

Full name : Morimoto Anzu (森本 あんず)

Alternate name(s) : Anna Morimoto - it is her English name


- Salgu - it means apricot in Korean and that's the meaning on her Japanese name
- Zuzu - a nickname that many people call her but mostly close friends
- Tokyo Samurai - trainees at SM used to call her that because samurai's are known for being powerful and Anzu was a very strong trainee. Many trainees and staff had high expectations for her. It followed her to Starship too.
- Starship's Swan - she would be called that by netizens after learning she was an SM trainee


D.O.B : November 20, 2004
Birthplace : Tokyo, Japan
Hometown : Tokyo, Japan
Ethnicity : Japanese
Nationality : Japanese


Pronouns : She+her
Orientation : Straight


- Japanese - 100% - she was born and raised in Tokyo, even though she hasn't been back in 2 years she still remembers because she talks to her mom almost every day
- Korean - 60% - she learned while training for 2 years
- English - 75% - she took english classes in school and her mom made sure she was fluent


Faceclaim : Ive's Rei
Back-up : CSR's Yuna

Height : here
Weight : here

Appearance : Anzu is beautiful. She looks just like her faceclaim with brown hair. She has an innocent and sweet vibe to her. She has a slim and fit figure at 48kg and is 170cm tall with great body proprtions. 


Fashion : She dresses neatly all the time. She never goes outside without matching and having her hair done nicely. Even if its just in a ponytail it's in a neat one. She cares a lot about quality of her clothes so they can last long so she tends to buy expensive things.


getting to know

ENTJ. Scorpio. slytherin.


- (+) respectful, determined, confident
- (0) adaptable, competitive, perfectionist
- (-) , condescending, biased, judgmental


On the surface Anzu is very polite with a good attitude. She really seems perfect, she looks neat with nice fashion and is beautiful. She seems so gentle and elegant by how she moves in day to day life. People see her as confident by how she carries herself. She is someone that is determined, she works very hard when she wants something. Since she was little she was training to be perfect so she's good at acting like it. She perfected being elegant and soft spoken for ballet but the idol world is a bit different. Though her mom made sure that she perfected being the perfect idol too by studying other famous idols. She knows just what the camera wants to see.

To everyone she first meets she's really friendly. She is easy to talk to so many people see her as a friend since she is comfortable to talk to. But behind the smile and kind eyes she is looking you up and down and judging you so hard. After a while people will notice that when the camera's aren't rolling and she isn't around someone important the way she talks changes a bit. 

To her friends she straight up talks bad about other people's appearances and abilities. She doesn't see the problem because training is a competition anyways, not everyone can be friends. But even to her friends she says condescending things that come off as offensive yet caring so it's kind of confusing and they're still friends with her. She sends mixed signals by hyping her friends up and supporting them a lot but then would say those kind of comments. She actually really doesn't see the problem with what she says because she grew up hearing those things from her mom and at Tokyo Ballet School. To her it's being helpful for real, not toxic. In the ballet industry eating disorders is common because of the expectations and way they talk so that's Anzu's normal.

Anzu gets her competitiveness from her mom because she always told her that she has to be the best. She works really hard to better herself, in the 2 training years she never took a break. It's so normal to her actually, taking a break would feel weird because she wouldn't know what to do with her spare time. She could do things she'd do on her break day on a working day so she doesn't see the point of taking a break. She is hard on herself but doesn't tell anyone that, others opinions don't bother her it's only her moms. She can be really confident and get good reviews until her mom points out one bad thing and she'll lose all her confidence and practice so much to get her mom to approve of her. 


Anzu was born in Tokyo Japan as the old child to a banker dad and a ballet teacher mom. She was dancing ever since she could walk basically. Her mom was strict about her becoming a dancer like her and trained her from young. She looked up to her mom so she wasn't opposed to it, she went along with everything her mom said easily like a good girl.

Whether it was big or small performances she performed from a young age too. She focused on ballet and contemporary dancing but mostly ballet so all her performances were ballet based. She attended Tokyo Ballet School where her mom taught and they were known to train children to be ballet dancers from when they were young and a lot of the students ended up as principal dances at Tokyo Ballet School or other major ballet companies. The training was really rough and strict but since she grew up in it she was used to it.

Initially her dream was to be a ballerina. She always listened to K-Pop casually but never stanned a group until she saw Winwin and Ten's Lovely choreography and fell down the NCTzen rabbit hole. She never saw being an idol as something possible for her because they didn't do ballet and that's what she wanted to do but after seeing that she thought maybe there is a place for people like her.

She heard SM was having auditions in Japan and decided to go with her friend that was a long time Kpop fanatic, she really didn't expect to make it at all since it was just for fun. Her mom gave her permission to try out and put it behind her if she didn't make it. But a month later she heard back that she did pass to both her mom and her surprise.

- Getting her nails done
- Putting on makeup and dressing up for performances
- Shopping
- Salads
- Linking arms with her friends
- Green tea
- Black coffee
- She has a big suppressed sweet tooth
- Riverdale and Euphoria

- Anime


- Eating junk food because she feels guilty
- People who keeps smacking their lips when they eat
- Lying to her mom and hiding things from her
- Winter
- Messy and cluttered places
- Cringe dramas


- Stretching for an hour before every practice 
- Rolling out her legs after dance because she's always in pain and it helps 
- Having good posture all the time
- Cracking her bones in the weirdest ways
- Practicing ballet everyday by going through basic formations with her mom on videochat or taking a video of it to send it to her mom. If she eats too much the day before her mom makes her do more intense practice. She practices pointe at least 3 times a week so she doesn't lose it.
- Cursing in Japanese when frustrated


- Dancing
- Ice skating 
- Choreographing
- Yoga
- Pilates


- Failing
- Her mom being disappointed


Notable talents
- Ballet
- Flexability

- Hard yoga poses


- Her favorite groups are NCT, BTS and Twice
- Momo, Jimin, Winwin and Jeno are her favorites
- Someone that is a good dancer is her ideal type
- When she is really stressed she would smoke a cigarette because it stops her from getting hungry and helps her stress. Many people don't know that is the reason why though
- She also enjoys Dean, Justin Bieber, Kenshi Yonezu, Aimyon, jazz and classical music
- She watches what she eats all the time
- She can't cook
- She knows how to do light make up
- If she doesn't make the debut group of Genesis 88 then she'll go back to Japan when she's 20 so she can go to college for dance
- Her favorite Korean food to eat is KBBQ and she wraps one piece of meat in 3 pieces of lettuce
- She has a Shiba Inu named Pochi 
- She has clear skin because of her skincare routine


Quotes : 
- "Wah you're going to eat all that? Should I get worried about your health?"
- "If you laid off the snacks you wouldn't look so heavy when you dance."
- "Her legs jiggle so much, isn't she embarrassed?"
- "Wah unnie did you gain weight from yesterday?"

Hello, please introduce yourself : hello, i'm starship's swan and tokyo samurai anzu.


What is your reason for joining the show? : i want to debut really badly. i think this show will give me a good chance to show my talents.


What do you consider your strengths? : dancing is my biggest strength. i've been dancing since i could walk.


Is there anything new you want to try on the show? : i want to try more hard hitting choreographies because since i studied ballet i'm more of a fluid dancer. i'd like to improve that side of myself.


What is your view on Genesis88? : it seems fun, instead of waiting for a whole other season i like that its giving male and female trianees the opportunity to debut.


Would you ever try to compete for the center or leader role? : if i have the opportunity i'd love to! 

And finally, what advice would you have for your younger self that's about to audition for the first time? : i'm happy where i'm at so i wouldn't change anything. i'll just tell myself to try your best like always. oh and study korean more, i was so bad at it in the beginning it was embarrassing.

Relationships :


- parents : Morimoto Yamada and Kondo Haruka / banker and ballet teacher / enfp and istj / 10/10

Both are very different, her dad is really chill and supportive. He prefers the background and only really stands up to say anything if he strongly disagrees. The "ask you mother" kind of dad. So Haruka runs everything from Anzu's diet to her career. She molded Anzu to be just like she wanted. For the last almost 2 years Anzu has video chatted her mom almost everyday to show her her dancing on video chat for monthly evaluations on top of doing ballet for her when she had downtime in the studio herself. She also takes a picture of all her meals and sends it to Haruka and updates her on her weight every 2 weeks. Haruka is really harsh, all the words that Anzu says she hears from her mom even worse sometimes. Haruka is the only one that can make Anzu cry, she wants to impress her mom still. There is actually even more pressure as an idol trainee. Haruka always says "You're an extension of me, if you look bad then I look bad and so does all of Tokyo Ballet School. Either do your best or don't do it at all."



- trainees : Park Jisoo / trainee / esfp / 7/10

Jisoo and Anzu have a complicated friendship, Anzu was a last minute edition to the Genesis88 group and she said some passive agressive things towards Jisoo that really hurt her and made her cry sometimes. She never says it around the trainers but calls it constructive criticism. She says it like she's being caring towards her dongsaeng as the oldest but it really hurts Jisoo. Since she's an ex SM trainee and a very good dancer Jisoo looks up to her though. No matter how many times Jaejun and Savannah say she's out of line. That's why its complicated.

Stagename : Anzu


Position : Dance
Talent twin : Chengxiao


Trainee and/or idol life : Anzu joined SM Entertainment in January 2020 when she was 15 years old. Her ballet and performing experience made her an exceptional performer already without any training so she was a highly watched trainee at SM. She was even in the running to debut with Aespa even though she was new and had the opportunity to train with the girls for a few months but ended up getting replaced with Giselle who she has no hard feelings towards. She's actually happy it was Giselle compared to anyone else. 

She didn't have a hard time getting into training because it was a lot like the Tokyo Ballet School except she didn't speak the language. Though there were a few Japanese trainees already so she wasn't lonely either.

At SM she was a favorite that many people were jealous of because she had it all, the talent and the looks. She was a bit of a mean girl too. Training at SM was toxic, many girls with eating disorders and depression but it was nothing to Anzu because it wasn't anything new either. Trainers at SM were like her mom so she never saw the problem with how she treated people because it was so normalized. 

She joined Starship for 2 months before joining Genesis88 because she didn't want to wait for SM to debut another girl group. Starship swooped her up and in the 2 months there she hasn't made any friends. She's known as the y SM trainee that others envy but she doesn't care. She likes feeling untouchable.


Life on Genesis88
She will do well on Genesis88 because she is good at being perfect and likable. She will struggle with singing well but then her presence and dacning makes up for it. Its the little comments she makes towards others during interviews and practices that make people question her after a while. Unless they ignore it because she's popular and her fans defend her either way.


The audition : Blackswan by BTS - she actually does very well it is contemporary choreography and she is best at that. Everyone was impressed by her flexability so she was able to show that she can lift her left to her head and hold it there without using her hands. 


Seat number(s) : 12


Predicted grade : C


Flexibility level : 10/10


The intro video : She will show her ballet skills in a tutu


Second mission song of choice : Secret garden


Genre of choice : Jazz


Hituwthatddududdudu : Jess


Closing words : take care of my baby


Questions or concerns : here

Suggestions : here

Scene requests, plot ideas :

- Someone calls her out over how she talks about people and she acts like the victim or fake cries for the camera

- Her mom screaming at her over the phone because she messes up so she cries for the first time 

Password : WXY (함께XY) - pronounced Wixy - stands for With XY, X for the girls and Y for the boys


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Hi I'm just snooping around the turned in apps and I just wanna say that my girl aeri is gonna geek out so much over the 9 meows
Hi, I am so sorry but Anzu's seat has already been claimed! Please pick a different seat for her!

The girls still got a few more seats available, including all four seats that surround seat 10