Questions no one asks - Taken from KarenKwan

1: When was the last time you ran?

A long time ago, I have asthma so running is difficult.

2: Do your jeans have rips, tears or holes on then


3: What are you dreading right now? 
School tests in two days.

4: Do you sing in shower?
No. lol

5: Do you get 8 hours full sleep every night? 
I usually get 9-10

6: If anyone of your friends come to your house randomly one day, what would you say? 

I wouldn't care. My friends walk in anyways uninvited so its not like Im surprised.
7: Who last grabbed your ?

 8: Have you ever been on your school's track team?
Once again, I have asthma. I also hate running.
9: Do you own pair of converse?
Yea :D
10: Did you copy paste this survey?

Yeah, there is no way I would type this all down. 

11: Do you eat raw of cookie dough?
Yes, Yes I do.

12: Have you ever kicked a vending machine?
Yes. Im very violent with the school vending machines lol.

13: Don't you hate it when radio ruins good songs by playing them over and over?


14: Do you watch top gear?

Whats that?

15: How do you eat oreos? 
Dunk and eat

16: Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone? 


17: Are you cocky? 

No. Im very humble.
18: Could you live without computer? 
No way. This is my main source of entertainment. I would die without the computer.
19: Do you wear shoes in the house? 
Yes, because Im white xD
20: Who or what sleeps with you?
Myself. My cat used to until I kept kicking her off my bed by accident. Now she never sleeps with me :/


21: At what age did you find out Santa wasn't real?

Hmm... 12?
22: How many phones or mobiles are in your house?  
5 home phones and two cell phones
23: What do you do when you're sad?
Listen to music and sleep 
24: Who would you call first when you won a lottery? 
No one.
25: When was the last time you saw your best friend?
4 months ago
26: Are you in high school? 
No. I graduated high school 3 years ago.
27: What jewelry are you wearing?  
Nothing right now. I normally wear 6 earrings, but I am currently cleaning them.
28: Is anyone beside you right now?

29: What's the first thing you do when you get online?
Check asianfanfics and Facebook. 
30: Do you watch grey's anatomy?
31: How do most people spell your name? 
Always correctly.
32: Would you wear your wear a boy / girlfriend's clothes? 
Yes. I normally wear boy clothes anyways,
33: Where do you work?
I don’t anymore, but when I did, a restaurant.
34: What are you doing tomorrow?
School from 11-2:15 and then perhaps update a chapter.
35: Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson?  
Justin will never compare to the legend that Michael was. Justin is still 7 levels below the king of pop. 

 36: Favorite name for a girl? 

I like Andy, Evelyn, Linh ,Rae. 
37: Favorite name for a boy?
I really like Kai, but since a close friend has that as her sons name; I have to think of something else. I like James, Leo, Alex
38: Will you keep your last name when you get married? 
If I get married, then yes. I have no intentions on getting married though. I rather stay single and focus on my career.
39: When was the last time you left your house? 

 Today when I went to school
40: Do you return your cart? 


 41: Do you have a dishwasher? 
42: What noise do you hear? 
The tv next to me playing some obnoxious tween show and my dog playing with a toy.

43: Would you survive in prison? 
44: Who is the youngest in the family?
I’m the youngest in my household. My cousin is the youngest in the family at 7 months.
45: If all of your friends were going to a road trip, who would likely mostly pack? 

They better be packing all their shiet and anything they think we need. 
46: Do you know anyone with the same name as you? 
47: What's the last you purchased? 

Lunch from Panda Express

48: Do your siblings ever pay for you? 
Yeah, my oppa buys me lunch every now and then if he is in town.
49: What brand are your pants now? 
High school pe shorts xD

50: Ever been to Georgia (state)? 
Nope. I am from the West Side and if I ever went to the East side, it would be Florida or NY.
51: What irritates you most on the internet? 
People who leave comments on my stories with only "Please update' or "Update soon" especially when I just updated. If you want to leave a comment, leave a reasonable comment ABOUT the story, not your demands. I know you want another chapter.

52: What brand is your digital camera? 

Erm, I forgot.. I haven’t used it in agggeess.
53: Do you watch movies with your parents? 
Sometimes. Its usually my mom who wants to me to watch movies with her.
54: What song best describes your life right now? 
Stress by Big Byung LOL
55: Do you own expensive cologne / perfume? 
Yeah. I have Ralph Lauren

56: Are you suppose to be asleep now?
Its 8:20pm. I wont sleep until midnight since my class of the day starts at 11

 57: Do you like sushi?
I never had it
58: Do you cut your hair every month? 
No. My hair grows soooo slow.

 59: Are you online everyday? 
Yes, the internet is my life.
60: What kind of phone do you have?

A droid x3


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Wow o.o we have so much in common lol
I am sorry, I do live comment's saying "Update" sowwy. Girl. I hope you know that in jail, you won't have your computer or phone, how are u gonna survive?