#CBB9AB #EAE6E3 #658f5e #2F422B #4D6D48 #D1E3CE

keep width 220. don't worry about height as long as it's bigger than 280!
190412 - 在韩国玩得开心。
keep width 250. don't worry about height as long as it's bigger than 150!
190412 - 谢谢你, 黃麗華。
give me your loneliness,
and i'll give you mine.
leavе all your tears by your bedside,
and lеt's live a night.
FULL NAME huang lihua.
lily her unofficial english name, which usually is what she goes by at university.
hwamin a korean name she came up with on the spot that she really only uses when koreans really struggle to pronounce the l in lihua. it is also typically the name she says when baristas ask her for her name when she orders a coffee.
DATE OF BIRTH 6th november, 2000.
AGE 21 (22)
BIRTHPLACE guangdong, china.
HOMETOWN hong kong.
ETHNICITY chinese.
PRONOUNS she/her.
ORIENTATION heteroual.
cantonese & mandarin [90%] her mother tongue. learned since she was little.
english [70%] learned throughout her primary, secondary, and high school education in hong kong as a secondary language, while also teaching herself so she could study abroad.
korean [50%] very conversational. will ask, 'what does that mean' maybe twice every conversation, but she's self taught and is still teaching herself more korean each day. really, only learned it so she could study at yonsei.
OCCUPATION 2nd year student majoring in justice and civil leadership.
FACECLAIM elkie/chong tingyan
BACK-UP xu jiaqi
MEASUREMENTS 163cm & 51kg
FASHION STYLE she has two particular styles, both of which are more 'feminine'. one is how she looks during the day--usually pretty soft, and studious. she wants to  come off professional, yet fashionable. then, during the night, she has a darker, more casual style. either way, lihua expresses herself through her clothes, and her make up.
lihua 'lily' huang.
robinson 22
taking it one day at a time.
keep width 125. don't worry about height as long as it's bigger than 185!
keep width 125. don't worry about height as long as it's bigger than 185!
the mom friend.
"do as i say, not as i do."
loyal, excitable, hardworking, charismatic, witty, playful, straight forward, workaholic, fretful, moody, impulsive, hotheaded, control freak.
"alcohol will help that."
esfj, ravenpuff, scorpio.

lihua is that friend you have that is friends with everyone else as well. there's something about her that draws people to her. yet. no matter how many friends she has, everyone knows she has her own small circle of close friends. still, it doesn't stop others from running to her and confiding in her. she's a "mom friend" in the sense that everyone trusts her advice and know she'd always give unconditional love. she loves all her friends, and isn't afraid to ever tell them when they're doing something she perceives to be wrong. however, at the end of the day, she always gives sensible advice to help them fix their messes.

but just because she's the mom friend doesn't mean she doesn't know how to have fun. in fact, lihua's also the friend you run to if you want to know which organization will be holding the best party this upcoming weekend, because she definitely received an invite. people don't only like her because she's kind and considerate to all her friends, but because of her easygoing nature and how easily she manages to make her friends giggle. she knows how to brighten the atmosphere with a few jokes and teasing nudges.

she's easy to talk to, always bearing a warm smile and a welcoming atmosphere. when at a party, you can expect she'll make three new friends after greeting the six friends that her best friends didn't know she even had. to say she's popular is an understatement. when lihua speaks, she speaks with an aura that makes others listen to her. it's just how she likes it. something lihua hates most is when she loses control of a situation. she hates situations where she can't do as she pleases, and isn't in control of her own fate.

which is why lihua also hates her own emotions. because she hates emotional situations the most. she can easily manage her friends emotions, providing advice and comforting them silently if that's what they need. she's perceptive enough to know what her friends need when they're sad and acting differently, but lihua can't do the same for herself. she gets angry and upset easily, especially when she's inebriated. as a result, when highly emotional, she acts out. this means she doesn't hesitate to swing at people who hurt her friends. lihua's the person to stand up and dump a drink over some guy's head just because she found his voice annoying. she's usually happy, but that warm smile of hers can change to a scowl at the slightest inconvenience.

because lihua hates emotions so much, she does all she can to make sure her schedule is so full, she has no time to think of her own problems. this means classes and work all day, her debate club during the evening, lunches and dinners with friends shoved in between, and partying all weekend. all so she doesn't have to think about her own problems. the quickest way to tell that lihua has something going on in her life that upsets her is when all of a sudden, her planner becomes even more crowded than it usually is. she's an overachiever after all, even if she has no idea what it is she's trying to achieve. if she's not surrounded by friends or working tirelessly, then she'll actually have to deal with the thoughts and problems that she's been pushing away, and that's lihua's worst nightmare.

eaJ x keshi
6th, november 2000
huang lihua is born to a loving family. she has two affluent parents who worked hard for their money that they use to provide their children a better than good life. and on top of that, she has a big brother who cares for her deeply that she sees as the center of her world. it's not an exaggerration to say she had little hardship in life, because it'd be very true. lihua spent majority of her childhood looking up to her big brother and trying to do everything he did. life was simple. each birthday was sweet, and she spent her childhood in hong kong laughing and spending time with her happy family.
22nd, august 2012
middle school came around faster than she expected, and her brother was already in high school. she had followed him around enough--she needed to become her own person.
...but what exactly did that mean? lihua's life was centered around her big brother and what she could do to be like him. now, he was happily living through his youth--the best moments of his life--and she felt as if she'd never catch up to him. she had always been ten steps behind him, but now he was miles away, and she could no longer see him. she had to decide where to walk on her own.

she became popular with her classmates quickly. lihua had always been a bright and cheery girl, and it only attracted a lot of friends. middle school was probably where she made majority of her life long friends, even if they ended up following different paths in life. lihua thinks this era of her life may be where her loyalty to her friends came from, and why she values friendships so much.
23rd, august 2015
her friends were there for her when her brother couldn't be. he went off to college, and all of a sudden, her loving parents' attention turned towards their youngest daughter.
"you need to study hard," "get better grades than that," "be just like your big brother," "this'll help make you successful in life." they were all words that lihua had heard thousands of times even before she entered high school. she'd always heard them say similar things to her brother, but for some reason, the pressure it put on her shoulders only made her want to do as her parents said and work harder. she spent countless nights studying, joining leadership organizations, sports clubs, and honor societies to excel in every aspect of her life.

never once did lihua stop to think "why". why was she doing this? what came after all of this?
why was she working so hard? what for?
21st, august 2019
even with college, she only ended up at yonsei because it was where her brother went. up until then, she'd been following her brother's foot steps, living in his shadow. in high school, she was valedictorian because he was. she was president of student government because he was. and she was aiming to be successful because he is and that's what her parents told her to do.
but what did she want? 
lihua still doesn't know, all she knows is that she needs to work hard for now. her major was the first big step--she chose that herself.
"you're good at helping people, so why don't you become a lawyer?" said her friend while lihua was mindlessly staring at the screen, cursor hovering over the large selection of majors.
it didn't seem like a bad idea. fighting for others was always her forté, so why not turn it into her job? she did end up enjoying her classes more than she thought, and is even now thinking--"maybe this is actually something i can do, for me."
but there's still doubts in lihua's mind. work hard, study harder, so you can be successful. that's all she ever knew--she didn't know much about 'passion' at all, so to this day, she still struggles to make even small decisions when it comes to big life choices.
so lihua drinks instead. she drinks, keeps herself busy, surrounds herself with friends, and pretends like she's not struggling. but honestly, deep down, lihua knows she'll have to deal with her problems with her identity and future career eventually. and even deeper down, she knows that when the time comes, she'll be able to make a decision. because she's huang lihua, and she's her own person, not her brother's shadow, and not just her parents' 'successful daughter'.
LIKES fashion, make up, bubble tea, pastries, fruit, kittens, being the center of attention, alcohol, physical touch.
DISLIKES the cold, overthinking, the future, pushy men who don't know what personal space is, bugs, bad grades, too much free time, being bored.
cats proud cat auntie to liwei's two cats maomao and kiki.
makeup rarely leaves her room without at least some light makeup on. 
fashion loves fashion. probably the only thing she's certain she's passionate about.
chef actually a pretty good cook because of her weekly habit of cooking with her brother.
part-time job doesn't actually need the money from her part time job, but she doesn't mind having extra money to use. she works because she hates having free time.
relationships has never had a boyfriend before. it used to bother her, but she doesn't really care that much anymore. the right one will come along eventually.
hobby...? known to not have a 'real hobby' aside from her love for social interaction, which is why she's so good at concentrating on studying.
typically, lihua's days are filled to the brim from the moment she leaves her dorm room to the minute she falls back into bed at night. her planner is filled entirely with classes, her part time job, and debate club. she spends majority of her 'free time' studying in the library, or at a cafe with her friends.

weekends and friday nights mean parties, drinking, and heavy amounts of socializing. sometimes, they also mean loud concerts or clubbing with friends. either way, as long as lihua doesn't have to spend too much time on her own, she doesn't mind what she's doing.

[8:30am-9:15am] lihua wakes up, and does her usual morning skin care routine. she puts on make up, and checks the weather before choosing an outfit. once her bag is packed with her laptop and necessary textbooks, she leaves her dorm room to walk to her first class.
[9:30am-12:15pm] lihua has two classes on mondays back to back, eastern civilization and introduction to legal studies. each are an hour and fifteen minutes, with fifteen minutes in between for walking time.
[12:18pm-1:46pm] she gets lunch with a julia, and they study together after eating.
[2pm-6:01pm] lihua clocks into her part-time job at get well soon coffee and serves customers with a bright smile while hurriedly making drinks.
[6:24pm-8:34pm] lihua shows up to debate club early with a dinner she bought, and jokes around and catches up with her fellow club members before the club meeting begins. they typically only meet twice a week, but will meet daily the week before a debate.
[8:52pm-12:14am] lihua tosses her bag onto the floor by her desk. she showers, and eats a late night snack while she studies for the rest of the night. once in a while, she'll procrastinate and text her friends when they ask her for help. but she eventually crawls into bed after deciding she's studied enough, and falls asleep.


[8:30am-9:15am] lihua wakes up, and does her usual morning skin care routine. makeup, outfit, pack her bag. she mentally prepares herself for a day full of classes.
[9:30am-2:45pm] lihua has three classes back to back with an hour lunch break in between. first is her creative writing seminar, then she has her critical reasoning class, and lastly it's the rise of modern science. she usually spends her hour lunch break with whichever one of her friends is free.
[2:52pm-6:21pm] lihua studies and does her homework in the library with some friends. while procrastinating, she may watch random videos online, but is mostly productive.
[6:24pm-7:46pm] lihua eats dinner nearby, typically with a friend, and very rarely alone.
[8:03pm-12:56am] lihua arrives back at her dorm and does her usual nightly routine of showering, brushing her teeth, then studying. she gets a facetime call from guanli, and spends two hours laughing and catching up with him before she falls asleep.

[a repeat of monday]

[8:30-9:15am] lihua wakes up, and does her usual morning skin care routine. she leaves her dorm room to walk to her first class.
[9:30am-12:15pm] lihua has two classes on wednesdays back to back, eastern civilization and introduction to legal studies. each are an hour and fifteen minutes, with fifteen minutes in between for walking time.
[12:17pm-1:43pm] she gets lunch with julia, and they study together after eating.
[2pm-5:59pm] lihua clocks into her part-time job at get well soon coffee and serves customers with a bright smile while hurriedly making drinks.
[6:22pm-8:32pm] lihua shows up to debate club early with a dinner she bought, and jokes around and catches up with her fellow club members before the club meeting begins.
[8:45pm-12:42am] lihua tosses her bag onto the floor by her desk. she showers, and eats a late night snack while she studies for the rest of the night. once in a while, she'll procrastinate and text her friends when they ask her for help. but she eventually crawls into bed after deciding she's studied enough, and falls asleep.

[a repeat of tuesday]

[8:30am-9:15am] lihua wakes up, and does her usual morning skin care routine. makeup, outfit, pack her bag. she mentally prepares herself for a day full of classes.
[9:30am-2:45pm] lihua has three classes back to back with an hour lunch break in between. first is her creative writing seminar, then she has her critical reasoning class, and lastly it's the rise of modern science. she usually spends her hour lunch break with whichever one of her friends is free.
[2:52pm-6:21pm] lihua studies and does her homework in the library with some friends. while procrastinating, she may watch random videos online, but is mostly productive.
[6:24pm-7:46pm] lihua eats dinner nearby, typically with a friend, and very rarely alone.
[8:03pm-11:52pm] lihua arrives back at her dorm and does her usual nightly routine of showering, brushing her teeth, then studying. she facetimes her big brother and giggles while he shows her how the cats are doing.


[6:30am-7:00am] lihua wakes up, and rushes out the door after putting on her makeup hurriedly, making it to work at get well soon coffee right on time.
[7:01am-12:02pm] lihua works the super busy morning shift with a bright smile and charming personality until she clocks out for lunch.
[12:18pm-1:46pm] she gets lunch with a friend or coworker. once again, she rarely ever eats alone.
[2:01pm-7:23pm] lihua's rare free time. may spend it watching random netflix shows, online shopping, and scrolling through social media.
[7:24pm-8:34pm] lihua gets ready for another party or clubbing experience with her friends.
[8:52pm-1:52am] lihua spends the rest of the night getting wasted at a party, and knocks out once she's back.


[saturday] lihua wakes up, typically with a hangover, and is picked up by her older brother to visit for the day. she spends most of her time binge watching shows on her brother's tv, cooking lunch and dinner with liwei, and playing with the cats. she's dropped off at night, and she spends the rest of her night partying or clubbing with friends.

[sunday] lihua is hungover again in the morning probably. spends majority of the day recovering, and facetiming guanli. she may spend time with friends, chatting mindlessly about shows, memes, and gossiping about dumb things happening in their lives. may spend the night studying, and finishing some assignments she left until last minute.

place one
NAME huang liwei (25)
R/S older brother
OCCUPATION assistant manager of marketing at level station company.
the person she looked up to all these years, and the man whose shadow she never thought she'd ever escape. liwei is a typical older brother, who looks out for his younger sister but never passes up an opportunity to tease and bully her. still, it's obvious how much he cares for her. he only knows a little bit of her internal struggle, and he knows that there's reasons why she doesn't come to him with her problems, so he never brings it up. honestly, lihua knows that he probably isn't even aware of how small she feels compared to him sometimes, simply because he chooses not to worry about it.

typical family. she doesn't talk to him about her issues, or internal conflict, but she asks him for professional advice and gossips about whatever may be happening with her friends' relationships, and he listens. he may rant about whatever's going on at work while they're cooking lunch together in return. they're close, even without relying too much on each other. that's just how family's always been to them. and the two of them are happy with that. (fc: wang yibo)
place two
NAME wang guanli (21)
R/S childhood friend
OCCUPATION student at tsinghua university.
her best friend from home, that she still keeps in constant contact with. he knows everything about her and her life, and she knows everything about his. he's the one who always encourages her to try and not hide from her feelings, and to prepare a little bit more for the future. he's also the one who tells her to maybe slow down on the drinks, and find what she loves. 

in short, he's her reality check. and while she wants to avoid reality, she's grateful he's still worrying for her even when she's a whole country away. guanli and her grew up together, so they know the most about each other. he's like a younger brother to her, and the person she can be the most natural around aside from her actual older brother. which is why she calls him so often when she's in distress, and why he always picks up. 

she knows so much about him, but has always been so blind to his one-sided crush on her that he gave up on once she went to yonsei. (fc: dylan wang)
place one
NAME julia kobayashi (21)
R/S close friend
OCCUPATION 2nd year majoring in justice and civil leadership.
her chosen partner in all group projects, and her go-to friend whenever she finds a new party is happening on campus. julia and lihua became close friends in their first year when they found out they basically shared all the same classes due to being in the same major. their extroverted personalities and love for parties, late night drinking, and social interaction ensured that they'd be close friends. now, they're study buddies who can't wait for the weekend so they can be each other's bad influences.

sometimes, there will be late nights where they're slightly tipsy, and they confide in each other. julia talks about how she doesn't want to ever go back home because she'll lose all her indepence, and lihua murmurs that she doesn't know if she has a future at all. typically though, their friendship is filled with laughter, as both of the girls are the type to ignore their problems until absolutely necessary. (fc: murase sae)
place two
NAME yong hada (20)
R/S coworker
OCCUPATION 2nd year at yonsei, part-time employee at get well soon.
lihua and hada could not be any more different. during slow hours, it's typical for parts of their life to be shared with each other. for example, hada knows that lihua has an older brother that has two cats and is painfully single, while lihua knows that hada has an older sister she takes care of. lihua knows better than to ask why hada can't go to the parties she invites her to, and that everyone has circumstances in their lives, so she offers her assistance to hada in other ways.

need her to pick up a shift? lihua doesn't mind shifting around her busy schedule to help hada if needed. struggling with a general education course? lihua will try her best to help, especially if it's related to writing--her academic expertise. lihua doesn't fully know the circumstances of hada's life, and she's not the type to pry, but if her small efforts can make hada's life any less hard than it might've been, lihua won't hesitate to be there. they're not the closest of friends, but they spend a lot of time together at work as they share a lot of similar shifts.
place one
NAME no harang (21)
R/S friend
OCCUPATION 3rd year student at robinson, heiress.
is it even a surprise that harang and lihua know each other? they've shared general education classes, and as a result, lihua quickly befriended the party-hosting fun-loving heiress. lihua's connections span far and wide, and her most valuable one is no harang and her ability to host the best parties.

as two girls who grew up sheltered from suffering, there's a lot they can actually talk about outside of the parties they attend. while lihua was never as affluent as harang (and probably will never be), she can relate to her to a certain point. maybe that's why when they talk outside of class, they're relatively relaxed with each other. they both have large expectations resting on their shoulders that they have to carry with them into the future, and at the same time, they both know that the best thing to do is to just enjoy the present as it is.
place two
NAME here (age)
R/S here
elaboration here.
life direction
lihua lays awake some nights she's unable to sleep. she silently chides herself for drinking that extra coffee to try and cram for her exam. on nights like these, her mind will wander. she hates nights like these the most.

what does she want to do with the rest of her life? sure, she cares about law, about debate, but does she want to dedicate so much of her life towards law school, and does she definitely want to devote the rest of her life towards being a lawyer? 

the answer is maybe. and then after that, what type of lawyer does she even want to be? what field of law should she even go into? and then what after that? where does she want to end up? korea? back home in hong kong? maybe even the states? will she ever be able to settle down with someone, start a family, be happy? lihua's future is an endless list of questions. and as she stares at the ceiling of her dorm room, while listening to her roommate's calm breathing, the endless amount of questions she has about her future only makes her dizzy.

lihua closes her eyes and hopes she'll dream of a happy future. one where she's married, with kids, a cat, and doing a job she loves, in a place she loves.
"hello! i'm huang lihua. lily is fine too, or hwamin if those names are too difficult." lihua smiles brightly while holding her hand out for a handshake. "i'm a second year at yonsei university's international college majoring in justice and civil leadership."
"well, i currently live every day in the present, not worrying too much about my future. i guess my goal would be to find what my life goal is." she laughs sheepishly, trying to hide the way she squirms uncomfortably in her seat.
"questions like these are a bit embarrassing, don't you think? not that i don't like talking about myself." she says with a quiet hum. "well...fun, hardworking, and thoughtful!"
"as a leader, a good friend, and someone who cared even when no one else did." she states firmly.
"nope. just that, if this is going in a paper or a magazine, i hope you'll pick a good photo of me." lihua jokes as she stands to leave. "thanks for your time."
dear future someone,
能不能繼續, 對我哭, 對我笑, 對我好? 繼續讓我 為你想, 為你瘋, 陪你老。 你好不好? 好想知道。
can you continue to cry to me, smile at me, treat me well? allow me to think of you, go crazy for you, and grow old with you? how have you been? i really want to know.
keep width 220. don't worry about height as long as it's bigger than 280!
scroll right
as someone who's been single her entire life, lihua can't really say what she's like when she's in love. she's dreamed about it though. being able to be fully open with someone, talk about things she wouldn't talk about with anyone else, and to be able to hold her when she's unable to pretend to be alright anymore.

but she knows love isn't that easy. she can't just instantly drop her walls with someone--that's not natural. she's witnessed enough of her friends' relationships--provided enough relationship advice to know that relationships don't survive with love alone. in the end, lihua is a realist.

she's not the type of girl to get flustered at the slightest compliment, and she isn't the shy and cutesy girlfriend some people may hope for. she's still herself--a mom friend who shows she cares for her loved ones by being there for them and holding them close when needed. she loves naturally, openly, and would be the type to want to show off her significant other.

in the end, lihua in a relationship would still be the same. loving, caring, protective, considerate, and a shoulder to cry on. there will be times when she can be immature because of her emotional side, but she'd also be the first to apologize and realize her wrongdoings.
lihua's dreamed of a relationship where she doesn't always have to be the one doing the listening. sure, she doesn't mind, but sometimes, she does wish there was someone else she could rely on that didn't live a whole plane ride away.

in terms of physical appearance, lihua has no preferences. maybe someone taller than her--someone whose hoodies she can steal and do cute couple things with--but she's never cared much about appearance.

when it comes to everything else, lihua really just wants someone who she can be herself with. someone who will think of her when they see flowers and buy them for her on their way to go see her. or maybe someone who will just text her 'i miss you', because they miss her. someone honest, thoughtful, and willing to open their arms for her. someone who won't be mad at her for wanting to be a free spirit at night, and yet won't be a bad influence to her desire to excel academically.

maybe that person really is too hard to find. but lihua doesn't think her standards are that high. she just wants someone who will make her smile whenever she sees them, and someone who will make her laugh when she wants to. cry.
i'll see you soon.
ending credits
COMMENTS i just graduated college, so looking at underwood's curriculum and major requirements for students made me feel like a confused freshman all over again LOL. BUT ANYWAYS overall, i hope you like her ! i also didn't know how long the classes were, so i based it off my college experience and took a rough guess.
studying all nighters during finals week always result in insanity and funny interactions, would be fun to see these LOL.
facetime drunk calling guanli and just crying about how hard life is without him
siblings maybe her visiting her brother at work one day and embarrassing him in some way lol, also any interactions between the siblings.
anger lihua actually dumping a drink on someone out of anger when she's drunk
PASSWORD boreum! i love her motivations and her will to perservere with her passion while also helping others.


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hi! a hongkonger stalking apps rolling through.
a really quick question because it seems like a lot of people don't know this, but did you know elkie voiced explicit support for the hong kong police for what they did during the protests in hong kong?