Full name : lee yoobin

Alternate name(s) :
- elio lee - an english name he gave himself because he really liked the movie call me by your name and thats the main character


- country boy - he randomly speaks in daegu dialect when he's being sassy or annoyed even when they don't understand so fans started calling him that
- mama binnie - he's like the mom of the group but he's still young so s and fans call him that when his motherly side is activated
- pengbin (팽빈) - intl fans thinks its because he looks like a penguin but korean fans called him this because he looks like piplup. in korean piplup is paengdori (팽도리) so pengbin
- kylie lee - he has big lips so intl fans called him kylie lee in the comments of artbeat videos. he didn't get it at first until he saw kylie jenner and then go pride in it. now he calls himself that.


D.O.B : march 31, 2002
Birthplace : daegu, south korea
Hometown : daegu, south korea until 2014 then he moved to seoul, south korea
Ethnicity : korean
Nationality : korean


Pronouns : he/him/his
Orientation : straight


- korean - 100% - he's from daegu so he speaks in dialect comfortably. sometimes his accent would come out and he'll mumble to himself in daegu dialect.
- english - 20% - he speaks basic english that he learned from school and training
- japanese - 5% - he learned basic stuff from training


Faceclaim : drippin's hyeop
Back-up : the boyz chanhee

Height : 174cm
Weight : 66kg

Appearance : yoobin is a cute guy, he has a small head and squishy cheeks with monolids and big lips. he's confident in his visuals so he thinks he's very good looking. he isn't tall and naturally thin. 


Fashion : yoobin's fashion sense is slightly androgynous, he likes bright colors and experimenting. he sees fashion as gender neutral so he doesn't see anything wrong with wearing croptops or painting his nails. he wore his sisters clothes when he was younger so he shops in both sections of the store. he's small enough to fit their clothes anyways and shares clothes with his sisters often. hybe wasn't too fond of how he dresses because korea is so closed minded so he tries not to tone it down now but when he's hanging out with friends he'll dress like he usually does. if the company stopped regulating his outfits he'd wear what he wants.


getting to know

esfp. aries. gryffinpuff.


- (+)energetic, talkative, social, creative, naive, loyal, open minded
- (-) blabbermouth, nosy, impulsive, blunt, sassy, messy, loud


yoobin is a fun person. he's like the funny and sassy gay friend that isn't even gay and actually somehow gets girls to fall for him. being the extrovert that he is, he loves making new friends and being around people. he can start a conversation with anyone and with his flamboyance its hard to forget him. he's just extra and some may find it annoying how loud he is. especially since h'es nosy as hell and has a big mouth.

he has a short attention span because sometimes instead of paying attention he'll be spinning on his chair having the time of his life all by himself or bother his friends instead by squishing their . but when theres a challenege or an activity taking place, he's the first to jump in and participate even if he knows he'll fail because yolo. the only timehe concentrates is when he's dancing or choreographing, its like he transforms into a different person. especially when he teaches he looks small and cute but he glares attentively and pays attention to detail. when it comes to dance he could do it for hours then only realize its been hours once he steps outside and its pitch black and his body hurts. 

other than that hes all over the place running around and can actually be kind of wild too. like they say, curiosity killed the cat, and he's felt the backfire of his curious nature more than once. he's always down for a random adventure and will gladly drag his friends with him.

yoobin is an open book and he thinks that naturally other people are too, but this obviously isnt the case. he has nothing to hide and will answer you truthfully no matter what the question is even if its a little rude or too honest. but usually he says it in a funny or sassy way that doesnt hurt as much.

he's also a big crybaby. he cries hella fast but then gets over it quickly once he gets distracted by soemthing. he would always be there for his friends and family when they're sad, but usually his advice is straightforward first and then empathetic.

he can be explosive, especially when people mess with his friends. he's quick to stand up in front of someone and defend his close ones, usually speaking loudly with his country accent. he isn't passive and will speak up if he disagrees with something but won't be rude about it. he usually doesn't hold a gudge so he gets over anger quickly and is quick to forgive others. even when he's sad he gets over it relatively fast.


yoobin was born in daegu as the youngest and only boy to a family of 4 sisters. his mom really wanted a son, she already had yoojung back in 1993 but wanted to give it one more shot before nature took its course. each year from 1999 she had girls until she had yoobin in 2002. the doctors actually thought he was a girl so thats why they named him yoobin but when he was born they were surprised to see it was a boy.

his family is a big fan of the arts, his dad was a highschool music teacher and his mom a ballet instructor at daegu university. all his siblings before him were either musically gifted or could dance, and hanse got the dancing gene. yoojung got the dancing gene but everyone in between were singers with two left feet then yoobin was born. he started taking ballet classes when he was 3 and had to learn piano like all his siblings. the rest of his siblings (except yoojung) stopped dancing at around 10 but yoobin only got better. but as he got older he found an interest in hiphop because of his older sister. watching her dance was much more fun and exciting than twirling to piano music. he started taking hiphop classes at 8, instead of starting with beginner classes he went right to intermediate because he was already a fast learner from his years of ballet. he moved up to advanced classes with his sister by 10 and was the youngest in the class. him and his sister were known as the double d, the daegu duo since they had really good chemistry dancing together despite the .

in 2014 yoobin and his family moved to seoul because his mom got offered a better job as a ballet instructor at korea national university of arts. either way yoobin had no problem making friends at school, he's outgoing and can make friends anywhere. in 2015, some of his friends wanted to audition for a dance group called artbeat so he joined too for fun and got in. they did kpop dance covers, yoobin was one of the original members and overtime they gained a lot of followers on youtube. that same year his sister joined 1million as a dance instructor, when he wasn't at school or practicing with artbeat he was with his sister in the dance studio helping her choreograph or taking her classes. you know how before the class the instructor shows the dance first, yoobin would usually be by yoojung's side showing them the dance. in class he'd be like her little assistant. yoobin would occassionally take ballet classes but it wasn't as consistent as when he lived in daegu. his hiphop skills were only getting better from all the dancing he was doing.

in 2018, his last year of middle school at 16 he auditioned for dancing high with a few of his other friends but he was the only one to make it. dancing high was a really fun opportunity for him, he got to work with amazing dancers and make new friends. he was on hoya's team so he didn't win but that got him to get an offer from bighit, that was the beginning to his life as a trainee.

- ice cream
- painting his nails
- frogs
- chicken nuggets


- anything with matcha
- people that are way too gassy like ok farting once is fine but twice in a row? boy gtfo
- mukbangs because they make him hungry
- Min 5!


✩ looking at others judgmentally when they do something stupid then joins them
✩ cracking his knuckles
✩ tapping his foot
✩ dancing everywhere and anywhere
✩ hitting when he laughs or just in general when he's being playful or just talking casually
✩ cursing like a sailor
✩ scrunching his nose when he's frustrated
✩ biting his lip when concentrating
✩ rolling his eyes when annoyed
✩ screaming high pitched when he gets scared


✩ dancing! dancing! dancing!
✩ choreographing
✩ taking dance classes
✩ learning group dances
✩ shopping and thrifting
✩ giving fashion advice to his friends and dressing them up
✩ painting his nails and his friends nails, he can do pretty designs too
✩ borrowing his friends and sisters clothes


✩ dogs because he's allergic to the saliva, as long as it doesn't him or drool on him he's fine but being around them make him lowkey anxious
✩ trypophobia it makes his skin crawl and he covers his eyes immediately he can't. you can literally see the goosebumps on his arms after looking at that


Notable talents
- nail art
- dancing
- choreographing


✩ for highschool he went to hanlim arts school for practical dance. he never went to a performing arts school and he always found school boring so combining the thing he loved with the thing he hated made it more bearable. he was well known amongst his peers because his sister was a choreographer at 1million and because of his position in artbeat. he had many friends and girlfriends.
✩ he has some serious bed hair when he wakes up so he straightens his hair in the morning. he can't stand to see others leave the dorm with messy hair so they're bound to all get their hair straightened by him eventually. and yes he will force them to sit down
✩ he likes girl groups better than boy groups.
✩ his favorite singers are lady gaga, troye sivan, blackpink, doja cat, dean, sza, everglow, clc, khalid, itzy, 2ne1, gdragon, connan gray, gidle, snsd, keshi, lauv, PRISTIN AHEM (wee woo was iconic and he'll never get over it), somi, itzy, and his hybe family
✩ his go to coffee order is iced brown sugar oatmilk shaken espresso. its a ton of caffeine but he doesn't drink coffee often so when he does he needs some energy
✩ his favorite animal are frogs becasue they're just so cute?? who needs a cat and dog when you can have a frog
✩ he can tie a cherry stem into a knot with his tongue, his tongue game is strong af


Quotes : 
- "are we surprised that she left? she couldn't dance at all. but i'll miss her though she was cute."
- "i'm the best dancer here, i'll battle anyone right now who can prove me wrong."
- "girl are you dumb?" (casually says to a boy)
- "you look like a hot mess."

Hello, please introduce yourself : here


What is your reason for joining the show? : here


What do you consider your strengths? : here


Is there anything new you want to try on the show? : here


What is your view on Genesis88? : here


Would you ever try to compete for the center or leader role? : here

And finally, what advice would you have for your younger self that's about to audition for the first time? : here

Relationships :


- older sister : lee yoojung / choreographer / istp / 10/10
out of all his sisters he's closest to yoojung because they're both dancers. the time they spend together is mostly learning dances or coming up with choreography. during training yoobin still danced with yoojung and took her classes. she's a chill person but strict when teaching but also patient and helpful, just a really nice girl. during those times in the dance studio they catch up with each other. out of all his sibling he's most likely to tell her anything crazy going on in his life. even though he's the youngest she's closest to him too. he will definitely keep her updated during the show.

- bestie : choi beomgyu / txt / 10/10
they're best friends. they got close mostly because both of them are from daegu and feel at home talking in dialect to each other. no matter how busy they always find their way back to each other to spend time together even if its just going for a walk or laying in a dance studio and staring at the ceiling while always hold hands. they used to be cuddle buddies when they were training but after txt debuted they can't cuddle anymore, sadly. now they make up for it by doing a bunch of skinship when they see each other like sit on each others lap and backhug, the most of all is holding hands everywhere. they spend their vacations together in daegu at each others houses, their parents are friends too now.

- archnemesis : nishimura niki / enhypen / 2/10
ever since niki became a trainee, yoobin felt threatened by his skills. on i-land there was always tension whenever the two were even two feet from each other. still now its not awkward when they're near each other but just tense like theres an elephant in the room. their interactions are filled with teasing and sarcastic comments. both of them are forever trying to prove that they're the better dancer so even for small things they compete like who can drink their soda faster. niki really gets yoobin's feathers ruffled.

love stuff : yoobin met a lot of his girlfriends through yoojung since she choreographs for groups and friends. he somehow remains on good terms with all of them which can either make him seem like a good guy or even more of a boy depending on who you ask. its easy for him to talk to anyone to girls fall for him easily, he often goes on dates with girls and hooks up with them yet still be friendly after. people seriously wonder how someone like him gets game and the truth is its just kindness. so he'd definitely be flirting with the girls on genesis88 and probably date around in the short timespan that hes on the show.

Stagename : n/a


Position : dance
Talent twin : rocky


Trainee and/or idol life
training was a fun time for yoobin, tiring but fun. most people complain about the long hours of dancing but he was used to that from school and outside practices so that was no problem. he also enjoyed taking lessons and getting the chance to perform in front of legendary artists and dancers. the hardest part for him was singing, he only sang playfully with his friends but voice lessons were torture. he finished everyday with a sore throat from voice lessons and his voice wasn’t bad but singing was just hard. he’s not a bad singer though its fair to say that singing doesn’t come naturally and it was taught to him instead. one thing that made him stand out was that he wasn’t afraid like everyone else. he’d be the first to volunteer to show the dance, even sing if he could reach the note and he’d have no shame even if he messed up. some saw him on dancing high and knew of his sister so he had high expectations and didn’t disappoint.

✩ yeonjun was known as the legendary trainee back then but yoobin was giving him a run for his money in the dancing department. yeonjun was known for always getting first in monthly evaluations in all categories but when yoobin came around they fought for the top spot and yoobin beat him a few times. yoobin was on the verge to being a last minute addition to txt since he got along with the members well too. but his vocals were kind of lacking compared to the rest so they decided not to debut him. he didn’t mind because he was only training a few months anyways.

✩ after txt debuted he took over yeonjun’s spot as the best dancer at bighit and he stayed on his dancing throne until niki joined the company. niki and yoobin became like enemies, when monthly evaluations were already giving them something to be heated about they had dance battles between breaks too and the other trainees would choose a winner. yoobin didn’t feel threatened by yeonjun, they’re actually great friends, but for some reason he felt threatened by niki.

✩ they both ended up in i-land and were battling it out there. yoobin did a good job on the show, his ranks were up and down but he made it to the last episode and made 9th place. he didn’t make the final for enhypen so he just went back to training. it was frustrating for him because he never really got reject before, for txt he understood that he wasn’t ready but he was ready this time and still didn’t make it. it was a blow to his confidence that didn’t last long because with niki gone in enhypen he went right back to being the best dancer in bighit. not that long after enhypen debuted he heard about source music wanting to create a new boy group so he asked to be transferred in hopes of making it. but instead he ended up on the show.


Life on Genesis88 : he wouldnt take it all that seriously besides dancing. he knows hed debut anyways and if he doesnt he'd just be a choreographer like his sister. just be a sassy mess that dates someone new each week.


The audition : his audition went well his dancing was the strongest in the group and he rapped well too. at times he could look like he was overdancing but either way he got praised by the trainers.


Seat number(s) : 6


Predicted grade : A


Flexibility level : 99%


The intro video : he'd introduce himself and say he's going to teach them a dance for an audition. first he shows it then shows them the choreography step by step but since he's yoobin and extra he screams at the camera acting like the viewers messed up and can't get it. in the end he says nevermind you failed and walks away.


Second mission song of choice : my first and my last


Genre of choice : dance


Yyxyloona : Mia


Closing words : here


Questions or concerns : here

Suggestions : here

Scene requests, plot ideas : an enemy like with niki would be funny!
- his sister or txt or enhypen being guests!
- yoobin sees his ex on the show??
- him and some others forming a gossip crew that know all the tea going on

Password : paradox


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for jiae, I can accept her as long as her basics, personality and idol section is filled in! then the rest can be done when you have more time
Also i am so sorry for not noticing earlier but Sunoo has also been taken as a faceclaim by someone else... Do you have a backup for him?
Hi! I'm very happy to receive these bubbies but could you please change Yudai's seat and also provide a backup seat for Jiae?

Since the #1 seat can be challenged (and already has a challenger in the graphics) she has to be put on the seat where she'd sit down in case she loses the #1 seat (which isnt decided yet, its just for graphic reasons)

And for Yudai, sadly seat #38 has already been claimed by someone else 😖 please refer to the cheatsheet and contestants page to pick a free one!