↳ RE.VOLT's 李哲瑋, wip #868c97 #1a2b43

can i record that again? 
NAME li chewei  李哲瑋
charlie li -- his official english name from birth. actually prefers his english name over his birthname due to the name being his mother's idea. goes under this name while in korea as well.
lee jewi  이제위 -- the korean translation of birthname. he doesn't have an attachment to this name since he's never felt that connected to it.
sad prince -- have you seen charlie ever actually smile? that is how this nickname came to be, the fact that he never smiles and looks like he's about to break out into tears at any second, but still looking pretty like a prince.
crybaby -- charlie earned this name due to how easy it is for him to cry. it's pretty obvious that this is more of a insulting nickname and charlie hates it.
chewy -- derived from his birthname. it's a pretty darn cute nickname and charlie absolutely loves it when he's called this by close friends (but he won't ever admit that).
BIRTHDATE december 21st, 1996
BIRTHPLACE tainan, taiwan
HOMETOWN tainan, taiwan
ETHNICITY korean-chinese
chinese -- born and raised in taiwan. charlie is fluent in mandarin and knows the fundamentals of cantonese. 100%
english -- was taught by a tutor at a young age from the insistence of his father (hoping charlie would one day take over his business). due to heavy studying, charlie caught onto the language fairly easy and it has become a second language to him. his english has a faint british accent due to the fact that his english tutor was from england. tends to use some british terms here and there. 88%
korean -- mostly learned from his mother at a young age, charlie didn't have a hard time moving to korea. he could converse with people and read hangul alright, he was fine. sure, he tends to use chinese honorifics moreso than korean ones. or sometimes he forgets that he's in korea and just begins speaking mandarin, but it doesn't take him long to correct himself. despite his fluency level, he's very shy about his korean and tends to be seen more like he doesn't know the language. 67%
japanese -- did a gloss over of the language while in college and when he first started training under empire label, but hasn't really studied the language just yet. will most likely binge study when the group ever gets japanese promotions. 15%
PRONOUNS he, him, his
UALITY homoual
FACECLAIM ex-nu'est's minhyun
BACKUP FC unine's li zhenning
HEIGHT 181cm
legs for days, a term that can certainly be used to describe charlie as that's where most of his height is at. the rest of his body is pretty average (his words). he is very much on the leaner side, his weight bordering on underweight due to him either forgetting to eat or not. his stomach is flat, but his shoulders are broad. fans thoroughly enjoy his body porportions.
his face holds his true beauty. his eyes naturally sparkle and shine and his high cheekbones give him an almost regal appereance. his cupid bow lips are a soft pink that blend well with his face.
charlie's body is bare of tattoos and piercings, but he's open to piercing his ears in the future.
his hair has not been dyed either so it still holds a lot of natural softness. though as an idol, he is open to dying it, but he is a little scared of dying it outrageous colors and hopes that the stylists don't try and give him blue or green hair.
charlie's fashion is very simple and clean. his wardrobe mostly consists of soft, pastel colors and whites. he's can usually be seen wearing turtlenecks, sweaters, dress slacks, and dress shoes.
his practice wear usually depends on how cold or warm the building is. normally he'd wear shorts and a breathable t-shirt, but if it's on particular cold day, he'll wear a long sleeve shirt and sweats.
"You're talking about Charlie, right? The tall sad guy who barely talks to anyone?"
"You will always find Charlie in a corner reading some kind of book."
"He always seems so sad, I want to cheer him up."
"I saw him smile once. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."
"Dude should smile more. Looks a lot better when he smiles."
"Why is he so sad though? Bro should just it up?"
"If you're quiet enough, you can hear him sing to himself when no one is around. It's really nice hearing him sing those pretty Chinese ballads."
"If you can't find Charlie, look for Shenyang and Charlie should be right behind him."
  sgr-cap cusp • ravenclaw • lawful good  
pos -- intelligent, gentle, altruistic, passionate, hardworking
neu -- quiet, obsverant, emotional
neg -- timid, insecure, perfectionist, stubborn, sensitive
due to his childhood mostly consisting of studying, charlie is highly intelligent in a sense of book smarts. his brain can calculate big numbers and he understands how words work and the like, his brain holding immense amounts of knowledge. one of the first things you notice about charlie is that he is the most sweetest and gentliest person you could ever meet. he's soft-spoken and kind, never hurting a fly. selfless, charlie cares about others' happiness rather than his own. he's always trying to find ways to help others rather than help himself because he loves to see their happy smiles as he helps them. deep down, charlie is just as passionate as the rest of the members of blackout. he pushes himself, ignoring if he's uncomfortable or scared, just to learn more whether it's learning new knowledge, new singing techniques, or even to dance a tiny bit better. his passion to reach his dreams burns deep in his sad eyes. charlie is also very hardworking. he puts his all into his passions and will continue to work until it's done, but sometimes that can be his downfall...
charlie was never one to speak much, which has him being rather quiet than the rest of blackout. he mostly keeps to himself, rarely feeling the need to scream or get loud and will hardly announce himself when he enters a room. and since he keeps to himself quite often, he knows how to read a room and has grown quite observant of his surroundings. along with his intelligence, his observing can be a rather deadly thing, as he's perceptive of the things he observes and such. charlie may be quiet and kept to himself, but he's never truly had a good hold on his emotions. whenever he is sad, his sadness comes off in waves. the littles things could make him super happy when normally bigger things would pull such reactions. such smalls things could make him cry buckets when for others they wouldn't cry at all. it's something he has never grew out of and probably won't either.
because of his father's strong attitude, charlie grew to be rather timid. he would rather run away from uncomfortable situations than confront them dead on. he's easy to shake up and shiver whenever near lots of anger, even flinching in bad situations. insecurity eats away at charlie every second of every day. due to his father never supporting his dreams, he feels the need to overcome his disappointment and make him see that he is better...except he never sees it himself. he truly believes that his talents are worthless and not as good as the rest of the members which usually bring down the mood of the group. which plays along with his perfectionist ways. he doesn't know when to stop, to be perfect in hopes to get praise he's secretly always wanted from his father. working and working, charlie won't stop even when he's out of breath and with no stamina. and that can be seen as stubborn and that's right. charlie can be as stubborn as a mule, almost bratty when it comes to his personal training and hobbies. stubborn in the way that even if someone would volunteer to help him, he would most likely ignore it or straight up refuse. charlie seems like a lot of things, he's also sensitive. always been sensitive, even as a child. he's good at keeping a face, a mask of indifference, but even jokeful words can pierce his heart. the littlest things can push him down a downward spiral of depression, making his emotions go wild.
charlie was born into an odd couple.
li tsai from taiwan and lee minhee from south korea met over in america during a speed dating event in their early adult years. did they have the same interests? no. were they attracted to each other? nope. they hated each others' guts from the get-go. so how did they get together again? fast forward a few years and they meet each other once again at a speed dating event in america. did they remember each other? yes. did they still hate each others' guts? yes...no...it was complicated.
even charlie doesn't know the full details of how his parents got together as each parent tells a different story. all he does know is that his father proposed to his mother in america and was easily waltzed away to taiwan. his father was a bigshot ceo who was very proud of his money while his mother was the perfect little housewife. they quickly got married and it wasn't a surprise when charlie's older brother was just around the corner. a few more years later and charlie was born.
it was noticeable from a young age that charlie loved to sing. he was always found singing. in the bathroom, going to sleep, literally everywhere. his father didn't like his son having such 'girly' habits. though his mother and brother secretly encouraged charlie's habit whenever his father wasn't around.
at the age of fourteen, charlie knew what he wanted to do. he wanted to sing. along with his singing, charlie realized another thing about himself. he wasn't like the rest of the males his age. sure, he liked girls like all the other guys. they were soft and pretty...but boys were cute too. he liked their roughness, their muscles, boys were just better in his opinion. both relavations were kept to himself except for his mother and brother. both of them were super supportive in charlie's dreams and relavations.
though his normal life fell to pieces once his father found out he was trying to apply to a fine arts colleges to pursue singing. it wasn't acceptable to his father. he didn't want his son to pursue anything 'girly' or to been as something possibly gay. the fight turned dark as charlie, emotions taking over him, let slip something that he made sure to keep hidden from his father for years.
the house was never the same after the fight. his mother didn't condone the things her husband said to their youngest son. charlie's mother and brother came up with a plan for charlie's wellbeing.
days after the fight, his mother and charlie were on the next flight to south korea while his brother stayed behind, to try and convince their father of his mistakes.
while in korea, charlie was accepted into korea national university of arts. life was beginning to be normal once more...until a scouter from empire label changed his life.
tea -- charlie adores all kinds of tea. he enjoys bubble tea, milk tea, green tea, etc.
coffee -- just as charlie loves tea, he also loves coffee. in a combination of the taste and the warmth, the one thing charlie is absolutely addicted to his coffee jelly. it's his favorite treat.
spicy foods -- charlie loves spicy foods because they make him feel warm.
photography -- it's an activity that enjoys. it helps him destress and it's something him and his mother like to bond over.
chocolate -- not that surprising, but charlie has a bit of a sweet tooth. though, his favorite kinds of chocolate are the darker kinds. and not just normal dark chocolate, the darker the better.
romance movies -- more of a new development, it's another thing he bonded with his mother about. he enjoyed watching romance movies with his mom that he developed a liking to them as well. but don't tell anyone, it's a little embarrassing.
classical music -- another thing charlie uses to destress is listening to classical music. just hearing string instruments along with brass and woodwind sounds soothe his soul when he's feeling stressed.
summer time -- summer is warm and charlie very much likes feeling warm.
shellfish -- it's not that he necessarily hates it, but charlie is actually allergic to shellfish. he carries an epipen because with the kind of allergy he has, one has to be careful.
religion & homophobia -- ever since coming to terms with himself, charlie is very shy when it comes to religion. he has met several people of different religions, but most of them have scared him mainly due to their religious views. due to his homouality, he tends to stay away from those who have strong views on homouality.
violence -- not really a surprise, really. so things like action or horror movies really aren't his thing.
bugs & insects -- charlie really hates bugs.
blood -- charlie has never been a fan of blood. the smell or the sight.
the cold & winter -- the complete opposite of summer, charlie hates the cold. he already has body temperature problems, he doesn't need the cold to make him shiver even more.
his father -- pretty self-explanatory, really.
singing -- charlie eats, sleeps, and breathes singing. it's the one thing that has never felt so right in his life. sure, he may be a bit shy when it comes to his singing, but he  does love to sing.
taking pictures -- whenever given enough free time, charlie likes to go outside to take pictures. he also loves to take pictures of mundane things as well.
knitting -- his mother taught him how to knit and it really is good at helping him calm down when too stressed.
reading -- charlie's favorite pasttime is reading. charlie can be usually found with his nose in a book. he has a rather large novel collection.
singing in the shower -- charlie has a tendency to sing in showers along with also taking long showers. the two go hand in hand.
emotional -- charlie easily gets angry and sad over his voice, especially when they are all recording.
biting -- biting his lips when he gets overly emotional or in stressful situations.
cuddles -- subtle cuddling with his close friends and the members of re!gn.
blood -- fainting at the sight blood.
fidgeting -- fidgeting with his fingers or the ends of his sleeves when nervous.
avoiding eyes -- charlie had a tendency to never meeting people's eyes.
lying -- one of charlie's biggest habits is his very noticable tic when he lies. when charlie lies, looks down and stares at the ground. like i said, very noticable.
losing his family -- since his family's big drama, he cannot fathom the idea of losing his mother or brother. he does not like the idea of it and he tends to not linger on the thought of it.
his voice -- charlie's biggest fear is losing his voice. he takes great care of his voice in hopes that fear never comes to fruition.
failure & rejection -- almost as bad as his fear of losing his voice, charlie also fears failure and rejection as well. it's where most of his insecurity comes from.
his voice -- charlie is absolutely known for his high and long notes. his vocal register is high for a male, so he can hit those high notes effortlessly.
photography -- has knowlege of professional cameras and takes professional photos which is what he does in his free time.
calligraphy -- charlie has practiced chinese calligraphy and he's quite proud of how beautiful it is.
knitting -- as said before, charlie knows how to knit. he can knit many things like gloves, hats, and scarves. he loves knitting scarves the most.
charlie is never happy with his voice. he takes a lot of time in the recording booth because he gets so mad over his voice or that he can sound better. he's usually the last to record because of this.
he can stand most of the spiciest foods while most of the other members would cry just staring at spicy foods. while members would scramble for a cup of milk from one bite of charlie's food, charlie would just be continuing to eat his meal.
charlie's body temperature is quite low so he's naturally cold in his hands and feet. he hates how a simple spring breeze could have him shivering like it's winter. he's always seen bundled up if the weather is breezy.
no one knows where charlie's adversion to blood comes from, but he can't help it. when he sees and smells blood, he'll faint. little, tiny droplets or small scratches are perfectly fine, but gashes and nose bleeds are enough to make him faint.
because of his adversion to blood, charlie can't stomach a lot of horror and action movies.
fake blood won't make him faint, but it will still make him squeamish. which is totally why you should never take charlie to a haunted house.
he is not to be trusted in or near a kitchen unless supervised. it's not that he's a bad cook, but it's just that he always ends up injured in some way in the kitchen.
owns his very own nikon camera and it's his baby. and yes, he named his camera sammy and no one is allowed to touch it (except maybe for shenyang).
in school, math was charlie's favorite subject. he's really smart, enough to be able to calculate equations in his head within seconds or minutes.
charlie barely smiles, but it's been said that when he does smile, it lights up the whole room.
absolutely loves to collect anything dinosaur related. he owns few clothing with dino prints stragetically placed on them (his favorite pair of pajamas have cute little t-rex's on them). he also owns a small collections of little dinosaur figurines. it may be a little childish, but charlie just loves dinosaurs.
fans like to point out that while charlie is half-chinese, he has 'korean features' that make him really pretty. a lot of fans tend to not realize or forget that charlie is, in fact, half-korean.
charlie is naturally thin and he cannot, for the life of him, keep on weight. he loses faster than gaining.
he has problems remembering to eat due to the fact that he has a small stomach and cannot eat a lot of food in one sitting (usually eating smaller meals and snacks to keep him satisfied) which is why he tends to forget. and when he forgets to eat, he...loses weight easily.
he also has a problem with keeping up with his blood sugar due to his weight and so when he forgets to eat, it's very easy for him to faint from exhaustion, especially with all the dance practicing and such.
he may not seem like a cuddler at first sight because of how quiet and cold he seems, but he actually loves cuddles. he loves the subtle attention and there's also the fact the warmth usually follows cuddles. he loves that the most, really.
he doesn't seem like the type, but charlie loves taking selfies, but he's very hard to please and takes a multitude of pictures just to delete all of them.
weibo -- it's rumored that he has a weibo account, but charlie hasn't answered the rumor, but it is true. he had a weibo account, but had abandoned it when he came to korea.
intsagram -- eventually, charlie will get an instagram after one of the members probably bugs and persuades him to get one, naming it @chxrlie96.
  don't go (chn ver.)  
  someone's someone  
monsta x
  levanter (eng ver.)  
stray kids
  cosmic railway  
amber liu ft. peniel
  the chorus  
  lucky (chn ver.)  
  for lovers who hesitate  
  like water  
  peter pan (chn ver.)  
stray kids
  missing you  
  thinking out loud  
ed sheeran
  sora ni utaeba  
  baby, don't cry (chn ver.)  
  house of cards  
  run (chn ver.)  
  waiting for us  
stray kids
  white noise  
  lonely boy  
  mirales in december (chn ver.)  
dispatch -- *following charlie around*
boss -- any news?
dispatch -- he stole something.
boss -- omg what
dispatch -- my heart :')
shenyang -- watch as i hold the whole world in my hands
charlie -- yeah right
shenyang -- *cups charlie's face*
shenyang -- see
charlie --
charlie -- *softly* oh
charlie -- i don't think i'm handsome
re!gn -- WHAT
*shang running all the way from taiwan to re!gn's dorms in pajamas*
shang -- *kicking the door open* I KNOW YOU DID NOT SAY THAT YOU ARE NOT HANDSOME
shenyang -- hey charlie...you're hands look heavy, can i carry them for you?
charlie -- *flustered*
charlie -- uhm, okay
alice -- hey minho, you look heavy. can i carry you?
minho --
alice -- you heard me
charlie -- my life is just a constant journey to seek warmth. no metaphor. i mean like coats and jackets. getting under the sheets and standing under heat lamps. soup.
esther -- i want you to smile!
charlie -- i am in pain
shenyang -- my friend thinks you're cute.
charlie -- which friend?
shenyang -- me. i'm the friend.
paran -- aren't you supposed to be asleep?
charlie -- i'm supposed to be a lot of things, but i live to disappoint.
shenyang -- how do you want your coffee?
charlie -- as dark and bitter as my soul
shenyang -- ...so a vanilla latte with extra cream and sugar?
charlie -- yes please
  li theodore tsai  
father, 1964
fc. actor hu ge
this man may be his father, but charlie does not trust this man at all. he has not spoken to him since their fight and is adamant on not speaking to him. he wants to desperately forget about him as he is the source of his anxiety and depression.
tsai is a very strict businessman with strong beliefs and a hard head. he is very stubborn and wants things done his way as that was how he was raised. after the absence of his youngest son and wife, he has begun to feel the void in his life without them and drowns himself in his job.
he is starting to regret his decision to push away his youngest son for his dreams and preferences, but he's a stubborn man and doesn't want to give in.
  lee melody minhee  
mother, 1966
fc. actress moon chaewon
charlie's mother is definitely his life saver. he's always been a momma's boy, but it's just that he gives her the utmost respect like she deserves. she is undeniably a strong woman that stands up for what she believes in which is why she wasn't afraid of leaving her husband for the sake of her youngest child's health.
she currently lives in seoul in the apartment her and charlie shared before charlie moved into the trainee dorms at empire label. charlie visits her whenever he possibly can. she may be an older woman, but she will not hesitate to buy any of re!gn's albums in order to hear her child's voice on those cds. she will do anything to support her baby boy's dream.
  li shaun shang  
brother, 1991
fc. soloist zhoumi
a perfect older brother, shang loves his younger brother just as much as their mother loves him. he was always protecting charlie from neighorhood bullies as shang was always the strongest one. he's currently following their father's footsteps as he may take over once their father retires, but shang is much more friendlier than their old man.
he is one hundred percent on charlie's side and thinks their dad should just it up and apologize. he's always trying to send tsai hints and suggestions, trying to their father to see the error of his ways. in the meantime, he's always checking up on his mother and charlie to how they are doing. just like their mother, he will buy every album if it means supporting charlie's dream.
(and so what if he begins to play the music in his dad's office, serves the bastard right.)
  hsu meiling  
mother's best friend, 1966
fc. actress yang mi
when minhee decided to live in taiwan with her husband, she was quite literally restarting her life, especially since she decided to become a housewife for her children. though she wasn't lonely for long and became friends with a lovely woman next door.
meiling is a sweet woman and they both clicked instantly. minhee was even there when ...
due to being best friends with her son, charlie hung around meiling's place a lot. meiling certainly dotes on him, much more so than his own mother. charlie very much sees her as a second mother and does confide in her with his worries as well time to time.
  hwang 'regina' jiyeon  
sunbae, 1996
fc. chungha
거친 손길같은 푸른 물결 날 이끌곤 또 멀리 던져 잠깐 숨 고를 틈도 없는 채 깊숙이 불안으로 물든 underwater 빠지지 않고 나 버티는 건 이건 분명 혼자가 아닌 runnin’ runnin’ yeah 바다의 탈을 쓰는 war 부드러운 얼굴로 날 자꾸 휘둘러 내 모든 걸 부수고 부서진 뒤 얻은 깨달음 We should be together, better
the boys
거친 손길같은 푸른 물결 날 이끌곤 또 멀리 던져 잠깐 숨 고를 틈도 없는 채 깊숙이 불안으로 물든 underwater 빠지지 않고 나 버티는 건 이건 분명 혼자가 아닌 runnin’ runnin’ yeah 바다의 탈을 쓰는 war 부드러운 얼굴로 날 자꾸 휘둘러 내 모든 걸 부수고 부서진 뒤 얻은 깨달음 We should be together, better
the girls
거친 손길같은 푸른 물결 날 이끌곤 또 멀리 던져 잠깐 숨 고를 틈도 없는 채 깊숙이 불안으로 물든 underwater 빠지지 않고 나 버티는 건 이건 분명 혼자가 아닌 runnin’ runnin’ yeah 바다의 탈을 쓰는 war 부드러운 얼굴로 날 자꾸 휘둘러 내 모든 걸 부수고 부서진 뒤 얻은 깨달음 We should be together, better
charlie  찰리 -- he decided to go with his english name charlie. he is much more comfortable with this name his birthname anyways.
prince charming -- along with his visuals, charlie is the epitome of a prince charming. he's tall, handsome, and polite to his fans. other variations to this persona could be ice prince and winter beauty.
POSITION main vocalist
TALENT TWIN exo's chen
거친 손길같은 푸른 물결 날 이끌곤 또 멀리 던져 잠깐 숨 고를 틈도 없는 채 깊숙이 불안으로 물든 underwater 빠지지 않고 나 버티는 건 이건 분명 혼자가 아닌 runnin’ runnin’ yeah 바다의 탈을 쓰는 war 부드러운 얼굴로 날 자꾸 휘둘러 내 모든 걸 부수고 부서진 뒤 얻은 깨달음 We should be together, better
거친 손길같은 푸른 물결 날 이끌곤 또 멀리 던져 잠깐 숨 고를 틈도 없는 채 깊숙이 불안으로 물든 underwater 빠지지 않고 나 버티는 건 이건 분명 혼자가 아닌 runnin’ runnin’ yeah 바다의 탈을 쓰는 war 부드러운 얼굴로 날 자꾸 휘둘러 내 모든 걸 부수고 부서진 뒤 얻은 깨달음 We should be together, better
거친 손길같은 푸른 물결 날 이끌곤 또 멀리 던져 잠깐 숨 고를 틈도 없는 채 깊숙이 불안으로 물든 underwater 빠지지 않고 나 버티는 건 이건 분명 혼자가 아닌 runnin’ runnin’ yeah 바다의 탈을 쓰는 war 부드러운 얼굴로 날 자꾸 휘둘러 내 모든 걸 부수고 부서진 뒤 얻은 깨달음 We should be together, better
name -- 거친 손길같은 푸른 물결 날 이끌곤 또 멀리 던져 잠깐 숨 고를 틈도 없는 채 깊숙이 불안으로 물든 underwater 빠지지 않고 나 버티는 건 이건 분명 혼자가 아닌 runnin’ runnin’ yeah 바다의 탈을 쓰는 war 부드러운 얼굴로 날 자꾸 휘둘러 내 모든 걸 부수고 부서진 뒤 얻은 깨달음 We should be together, better
거친 손길같은 푸른 물결 날 이끌곤 또 멀리 던져 잠깐 숨 고를 틈도 없는 채 깊숙이 불안으로 물든 underwater 빠지지 않고 나 버티는 건 이건 분명 혼자가 아닌 runnin’ runnin’ yeah 바다의 탈을 쓰는 war 부드러운 얼굴로 날 자꾸 휘둘러 내 모든 걸 부수고 부서진 뒤 얻은 깨달음 We should be together, better
거친 손길같은 푸른 물결 날 이끌곤 또 멀리 던져 잠깐 숨 고를 틈도 없는 채 깊숙이 불안으로 물든 underwater 빠지지 않고 나 버티는 건 이건 분명 혼자가 아닌 runnin’ runnin’ yeah 바다의 탈을 쓰는 war 부드러운 얼굴로 날 자꾸 휘둘러 내 모든 걸 부수고 부서진 뒤 얻은 깨달음 We should be together, better
거친 손길같은 푸른 물결 날 이끌곤 또 멀리 던져 잠깐 숨 고를 틈도 없는 채 깊숙이 불안으로 물든 underwater 빠지지 않고 나 버티는 건 이건 분명 혼자가 아닌 runnin’ runnin’ yeah 바다의 탈을 쓰는 war 부드러운 얼굴로 날 자꾸 휘둘러 내 모든 걸 부수고 부서진 뒤 얻은 깨달음 We should be together, better
거친 손길같은 푸른 물결 날 이끌곤 또 멀리 던져 잠깐 숨 고를 틈도 없는 채 깊숙이 불안으로 물든 underwater 빠지지 않고 나 버티는 건 이건 분명 혼자가 아닌 runnin’ runnin’ yeah 바다의 탈을 쓰는 war 부드러운 얼굴로 날 자꾸 휘둘러 내 모든 걸 부수고 부서진 뒤 얻은 깨달음 We should be together, better
거친 손길같은 푸른 물결 날 이끌곤 또 멀리 던져 잠깐 숨 고를 틈도 없는 채 깊숙이 불안으로 물든 underwater 빠지지 않고 나 버티는 건 이건 분명 혼자가 아닌 runnin’ runnin’ yeah 바다의 탈을 쓰는 war 부드러운 얼굴로 날 자꾸 휘둘러 내 모든 걸 부수고 부서진 뒤 얻은 깨달음 We should be together, better
거친 손길같은 푸른 물결 날 이끌곤 또 멀리 던져 잠깐 숨 고를 틈도 없는 채 깊숙이 불안으로 물든 underwater 빠지지 않고 나 버티는 건 이건 분명 혼자가 아닌 runnin’ runnin’ yeah 바다의 탈을 쓰는 war 부드러운 얼굴로 날 자꾸 휘둘러 내 모든 걸 부수고 부서진 뒤 얻은 깨달음 We should be together, better
거친 손길같은 푸른 물결 날 이끌곤 또 멀리 던져 잠깐 숨 고를 틈도 없는 채 깊숙이 불안으로 물든 underwater 빠지지 않고 나 버티는 건 이건 분명 혼자가 아닌 runnin’ runnin’ yeah 바다의 탈을 쓰는 war 부드러운 얼굴로 날 자꾸 휘둘러 내 모든 걸 부수고 부서진 뒤 얻은 깨달음 We should be together, better
거친 손길같은 푸른 물결 날 이끌곤 또 멀리 던져 잠깐 숨 고를 틈도 없는 채 깊숙이 불안으로 물든 underwater 빠지지 않고 나 버티는 건 이건 분명 혼자가 아닌 runnin’ runnin’ yeah 바다의 탈을 쓰는 war 부드러운 얼굴로 날 자꾸 휘둘러 내 모든 걸 부수고 부서진 뒤 얻은 깨달음 We should be together, better
LOVE INT hsu shenyang  徐慎养
name -- 거친 손길같은 푸른 물결 날 이끌곤 또 멀리 던져 잠깐 숨 고를 틈도 없는 채 깊숙이 불안으로 물든 underwater 빠지지 않고 나 버티는 건 이건 분명 혼자가 아닌 runnin’ runnin’ yeah 바다의 탈을 쓰는 war 부드러운 얼굴로 날 자꾸 휘둘러 내 모든 걸 부수고 부서진 뒤 얻은 깨달음 We should be together, better
BIRTHDATE august 14th, 1996
OCCUPATION member of re.volt
FACECLAIM seventeen's jun
PERSONALITY click on the pic for their app!
거친 손길같은 푸른 물결 날 이끌곤 또 멀리 던져 잠깐 숨 고를 틈도 없는 채 깊숙이 불안으로 물든 underwater 빠지지 않고 나 버티는 건 이건 분명 혼자가 아닌 runnin’ runnin’ yeah 바다의 탈을 쓰는 war 부드러운 얼굴로 날 자꾸 휘둘러 내 모든 걸 부수고 부서진 뒤 얻은 깨달음 We should be together, better
거친 손길같은 푸른 물결 날 이끌곤 또 멀리 던져 잠깐 숨 고를 틈도 없는 채 깊숙이 불안으로 물든 underwater 빠지지 않고 나 버티는 건 이건 분명 혼자가 아닌 runnin’ runnin’ yeah 바다의 탈을 쓰는 war 부드러운 얼굴로 날 자꾸 휘둘러 내 모든 걸 부수고 부서진 뒤 얻은 깨달음 We should be together, better
거친 손길같은 푸른 물결 날 이끌곤 또 멀리 던져 잠깐 숨 고를 틈도 없는 채 깊숙이 불안으로 물든 underwater 빠지지 않고 나 버티는 건 이건 분명 혼자가 아닌 runnin’ runnin’ yeah 바다의 탈을 쓰는 war 부드러운 얼굴로 날 자꾸 휘둘러 내 모든 걸 부수고 부서진 뒤 얻은 깨달음 We should be together, better
STATUS childhood friends
ENDING #shenlie
거친 손길같은 푸른 물결 날 이끌곤 또 멀리 던져 잠깐 숨 고를 틈도 없는 채 깊숙이 불안으로 물든 underwater 빠지지 않고 나 버티는 건 이건 분명 혼자가 아닌 runnin’ runnin’ yeah 바다의 탈을 쓰는 war 부드러운 얼굴로 날 자꾸 휘둘러 내 모든 걸 부수고 부서진 뒤 얻은 깨달음 We should be together, better
거친 손길같은 푸른 물결 날 이끌곤 또 멀리 던져 잠깐 숨 고를 틈도 없는 채 깊숙이 불안으로 물든 underwater 빠지지 않고 나 버티는 건 이건 분명 혼자가 아닌 runnin’ runnin’ yeah 바다의 탈을 쓰는 war 부드러운 얼굴로 날 자꾸 휘둘러 내 모든 걸 부수고 부서진 뒤 얻은 깨달음 We should be together, better
거친 손길같은 푸른 물결 날 이끌곤 또 멀리 던져 잠깐 숨 고를 틈도 없는 채 깊숙이 불안으로 물든 underwater 빠지지 않고 나 버티는 건 이건 분명 혼자가 아닌 runnin’ runnin’ yeah 바다의 탈을 쓰는 war 부드러운 얼굴로 날 자꾸 휘둘러 내 모든 걸 부수고 부서진 뒤 얻은 깨달음 We should be together, better
title tracks -- play dumb by omega x, marvelous by mirae, can't stop me by twice, no air by the boyz, siesta by weki meki, closer by oh my girl, cupid by dkz, rollercoaster by woo!ah, my treasure by treasure, and can't stop shining by tempest
bsides -- dear sputnik by txt, like always by x1, drown in luv by cix, time chaser by victon, binary star by omega x, paper plane by snsd, impurities by le sserafim, butterflies by red velvet, spark by a.c.e, and polaroid love by enhypen
PASSWORD ill do diff ideas for each app
subunit idea #1 -- a matching boy and girl subunit based on royalty? a boy unit called kings and a girl unit called queens and their storylines/concepts are based around royalty? nu'est and red velvet could fit for those units.


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OwO whats this
now who do we have here 👀
*flops in*
ohhh is pran open as a li uwu <33