✂ student application ; 12-Aphrodite's Lady from Neverland

-`연세전문학교 || Yonsei Academy´-
Shin Hyerin
 Shin Hyerin
USERNAME » Jooyeonee
NAME » Shin Hyerin
NICKNAME » Yerin - Called by everyone who close to her because people often misheard her name, also hyerin just too mouthful 
» Chibi - called by chanyeol/love interest, becuase she's just so small and cute like some anime character.
BIRTHDAY »20 may 1997
BIRTHPLACE » Seoul, South Korea
LOCATION » Seongbuk-do, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul.
» Korean (native, her mother tongue)

» English (intermediate, learning in since elementary school) 
FACE-CLAIM » Park Girim
GALLERY » gallery
GALLERY » gallery
APPEARANCE » Hyerin characterized by a petite body with 162 cm and 43 kg. small with rather thin lips. Her nose is recognizable feature, being long and generally aquiline, Hyerin has pale complexion with face in repose, a high forehead which she covers with bangs and pointed chin. Her hair is thin and straight, fall slightly above her shoulder. She dyed in light brunette. Her eyes is dark brown almost black with double eyelids. Hyerin has a stand out collar bone, with a mole in her right collar bone. She has basic pierced in her ear lobes.  
FASHION STYLE » When it comes to fashion and beauty, magazines and celeb website are her sources. What is the latest hot thing being worn now? She knows, and probably already has two of them in her wardrobe. Her wardrobe spills over of shapes, silhouettes, colors, and fabrics. You won't guess much from her wardrobe, however, as she will have piles of outfits, from fabulous to funky, from sweat to gorgeous gown, from running shoes to six inch high heeled wonders. She is a mix and match lady. Each outfits must have its own bag and shoes, some must have scarves, some must have belts. What doesn't she like? Anything that covers or her ears, she likes to be able to talk and hear what's going on. She have dozens pairs of sunglasses, lots of chains, and some realy fine bling. But, actually she doesn't know where any of it is.

at school Hyerin use her unfiorm in disicpline way. She make schedule for unfiorm. Monday-tuesday with blazer and tie, wedenesday is black cardigan with bow tie, thursday is black sweater vest, and friday is just white shirt and skirt combine with thick black stocking. She tucked her shirt but leaves blazer ed.

» Shin Seongho | 58 years old | Father | Professor in Seoul National University. 
— Seongho is typical strict father who always expect the best from his children. But he's a tottaly a fool for his daughter, Hyerin. Having daughter in his 40 make him become a soft hearty. Seongho in Hyerin place to go whenever she need helps, because for her, Seongho is a superdad. 
» Min Songyi | 56 years old | Mother | Florist
— Songyi is affectionate mother who always there for her family. Her love for flowers shown with her delicate attitude. Hyerin and her mother is really close, Hyerin always help her mother in her florist in her day off.
Shin Hyejun | 30 years old | Brother | Dentist
Hyejun is the perfect son, omchina (omma chinggu adeul) means that son who always to compare to others. He's mature, responsible, dutiful even though he's also stubborn and perfectionist. He carry the prode of their family. However, because having a bug make them slightly apart. When Hyerin growing up Hyejun is going to his med school  in US, it make their relatonship slightly awkward. They don't have bickering siblings relationship, because Hyejun always give in to Hyerin. 
» Female of Magic and Devotion | The main conection between them is their tolerant about female of impulsiveness and focus. Hyerin and this girl come to conclusion that one small thing lead to others big thing. So, they start be bestie in click because this girl one of the few who didn't feel offended with Hyerin 'playful' teases. 
» Female of beauty and kindness | Hyerin and this girl having same interest in fashion and beauty. They are shopping and salon buddy. Hyerin like to hang out with this girl also because this girl is really pretty and hope she also can be that pretty if she spent more time with her.

Shin family is known for their exeptional education. Shin Seongho, Hyerin's father is professor of International security in SNU and he take a pride from it. Her father is prominent and respected professor between his colleagues. Min Songyi, Hyerin's mother, also graduated from SNU and work as assistant manager in one multi national company for 3 years before resign after her fist son was born. After Hyejun 6 years and start going to school, her mother decide to open a florist to channel her pasion in flowers. 6 years later, Hyerin came to complete the family

Hyerin came late to Shin family. Her parents didn't really expect or planning to have second child, since her mother having a little bit trauma about pregancy. Hyerin's mother have to bear 9 months morning sickness and countless times hospitalized because of that. Hyerin was born in the spring and immediately bringhten and bring more happiness to their little family. Hyerin is showered with the excesive amount of love. Even though Hyerin has an older brother but practically Hyerin living the life of only child since she's 7 years old. Her brother got scholarship for medical study in Boston University. Hyerin was a very active and energetic kid who always crave for attention.

Coming from well educated family, education is her number 1 priority in her life. Hyerin did fairly well in elementary school to middle school, she wasn't the stupidest nor the smartest either. She keeps her grade above average, she does fail in history a lot though. Being above average is not enough for her father who expects Hyerin to be a top student just like Hyejun. Her father knew is it because Hyerin lack of focus in her study. Despite his soft nature to Hyerin, Seongho is really concern about her study. Her father plans to put Hyerin in prestigious school which has tight schedule. Yonsaeng lycheum ia really well known for their top curicullum among the teachers. So, her father ask a favor to Yonsaeng lycheum headmistress, who also his college friend, in return for his help in helping the headmistress' son entering SNU. Hyerin didn't make fuss about this since she believe 100% her dad always give her the best things.
PLOTLINE  » Female of Energy and Youth 
BACK UP » Female of Magic and Devotion
positive; Extrovert, Talkative, Caring & sincere, Adaptable
neutral; Emotional, Spontaneous, Boisterous, Easily bored
negative; Inconsiderate, Disorganized, Restless, Untrustworthy
» Extrovert ⇒ The more people she's surrounded by, the better she feel, and she's not picky about who she get to know. She enjoy having many friends. When interacting with her, you can feel like you've known her all your life.

»Talkative ⇒ She make friends quickly, and she'll cheerily talk to strangers. She's like to convince people to come along with things like 'come on, you'll enjoy it' or 'you don't know what ypu're missing'.
» Caring & sincere ⇒ She will always be caring and supportive friends. She can help them when they need her or are struck in a difficult situation. She will get her friends back on their feet again with a steady plan for succes, and for all this, she expect nothing.

» Adaptable ⇒ She can change to fit her environment, wether that environment is antural or social. Due to her friendliness, she can easily mingle with new people and new place.

» Emotional ⇒ Her emotion can be exterme but fleeting. She is the sorts who will be screaming "I hate you I hate you!' one day. then mere hours later, she'll be profusely apologising, then expecting everything to all be water under the bridge after that.

» Spontaneous ⇒ Hyerin live completely in  the here and now and make spontaneous decision from one moment to next. Should a decision turn out to be wrong, one can always make new plans. She also quick to forget and forgive and expect the others to do the same, because she live in the moment rather tahn dwelling in the past.

» Boisterous ⇒ When carried away Hyerin can be loud and noisy, and slightly out of control. Its often happen in one her best mood, which quite often actually.

» Easily bored ⇒ Hyerin always in the mood for a good time. She's a fun-loving and require constant entertainment, and will complain about being bored if she is not sufficiently entertained, often at another person who's failing to entertain her.

» Inconsiderate ⇒ Hyerin can sometimes be hurtfull to others without being aware of it, as she generally do not know and do not care about the effect their words have on others. Its not that she don't care about people, she simply dense about others' feeling. She likes to tease others in a 'playful' way, expecting them not to take it so seriously.
» Disorganized ⇒ She could not be said neat and tidy. She live in the moment, which can lead to poor planning or disorganisation and messiness. She also tend to forget important appointments.

» Restless ⇒ With her always-full-of-charge nature, Hyerin can be quite a burden to others. It can scares people away because others won't be able to keep up with her.

» Untrustworthy ⇒ Hyerin aren't particularly trustworthy as she'll be too eager to spill secrets with others, and her general flightiness can't make her relaible as she is likely to get easily distracted by other things.

» Babies/toddler [they're so freaking cuteee....!!!! she hope they stay as baby forever, don't grow up its a trap!] 

» Classic vanila ice cream cone [who say vanila ice cream is boring? you boring! boo..]
» Trying new things [new things is good for life, its keep her away from boredom]
» Brownies [it's basically her favorite cake, its yummi and didn't make her feel sick]
» Salty snack [MSG, 'nouf said. Anything with MSG is delicous)

» Rainy/gloomi day [it bring her mood down]

» Cat and their fur [allergic. period. also cat face a bit scary. Dog is cuter #teamdog ]
» Being left out [its uncomfortable for her not being the center of attention]
» Banana [its makes her nauseous] 
» Medicine [so bitter. she prefer to get injection rather than taking oral medicine]
» Shopping

» Listening to hip-hop music
» Bicycling
» Party
» Excercise
» Pulls her hair back behind her ears over and over again when there's a cute guy.

» Tapping her pen on her nose when she is confused with assaignment.
» She bangs on her tummy like she is palying the drums if she gets bored, she doesn't realize when she's doing it.
» She slurps her spoon when eating cereal, soup, etc.
» Talks in her sleep almost every night.
» Ghost

» Reptils
» Darkness
» Thunder
» Sinked

» Uchon Private Elementary school [
우촌초등학교 ] (2003-2009)
» Daekyeong Middle School [대경중학교 (2009-2012)
» Yonsaeng Lycheum [연생학원 ] (2012-2015)
» Yonsei Accademy [
연세전문학교 ](2015-2016)
» When Hyerin has more than one cup of coffee you can't shut her up with a stick, you literally have to tell her "Yerin, stop talking!".

» Hyerin rarely got mad but when she do, she will does her infamous 'silent treatment'.
»She named her favorite things. Her phone is Billy because it's blue. Her mary-jane shoes is MJ, yeah she lacks of creativity.
» Whenever she lose her phone, she call out its name, like "Oh Billy, where are you? Why are you hiding from me? Come out now!". 
» She's allergic to cat fur its make her sneezing all day.
» She's AB type
» She knows any kind of flowers and the meaning behind it.
» Her ideal type is someone who can always keep her entertaint but somehow can tame her down.
» Jo Insung is her celebrity crush. 
» Easily catch a cold in rainy days.
» She's very touchy-feely, really affectionate with her circle of friends, hugs, , linking arms, cuddling, she does that with every aphrodite girls.
» She enjoy playing games and sports, but games she play mostly in her phone. She ges around trying to find people who can beat her flappy bird score.
» She's more a talker than listener.
» She's addicticted to MSG. She can live without rice but not her salty snack.
» Out of 24 hours she spent 10 hours on internet.

»  vice president ( She feels the need to take part in student council, because being a student councils brings more attention to her and new people to meet. but the down side she aren't particularly excelent at those jobs. She's not organized enough to be treasure and she absolutely far from neat and tidy to be  secretary. So the only thing that she thinks she can do it is vice president. Vice president is President suporter, and hey Hyerin is the best suporter out there, she see things positively, optimistically, and would convince president to see things that way too. Student council need her energy anyway. )
»  n/a
» lawn tennis (Lawn tennis is kind of new to her so she want to give it a try, because she already in volleyball club in middle school, and swimming is just a big no, almosts sinked when she's 5 is enough reason to stay away from the pool. Archery actually kind of cool but tennis give her more sweat)
»  journalism club + (Hyerin will be a very good journalsit. She know how to make boring article become a headline-worthy article. Just a twist here and there, and having many sources is a guarantee that her article would be a trending topic and no. 1 search )
OTHERS   Mrs. Headmistress | 58 | Yonsaeng headmistress |
Hyerin didn't know her personally, but she know she enter Yonsaeng because of her. Hyerin also know that the headmistress and and her father is close friend. But what she didn't know is the headmistress keeping a close eye for her father favor. 
BACKGROUND » Hyerin having a hard time to focus in class. Sitting to long in class make her bored. She often play with her phone under the table and never get caught. But she make important notes, so she didn't exactly lost in her study. Hyerin maintain her grade above average with befriend with the smartass people in her class. She's quite good at calculus and science but at History.  
Hyerin got in Yonsei Accademy because the headmistress become a her sponsor. 

LOVE INTEREST » Park Chanyeol
HOW THEY MET/MEET » At the first day school Hyerin saw a tall lanky boy who sit at the bench while having his fully attention on his phone. Out of curiosity, Hyerin come close to that boy from behind, she thinks that boy watch some inappropriate thing but turn out that boy is playing Lets get rich on his phone. Seeing that suddenly Hyerin burst out laughing, and the boy surprised to see a midget girl laughing at him. Hyerin tell him that he's so out of date playing let's get rich while Hyerin already remove that game because that bored her when she become a millionare. The boy, turn out to be a game maniac, Park Chanyeol, do not accept there's a chibi girl mocking him for his game. From that day Chanyeol always challenging Hyerin in every game that he plays. 
sstt.....Long before meet at Yonsei Chanyeol and Hyerin known each other but, not knowing their real name. They are long time rival in Clash of Clans. But after entering Yonsei Hyerin rarely playing again .
OUTCOME » From a bickering, always-made-a-dare-for-a-game become a close friend, then Hyerin got 'one side' crush, Chanyeol in denial and finally become a really cute couple /screaming height different/
- Chanyeol know Hyerin is his favorite rival from Clash of Clans when he's playing with Hyerin phone. /cue my love from another star ost, ~you areee.....my destinyyyyy....../
- some people opposed Hyerin being a part of student council becuase everyone know she's not responsible but the sudent councils defend her.
- camping with the boys /wohooo
COMMENTS & QUESTIONS » ugghh....english is not my 1st languange so please bear with my grammar error also typo here and there.
PASSWORD » couple +  aphrodite



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