the idol & the baby // Shin Sehyun // Chen // Hannah Tracy Shim



USERNAME  Jooyeonee


- Stella (her english name, her name when in Boston)
- Hyunmom (by Hannah)

BIRTHDAY ━ 13/10/1993
AGE ━ 20
BIRTHPLACE ━ Boston, Massachusetts, U.S
TIMELINE ━ 1993 - 2000 at Boston | 2000 - now at Seoul, South Korea
ETHNICITY ━ full Korean
LANGUAGES ━ Englsih, Korean (fluent), Chinese (basic)
HEIGHT ━ 164 cm
WEIGHT ━ 50 kg
DOMINANT HAND ━ right hand



✿ Sehyun was born in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, when her father in currently take his master degree in law. Her parents moved there when they just married and having Sehyun there. While her father at college her mother take accademy in pastry. They lived there until Sehyun 7 years old and moved back to korea. In korea her father work at a well known law firm and increasingly busy, and rarely spent his time with Sehyun again, so Sehyun mostly spent her time with her mother. Helping her with try her mother's new recipe. Her mother open a pastry shop at Myeongdong area. Her family is very strict about rules and discipline. Sehyun grew up as obedient and dutiful daughter. She try as much as she can to not dissappoint her parents and always do her best to make her parents proud of her. Her family is living happily.

PERSONALITY TRAITS  Disciplined, uptight, idealistic, caring, organized

✿ Sehyun can describe as 'good citizen' who can be depended on to do the right thing for herself also for her families and communities. While she generally take things very seriously, she also usually have an offbeat sense of humor and can be a lot of fun, especially at family or work-related gatherings. She's the sort of who try to throw a joke that just her can find the funny and amusing part, her joke somewhat bizarre for others. Sehyun tend to believe in laws and tradition, and expect the same from others. She's not comfortable with breaking laws or going againts the ules. If she are able to see a good reason for stepping outside of established mode of doing things, she will support that effort. However, she more often tend to believe that things should be be done according to procedures and plans, she simply insist on doing everything 'by the book'. She mostly appear like Hermione.
Sehyun also an idealist person means, she look at life in two different ways, the way it is and the way she think it should be. Sometimes she try make the two match which gives her, her 'head in the clouds' viewpoints. She have her own standard that she live by and work hard to not allow anyone to take those standards away or judges her on them. Sehyun is extremely faithful and loyal. Traditional and family-minded, she will put forth great amount of effort at making her homes and families running smoothly. She will be a responsible parents or an obedient daughter, taking her roles as parents or daughter seriously. She's usually good and generous providers to her families. She care deeply about those close to her, although she usually is not comfortable with expressing her love. She's likely to express her affection through actions, rather than through words. 
Sehyun have an excellent ability to take any task and define it, organize it, plan it, and implement it through completion. She's hard workers, who do not allow obstacle to get in the way of performing her duties.


✿ Drizzle
✿ Drawing
✿ Watching movie
✿ salty popcorn
✿ baking cake
✿ serenade
✿ clean and neat place
✿ nail arts

✿ snow
✿ well-mannered kids
✿ chocolate milk


✿ Heavy rain, storm, thunder, lightning
✿ too sweet food
✿ messy place
✿ sweating
✿ being rush
✿ bees
✿ white milk
✿ people who break the rules


✿ Horse riding
✿ Baking /cooking

✿ Drawing


✿ happy/excited ) jumping around and hug people without realizing
✿ upset ) pouted while crossed her arms
✿ angry ) raise her voice and scolded the one who made her angry
✿ jealous ) silent all day, bad mood
✿ bored ) yawning, play with her phone
✿ shy ) play with her hair and stare at floor
✿ irritated ) giving a death glare


✿ she's a sleepy head, she can sleep anywhere if she's sleepy
✿ she has driving license

✿ she rides Hyundai veloster white
✿ obsessed with chocolate milk
✿ now she's currently learning chinese because she has a chinese friends in class and want to understand them
✿ can't swim
✿ high tolerance of alcohol

✿ likes anything in white

UNIVERSITY NAME ━ Hanyang University
CLASS SCHEDULE ━ Majoring architecture, 3rd year. Since she's already in her junior year, her class is not as packed when she's in freshmen and sophomore. Her class start at 9 am and end at 1 pm, from monday to friday. She has no class at saturday. She mostly found at design lab studio helping her senior project or maybe at cafeteria.

JOB ━ n/a

LIVING ARRANGEMENT ━ Living with her family at their apartment




STYLE ━ She wears decent and comfortable clothes. For college she would wear jeans with long sleves shirt or knit sometimes she would wears dress if she's in the mood for girly. if she don't go anywhere she like wears T-shirt with character print on it. she likes pastel color and avoid dark color such.
OTHERS ━ Sehyun always bring her satchel bag, which is contain, wallet, phone, cosmetic purse, and her note book. She also always wears a watch to hide her small scar in her left wrist



✿ father ) Shin Seokhyun / 49 / Lawyer / wise, firm, protective, smart, hardworking 
✿ mother ) Kim Soorin / 45 / Pastry Chef / lovable, affectionate, caring, humorous, fastidious
✿ brother ) Shin Daehyun / 10 / student / mischievous, prankster, funny, cheerful, blunt 


✿ female oc ) Park Jihye / 20 / student college / adventurous, confident, considerate, dramatic, enthusiastic / 
✿ male oc ) Lee Jaeho / 22 / student college (senior in campus) / charismatic, conscientious, friendly, independent, kind


father : "Who's is this Chen? since when you know him? did he has criminal record? what he do for living?" my dad throw like 100 question like that, he can't believe that I would doing this kind of reality show and give me like 1000 advice to not cross the line and don't go overboard, just doing what the show need, but in the end he let me pass.
mother : "What you got chosen? omo, I have go to salon and got prepare. They will filming in our house too right?" my mom is overly exited than me but she immediately turn down when I said that they're not filming in our house.
brother : "wow, is that means you're out from home? yeah, I can use your room then!" he ran towards my room but before he reach the door I already closed and lock my room and say "you wish!"

Jihye : "NO WAYYYYY!!!!!!!" she screaming out of her lung when she hear my story. She whining about how dare I got chosen while she's not, and ask me sign and photo from all EXO members.
Jaeho : "err...okay. this is just for the sake of the show right? and when the show end you back to normal again? I mean your back to single?" he look like kind of jealous? maybe he afraid that I can't help him again in his final project.


LOVE INTEREST  Kim Jong dae aka Chen

✿ Sehyun : "What I think about Chen before i met him is nothing much different. He is a cheerful guy with a daring smile. I don't expect him to be a perfect father but at least he know what his charge to take care the kid. However now a days its always me who takes the responsibility with Hannah, I almost yell at him "why always me?". He can't stand when Hannah was pouting and its me again who make the decision. But I can't always angry or scolded him because he always know how to melt my heart with buying me gifts and how he remember that I can't resist anything in white. And her voice only adds the long list why I always let him pass"
✿ Chen : "She's pretty calm in our first meeting. It's a relief of course since i can't imagine someone that would going crazy or gidily all day. After a while I know her, she so much reminds me of SNSD Seohyun sunbaenim. Both of them have same aura, like a well behaved girl. She stick to the rules and its hard for to follow all her rules, so in the end I have to make apologize, at first I try to use aegyo ut it doesn't work, she's immune with aegyo /sobs/ so, I buy her a gift. I like to buy her a gift because she can's resist it"


✿ Jonghyun couple (Jongdae and Sehyun)
✿ Their family slogan is "Jong Se Han, cross" /lol easy brothers/  

✿ when Sehyun lullaby Hannah Chen there to serenade her
✿ Chen likes to gang up with Hannah to make Sehyun baking cake for them
✿ Chen likes to use aegyo to Sehyun but it doesn't work
✿ Sehyun and Hannah sometimes talk in english in front of Chen and make joke of him since Chen can't understand them.

BACKUP LOVE INTEREST ━ Suho aka Kim Joonmyeon

✿ Sehyun : "Yoksi, EXO leader. As expected Suho definitely will be a good father. He has kind of fatherly aura who will likes to pamper his kid but didn't hesitate to to scold if his kid is over board. He try as much as he can to sweep the awkwardness in the first meeting. I find him as natural leader who likes to comfort other. I think we can really get along"
✿ Suho : "She seems quite and reserved first. Yeah, maybe because she awkward with this show, this is her first time on tv though, I can understand. After we try to get closer I know she will be a good parents, a good mom for Dooyoon. She pretty much like me I think, we both share much similarities. I hope we can be a good partner"


✿ Suhyun couple / Ahjussi ahjumma, since they like talk like old people and strict to rules
✿ Suho the charge for house course and Sehyun take care Dooyoon

✿ Suho likes to kiss Dooyoon in the cheek but Dooyoon didn't like it and wipe his cheek with irritated face
✿ Suho like to pamper Dooyoon but Sehyun forbid him because that can make Dooyoon become spoiled


THEME OF WEDDING ━ Simple wedding in church. all white in decoration and dress code
WOULD YOU MIND SWITCHING PARTNERS ━ Yes, I want to experience with responsible daddy *cough Suho cough*


HOW ARE YOU AROUND HIM/HER AT FIRST ━ Sehyun didn't feel worry or nervous at all, her background as baby sitter for her own little brother was enough to make her confident about taking care a kid. If she can handle the trouble maker Daehyun how could she can't handle a cute little girl like Hannah. But her thought about the cute and shy Hannah is totally different with Hannah who stand in front of her. She's so talkative and and so random. Sehyun didn't find hard to approach Hannah but the one that make Sehyun flustered is the curious Hannah who likes to asking about anything and Sehyun didn't good with give a logic answer
HOW YOU INTERACT WITH HIM/HER ━ Sehyun act like a real mother for Hannah. She make a daily schedule for Hannah, from wake up until sleep again. Sehyun do what she she do when she was child. However Hannah is really difficult to follow the schedule. She refused to take nap and just running all around the house. She refused to learn with Sehyun and prefer playing all day. At first this make Sehyun frustatted since she can't really scolded Hannah like she scolded her brother, she can't forced her because Hannah hate that and would ignored Sehyun. but with help of Chen step by step they can make Hannah follow the scedule with make the activities seems fun for Hannah. If its meals time, Chen will play with Hannah while Sehyun feeding her. Sehyun also likes to watch Disney channel with Hannah since both of them like disney cartoon.
Hannah likes to ask about anything what she see. If its rain she would ask from where rain is? did sky was crying? who made sky crying? is sky has mom to comfort her? the no ending question.

BACKUP CHILD ━ Lim dooyoon
HOW ARE YOU AROUND HIM/HER AT FIRST ━ Sehyun got goosebums, since how much Dooyoon reminds her with Daehyun, his stubbornes and how he sometimes hit people thats so Daehyun. Since then Sehyun knows her life as a temporary mother is going to to be difficult.
HOW YOU INTERACT WITH HIM/HER ━ (boom boom)Its hard for Sehyun to approach Dooyoon since Dooyoon didn't like girls, he more cling to Suho. After knowing that Dooyoon likes apple very much, sehyun try to seduce Dooyoon with a box of apple. Sehyun also try to give anything dooyoon want because he get angry easily. But Dooyoon didn't let him to use physical strenght to anyone, and tell him thats not good to hit people if he lose thats not people fault. Sehyun also sometime threatened Dooyoon with peanut if he didn't want listen to his parents.

WOULD YOU MIND SWITCHING YOUR CHILD ━ No, I already fit with Hannah and don't want to start another new relationship with other child.


- Make the baby stay calm when she can't get what she want
- baking cake for baby and daddy
- playing all day with baby
- lull baby
- often scolded baby and daddy
- answer baby's question with logic answer
- amuse the baby when she bored (that's Chen's part)


[] hide-and-seek
[ ] any activities at the playground (list out which activity here:_____)
[ ] tag
[ ] others: _____


[ ] sweet
[ ] sour
] salty
[ ] bitter

FAVOURITE COLOUR OF THE RAINBOW ━ (put a ✔ on the colour you like)

[ ] red
[ ] orange
[ ] yellow
[ ] green
] blue
[ ] indigo
[ ] violet


- Playing lie electric shock lie detector, asking about their true feelings about each other

- Chen come to pick up Sehyun at campus and they walking around with Chen in disguise
- going to karaoke 
- take family picture
- going to museum together
- make ramyun together
- Hannah, Sehyun and Chen sleep in one bedroom, because Hannah is caught flu and become fussy, she want to sleep with both of them. Sehyun and Chen just lay down and thinking to move when Hannah fall a sleep but since Sehyun a sleepy head she sleep as soon as Hannah sleep and Chen also don't want to moved /lol/ /they didn't do anything, sobs/
- surprise party for Hannah birthday. Sehyun plan everything, and celebrate it with Hannah's real family and all EXO families.
- Make a rules at home and if someone break the rules got punishment.

COMMENTS ━ how can you missed something with this long app /lol/ you got anything, no need to worry. 
oh, english is not my first language so pardon for grammar error /years of learning english, and I still like this, self slap/


( go back to the nursery room )


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