a little letter


This is a letter supposed to be sent to guy I, me telling him about guy II. Honestly of course I didn't send it, it's a diary entry, I just wanted to make it look like a letter... anyway, wrote this a long time ago :)) I love rereading my old writing. heheh..
so well, basically it's a little more detailed story of me and guy II
Dear You,
I am so happy to realize that until now we’re still being a very good friend, thank you for staying there even if every romance related we ever had was ended completely. Thank you for always being a good friend for me, I know I am very lucky to have had you by my side, and to befriend you after that.
The memories we shared was hell lot of fun and I promise you I’ll keep it forever, I can’t wait to create more memories with you.
Remember when we talked about how hard it is to let someone special go from our life, now I have found the solution, since it’s really too hard, I’ve decided to never let you go. It’s a real big loss if I do. The feelings I have for you may change, from love to whatever you want to call it, I just need you to know that the feeling is still as strong, and strengthen me.
Guess what? I have found someone new, and this feeling is nothing I have ever felt before. My heart doesn’t go boom boom when I see him, not like whenever I saw you coming. But I always feel myself smile and my face redden when I heard his motorcycle roared from the corner of the street heading to my house.
Yes, he rides a motorcycle, not a luxurious car like yours. His motorcycle isn’t even impressive, not Harley Davidson or one you can show off on the road, but I enjoy it when we spend evening together just riding on his motorcycle around the city.
Just in case you’re wondering, people think he’s not as handsome as you, but whenever I see his face I smile and that’s enough for me to feel the fluttering feelings inside.
I remember how you always keep your image good as a gentleman who knows every detail about how to treat a girl, he’s your total opposite, he doesn’t care about all those details, he snores loudly when he sleeps, he farts everywhere -and just grinned sheepishly right after- and he rarely takes a bath, when he does it would be almost as long as forever. How impressive? Yes it impressed me how I never really cringe when he does those disgust-face worth things.
He’s so unlike you who spends your nights in front of the computer working, or me, who would love to dance all night long at the club with my friends, he’d rather have a long philosophical talk with his friends (or me) which then will open my mind and make me realize about something new.
It’s amazing that it never bores me, at all.
You know how absorbed I can be when I am working in my room, he, in the other hand is a very mobile person, he and his lame old motorcycle had gone together through a lot of adventures, he loves sleeping in the forest and had told me one day about his hide-and-seek game with a lion.
He’s my total opposite when it comes to technology. His email password is the last thing he can remember, let alone have a blog or join any social network, while I, you know me, have tried every sites possible.
He changed me, the lazy me, the girl who never cooks, and barely wash dishes to one. He taught me to finish my every meal instead of leave some on the plate. And in all honesty I was surprised the first time I did wash the dishes and found that it was actually fun.
He can’t swim, I swim a lot.
He loves beaches, I don’t-it makes me tan and tan doesn’t look good on me, remember? But we’ve both gone to a really pretty beach, he took me there near sunset so I wouldn’t have to worry about getting tanned.
He makes me laugh, a lot.
He and you and me are three really different people, and it’s surprising how love, or whatever feeling I am having now doesn’t depend on how different or similar we all are.
This guy have truly drive me crazy, and it’s insane that I love drowning myself in this pool of craziness.


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You're so sweet~! <3