Okay I cannot format for the life of me but this page is some extra space to further explain SOARA, the high school band Sota was so heavily invested in growing up.

So, in the context & universe of Pocket Boys, SOARA members are:

  • Fukushima Sota - lead guitar
    Yes, the mastermind leader behind SOARA, in charge of writing all their songs too.
  • Nagasaki Ousuke - rhythm guitar
    Older than Sota, he has been with Sota since middle school + supportive of his music since. Offered his vocals to sing for Sota's demos back then that he eventually posted on the internet, including Let It Be. Sota is closest to him, but then he & Ryuga graduated ahead of the three juniors left in the band...
    Nowadays, he is a married father to a baby daughter, and has no time for "silly band activities".
  • Watanabe Ayato - keys
    Same grade as Sota, has a shy/meek personality + wasn't sure he was cut out to join the band at first due to his low confidence in his skills, but Sota tried all he can to eventually convince Ayato to join SOARA. He really came out of his shell + blossomed because of joining the band, and is indebted to Sota for it. However, when Sota decided to give up writing music altogether, Ayato didn't feel comfortable to speak against Sota's decision, so he's been silently keeping his feelings about the situation to himself...
  • Satou "Ryu" Ryuga - drums
    Older than Sota, he was another member whom Sota had to try SO hard to convince to join as he was struggling to find a drummer for the band. He's very stoic and gruff, initially a rebellious delinquent with a troubled family background during the 1st year of high school, but music softened him up when he met Sota the following year after, much to the surprise of all the school staff & students. But after graduation he didn't see the need to continue with SOARA as he wasn't in high school anymore. And he's kept quiet since, not in contact with anyone, back to his lone wolf self again.
  • Kimura "Aki" Akifumi - bass
    Same grade as Sota, he's a fellow comic relief in the band alongside Sota, like partner in crime. However, Aki is also an aspiring professional basketballer, although he does admit SOARA songs & their lyrics have helped him to motivate himself. As much Sota was wanting SOARA to be a long running band well after high school, Aki also has his own dreams. But he will never forget his music roots, he says.

Yes, SOARA is named after the names of the 5 boys, as well as the meaning of "soaring" to the "sky" (sora) harharz.

SOARA has many songs, but their most iconic ones are either their life motivating songs or their bittersweet farewell graduation songs:







Soyokaze no Uta



And other relevant nostalgic songs (that don't have the live band performance videos unfortunately :c) are...


(I would insert excerpts of the lyrics translation too cause some of these lyrics are really bittersweet T~T but I am tired atm, might do it later BAHA)


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