do for them

⋄ “They want a villain, I’ll be the best villain they’ve ever seen”

“Life is all just meaningless it’s like a play, nothing matters at all if you think about it.”

“Why not make it a bit more fun?”
“Haha, what a silly goose you are.”

“Shut up shut shut up shut shut up”

 power explanation 

 meaning of name: She chose dove as a reference to the pedent necklace Yuki used to   always wear, that she now had. She added healing to it since that was the first     aspect of her power she discovered.

 — She wanted to make her father proud, and honour her mum and yukis memories
she used to want to help people, and make the world a better place place. But now she not sure if the world is worth saving.

 — wants to be loved for who she is not what she can do / serve someone
Essentionaly be a terroist and cause chaos for everyone

 power: energy manipulation

 To escape the government she teleports and stays in random countries learning the language in her free time. She just lets herself into an abandoned building/house and makes herself at home.


in generel she prefers to use her powers to help her inventions.

— she can transfer energy from one person/ object to another
 —  She can asorb energy to make herself stronger either from an object or person. 
 — she can drain a person’s energy leading to weakness or death 
 —  She can heal using energy
 —  she can use energy blasts, or balls of energy in combat
 — She can explode things
 —  She can use an Energy shield
 —  she can use energy to propel her upwards essentionally flying
 — she can feel and detect the energy all around her, (eg. Will know if someone is   following her)
 — she can use short range teleportation, and sometimes long range, but long range   is really hard for her to do.

  — She probably has many other potential abilities but she really doesn’t     understand her powers at all
   —  she can’t create energy, only manuplate existing energy.
    — she has very little control over her powers
 — Certain abilities she can only do when brought on by emotions, and she has very       little control over. (Exploding things)
  — Other abilities she needs immense consitration for her to be able to do ( like   long  range teleportation) and usually major consequences to her body.

 side effect(s)
 —  using her powers her can causes her great physical pain and sometimes mental   pain.
 — the further distance she tries to use her powers the more damage it does to her

 — Using her power is slowing driving her insane.
 — she is hyper senstive to everything around her because she can feel all the   energy making her unstable and tired
 She never feels truly off like the energy off the world is constantly biting at her   skin.

 secret keeper(s)
 — N/A

[!] the end

password: AUGUST 2018
the truth is I’m not entirely happy with this, there are things I would like to expand on and flesh out more, particularly around her interest in science and making weapons, but there things I’d actively have to research about to write anything beyond vaguely.

Even though I honestly don’t think either of these are my best apps, I hope what I was going for came through and is understandable and I didn’t directly contradict anything important with the lore. I’m happy to have more conversations on either of them, but I just really wanted to make sure I got them in on time so this is a rushed job.

I also just saw another great app just came in using energy powers welp, I guess it’s hard to avoid cross over

- i wanted to add morth depth t9 her mental health but i ran out of time

- I gave her the intelligence stat I did because I felt how much she lacks in emotional intelligence ultimately affects her overall “intelligence” level if that makes sense?

- I found out while writing this, apparently, it’s very rare to be able to skip grades in Japan regardless of your academic level.

I know it’s likely she would have worked with the ringmaster when she was in the might, but since you’ve kept her very mysterious I’ll leave that up to you. In a similar vein, I wasn’t sure what specific falling out Hana had with the ringmaster, it could have been a misunderstanding or even something quite trivial but Hana being in such a bad place would probably take it the most extreme way. I’m happy to have more discussions about this I just didn’t want to overstep when writing about the Ringmaster

- I am worried about her being too OP I know there might be the issue of her having too many abilities that overlap with other characters, so I totally understand if you want to nerf her!

I wasn’t trying to make her the “main character “ or anything. I noticed that no one (at least of starting it) had created an antagonist with a ton of power, who is unpredictable chaotic, and self-destructive, but how they ended up makes it hard not to emphasise and even route for them at times.
However I did try my best to give her major consequences, she can do an insane amount of things, but those things cause her a ton of damage + she doesn’t have proper control over most of it.

I kind of love this archetype and she's primarily just a mash-up of a bunch of existing characters: the Scarlet Witch,/wanda. victor Hargreaves, the collector from The Owl House. The training child soldier vibes. Is kind of similar to Eleven Stranger Things. And ofc jinx/powder from Arcane.

Not an original character by any means but I just hope you have fun with it! You can either have her go full unredeemable villain or let her sit in a bit of grey, it’s kind of your choice if she's chaotic neutral or chaotic evil.

— her










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hello, and thank you so much for applying (twice)! whew, now I can find out what happened to hana and what her shady dad was up to. I’m so excited! you sketched that?! first of all, that’s beautiful, and I am so into hana’s costume. and secondly, you’re an amazing artist.

I KNEW THAT MAN LIED TO HER about yuki. I know I probably said this in yuki’s review, but I can’t stand doyoung, and I’m ready to fight him for both yuki and hana at this point. ‘a perfect test subject in the making’ https://media.tenor.com/X1uFl5EYXr8AAAAC/the-wizard-of-oz-wizard-of-oz.gif me to doyoung on every day of the week. if doyoung has 100 haters, I’m one of them. If doyoung has one hater, it’s me. If doyoung has no haters, I’m dead.

I don’t know where these letters that hana wrote to yuki are now, but imagine yuki reading them in the present day! I would lose it. imagine me just sobbing over my keyboard as I write the scenes out. oh my actual goodness, the murder of multiple civilians and publicly. well, I’ll be got damned, hana. but the crazy thing is that this is still doyoung and the government’s fault. they brought this part of her power out by forcing it out.

but but but the disgust from her teammates is what is really calling out to me! because they wouldn’t really know what’s going on with her father and her powers, so instead they just see someone who is supposed to be a healer using her powers to ruin missions and kill innocent people. yeah, that’s going to be a great way to play with the different character dynamics and relationships that were formed in the past. writing certain reactions, conversations, and relationships in the present is going to be a great challenge for sure. I can’t wait! your characters have added so much more depth to the story. I love the layers that can be built onto the might through everyone’s perspective while still reigning it in to form a cohesive story.
‘maybe I’m in a comic’. oof, the escapism as a coping mechanism! and she couldn’t even feel safe with the ringmaster. though, to be fair to hana, yeo has plans of her own and things that she wants/needs to happen. plus, she will definitely use people if she sees fit. so it’s understandable why hana wouldn’t feel comfortable there either, especially after her trauma with her father. ‘she swore to get revenge on her older brother’. I love this line! hana still viewing him this way but also wanting her revenge.

Hehehe I love that she narrates her own adventures. it’s actually sad because you can tell that her mental health is taking a toll on her after everything, but her little quirks are going to be really amusing.

just to respond to your notes: we end up (as writers and characters creators) judging ourselves very harshly. both yuki and hana are amazingly well written, and you did BOTH of them in such a short time span. I literally could never and would have given up. I cannot tell you how grateful I am to have them both in this story and to be able to flesh these characters out and use them to make this story good for yall. I actually love that some characters have similar powers because yall wrote them with different applications/weaknesses, and playing on that will make for such good fights in the story! I don’t think you made her overpowered, with her increasing toll on her mental health and the damage that she can take from doing too much as well. These apps were very easy to read through and understand, and when I tell you I LOVE them, I’m not even lying. I added them to my outline so fast lol. so please look forward to her appearance in the upcoming teaser, and thank you so much again for applying! ♡
hello, and thank you so much for applying (twice)! I cannot tell you how excited I am to see another japanese character who’s pretending to be korean for the sake of joining the might. at this point, I might just throw them in a lil ‘we ain’t really korean’ group chat. I kid, but I really do love the concept. I haven’t even gotten to read the app fully yet, but I’m already loving the vibes. her outfit choices, her hair color, her color palette, her hero name. she seems very futuristic and fun!

one of her dislikes being her own emotions is so real. ‘people who mindlessly follow authority’, I know that’s right with your 35% cooperation as a hero. I love to see it. ‘I’ll protect a homeless person, and let a billionaire die every time’ this line actually made me laugh for much longer than I probably should. but yuki won me over with that one!

I think the reason I like having the background before the personality is that it really helps me understand where characters are coming from before I get into who they truly are, and yuki is a PERFECT example of this. all of the beautiful detail you put into her background: her lying out of necessity to feed her mother, her dislike of class traitors and getting into political theory, and even all of the details of the car crash. all of these things come together and help me understand why yuki can be so cautious around others or bitter about life. I just love when I feel like I’m reading a story instead of a character app, you know?

anyway, I do really feel for yuki and how fast it seemed she had to grow up, taking care of her sister and her mother who couldn’t really handle taking care of all three of them. oh, hana’s father is gonna have me fight him because who is he talking to like that? and how could he just have hana abandon her sister as if yuki didn’t also go through something traumatic. please know I was truly clutching my pearls when that man called yuki’s phone after the fire. I am appalled lol! why am I actually on the edge of my seat, even though I already know yuki is going to get into the might. reading your app just makes me anxious to read your stories as well because your writing is ridiculously detailed. I love it, and I’m over here rooting for yuki with my whole heart!

AH! I love the back and forth, will they won’t they relationship that yuki has with yeo. it’s funny because yuki seems like she’s just playing around until she can find her sister, and yeo is probably just on the other side wondering what the hell she’s supposed to make of all of this. WOW, I really like yuki’s powers. I love it, and she’s going to stand out immensely in the might. this is going to be so much fun to write out! the side effects and the weaknesses!! the applications of this ability that you chose are going to add so much to the story.

I don’t know if you can tell, but I actually am blown away by yuki. I love her, and now I have to quickly run to her sister’s app and take all of that in as well. I’m so grateful you introduced me to temporal reload (and the might’s first real anarchist!) because I hadn’t heard of this power before now, either! please look forward to her appearance in the upcoming teaser, and thank you so much again for applying! ♡
Sorry for another additional comment, but I am sorry you’ve ended up with 3 energy manipulators, I wanted to pick powers know one else had for a character, but I guess sometimes things just go this way. I could always change Hana’s power to something else if you’d like more variety?
I realised I totally forgot to add this part cause I was tired so I’ll just put it her lol


Her values:
She's anti-capitalist
She's an anarchist
-She doesn’t feel bad about stealing/scamming/conning rich people.
- she will do as she is told by the government up until a point. If it goes directly against her values, she’ll try and use her manipulative side to get out of it / or her power.
-she tries to keep in mind some people are stuck in contributing to a bad situation, due to fear or necessity and knows she does not know everyone’s goals. Given she would come across as a government loyalist.
-She wants to avoid killing, but if thinks the person is truly scum, or in self-defence she's willing to.
Oh forgot to put in Hana’s app that when she uses a huge amount of her power, her eyes completely white out, maybe glow slightly?
I don’t understand time zones so idk if it when i wake up it will be the 5th or the 6th for you guys cause nz is usually ahead and im confused. Im so close to being done but im legit fallling alseep so ill finish right when i get up promise really sorry