✂ student application ; 12-Aphrodite's Princess of Books

-`연세전문학교 || Yonsei Academy´-
Oh Haera
Oh Haera/Hester Oh
USERNAME » peanadbutter
NAME » Oh Haera/Hester Oh
» Hae + the girls call her that, shortened of Haera
» No- + by Kyungsoo in order to annoy the out of her
» Hest + by Kyungsoo after they kinda good to each other

BIRTHDAY » 21st of March 1997
BIRTHPLACE » Toronto, Canada
LOCATION » Gangnam, Chungdam-gu, Seoul, South Korea
» English : native + lived in an English-speaking country for more than half of her life.

» Korean : fluent + both of her parents are pure korean so why not?
» French : semi-fluent + took French language classes but still has that not too heavy accent.

GALLERY » gallery
GALLERY » gallery 
» round eyes and dark brown iris
» dark brown hair
» fair skin
» berry-shaped face
» sharp jaw line
"i don't give a freaking about what the others think about me."
There's only a few types of clothes in her closet. # oversized shirts, jumpers, sweatshirts, sweatpants, shorts, pants, t-shirts, skirts and simple dressesbecause she doesnt give a about fashion. as long as her body and legs are covered and she is comfortable, she is ready to go. But she is not a fashion terrorist, she still has senses in matching the outfits. And one thing she freaking hates, neon colours. She swore to herself that would never ever ever wear something that would burn her own eyes. When you looked into her closet, you could see pale colours everywhere. There is bright colours outfits but maybe just three to four out of 50+ outfits. Flat shoes, sandals, sneakers and sport shoes are her only choices to put her graceful feet in. High heels, wedges and their families are absolutely not in her list. Force her to wear those and you will get spat by her. If she's on the mood of wearing something; beanies, snapbacks or bowler hats would be her choice.


She wears her school uniform in half disciplined and half undisciplined way. Rather than necktie, she would wear ribbon (you know when Lee Bona wears in "The Inheritors"). Bowtie? no. She would button her shirt, all of them. She always tucked in her shirt, being a 'good' student she is. She matched her knee-length socks when it's fall/winter and above-the-ankle-length socks with her footwear. She chose to wear blazer most of the times, or cardigan. vest is not her style. She would keep the vest far inside her closet except when she has to wear it because of a special occasion or something. Mostly she would tie her hair into a messy bun or ponytail. She rarely lets it just like that except when she is late.
» Oh Seunghyun | 46 years old | Father | Owner of 2SJH Cafe
Seunghyun is a typical father that you could see in any drama; busy, strict, bossy yet responsible and caring. He goes out in the morning and comes home quite late, settling the cafe. Since he used to 'ignore' his family, he tried his best to always be there for his wife and children.

» Oh Jihyun | 42 years old | Mother | Housewife/Patissier
Jihyun is such a perfect mother for Haera. Haera couldn't think what she could ask more about her mother to God. Eventhough Jihyun is a nagging machine, Jihyun is talented in cooking, loving, caring and diligent woman. Jihyun personally cooks her husband and children's meals. Jihyun makes sure that their personal needs are there before they would ask. In short, she is the definition of Super Mom.

» Oh Seunghun | 23 years old | Older Brother | Student
Like the other siblings, they bicker a lot. They would pick on each other in every little things, making Jihyun nags at them. Nevertheless, they're really really really close. Seunghun really immersed in playing his role as Haera's older brother when he saw Haera with an unknown man. He would 'interview' both of them, making sure that the unknown man could be trusted.
» Female of Reliability and Success
Haera and this girl are really close. They shared the same passion, being the intelligent ones. Haera is quite hard to follow people's instruction but Haera follows this girl's instruction without having any second thoughts. Haera relies on this girl the most. Both of them know each other's every little secrets.

» Female of Power and Practically
Both of them don't take anybody's s. They pratically one soul in two bodies, like twins. But when they bicker, there's no end to it since both are strongheaded. Only Female of Reliability and Success could stop them, with smacks on each other's heads. Nevertheless, they're so close.

"Kingdom's Family" ; Haera's grandfather is the founder of Canada's leading shopping mall at that time, before it went bankcrupt. Their family live in a such good environment ; big house, branded clothes, delicious foods and so on. Being the vice president, her father always went out from the country, doing his bussiness matters which Haera never understands. After 6 years, the mall went bankcrupt, resulting the mall to close down because of some employees took company's money in a large amount. Therefore, 4 of them moved to South Korea with the money left. Luckily, Mr. Oh already bought a mansion in South Korea for them before.

 "2SJH Cafe" ; With the money, Seunghyun decided to fulfill his own wish ; open a cafe. Eventhough they just have one cafe, it's quite large. With Seunghyun, workers, sometimes Haera and Seunghun would help, being the baristas and Jihyun ( coming soon Dyo huehuehue ) and a few workers being the chefs or patissier, the cafe went well. After school, if the children are bored to death and feeling like it, they would go together to help their parents running the cafe.

"My life, my way" ; Even when she was a little toddler, she just has the butler, maids an brother to play with. Most of the times, she plays with her butler, Mr. Lee and her brother. Growing up with boys around her influenced her in liking cars rather than dolls. 

In junior and high school, she barely made any real friends ( except for the eleven ). Most of them would be friends because of her title.
When she's still enrolling at Birchmount Park Collegiate Institute, at the last year, she was nearly harrassed by group of boys, since she went home late to study at library. Just lucklily that Mr. Kim showed up at that time. Since he knew some martial arts, the boys ran away. Mr. Kim talked about the incident to Haera's parents. Without Mr. Lee has to tell them for the second time, her parents and brother agreed in unison to send her to all girls' school once they moved to South Korea. After they heard about the merge, her brother strongly disagree, being an overprotective brother he is, but since Haera assured that she would fine with a few pages of speech, they agreed to let her go to Yeonsaeng Academy.
PLOTLINE » Female of Impulsiveness and Focus ( Female of Oscillation and Balance )
positive; ambitious, conscientious, diligent, faithful.
neutral; organized, neat, protective, secretive.
negative; conservative, cynical, self-centred, impulsive.

When it comes to achieve something she wants, Haera is ruthlessly ambitious. She doesn't care about what it takes, she will do everything that she needs to do. Without having any second thoughts. If she thinks it would be good for her ambition, then she will do it. No matter what the others think. She does everything very carefully, not wanting any mistakes during the process. She hates about thinking doing the same thing twice just because of a little tiny mistake. From the start until the end, she gives everything she has to everything she does throughly.

Diligent, her definite trait. She would come to school early at 7 a.m everyday. Library would be her destination if she doesn't have any meeting to attend. At library, she would study or finishing her homeworks, sometimes alone and sometimes with Female of Relialibility and Success. Even when it is break time, she only goes to the cafeteria on 2nd break. !st and 3rd breaks she would spend in library. But sometimes her friends succeed in pulling her out of the library. Also, she is really faithful. Once she sticks into someone or something, it's really really hard for her to change. Her heart would never change easily.

Haera is really cleanholic. She cant stand rubbishes or dirt stains, just no. Her room is really clean and neat. She's really sensitive when it comes to cleanness. She will start cleaning and doesn't stop until everything is clean to her eyes. Since she have some allergics to dusts, she would tidy up her room at least once a week. She would nag non stop while cleaning if she visited somewhere and it is really dirty. Like a mom, she would nag on how thick the dust is, how smelly the room is while cleaning. From the beginning until she places the tools again, she would nag non stop. Just let your ear hear it or she would nag even more and louder.

Haera is really protective especially if it is about her family and bestfriends. She just has the urge to protect them, no matter what. If you ask her family, bestfriends or yourself? She will choose family and bestfriends. She treasures them really much. She feels like she couldn't even live without them. She would do anything for them, eventhough it could make her die, she'll still protect them. Say all what you want about her, she'll not get mad. Just don't criticize her family and bestfriends. Also, she is not that type of girl that would asks for the others to look at her in symphaty. She hates it. She hates it when she showed her weak side at the others. As long as she could hold it back, she will. If not, she will tell her problems to the close ones only. And that is really rare.

She is quite conservative for a few things. One, when you changes thing last minutes. She really hates it. Like when you're doing projects/assignments/presentations with her. But if she does think that those things need to be changed, then she would consider it. Sharp-tounged Hae, her infamous nickname by the other students becuse of her cynical words. She just says when she wants, no filter. To her friends, they didn't take her words too serious because they already know about her cynical side but to strangers, they might cry unless they are cold-hearted. When she is mad, you might broke down into tears that second, that place anytime. Her words pierce right through your heart if you are normal enough to feel it. ( note: Haera is being cynical just to strangers or enemies )

She accepted that she is self-centered, but being selfish, she doesn't care. All she thinks is her opinion. Eventhough this side of her has toned down, compared to before, she still being selfish at certain thinks like opinions. The most obvious, her impulsiveness. She does things without having second thoughts. Eventhough it's rare for her to do the wrong decision, there were still few incidents because of this side of her. Sometimes, she does things in hurry, resulting a quite bad ending. She tried to tone down her impulsiveness a bit, but she just can't. It's like impulsive is part of her life, can't be seperated.

» caffeine + it helps her in calming down, in a weird way
» berries + she loves the sweet sour taste of it
» books + duh, the books are part of her life
» white roses + it's just she prefers white roses over the others
» winter + cold, absolutely her style
» heat + she really hates it when she'd sweating bcs of heat. sticky-
» crowd + she feels so stuffed and hates it
» herbs + the raw ones and when she accidentally bites it. only god knows how that's feel
» alcohol + she has a freaking low tolerance. one cup of wine/soju etc and she would get drunk, completely
» spicy foods + just like alcohol, her tounge would be red and so does her face. she would does high notes unknowingly
» singing
» reading jounals
» playing golf + volleyball
» composing
» jogging
» laughs while clapping her hands and it's hard for her to stop laughing
» speaks or curses in English when she's too excited/angry/annoyed/happy
» blows her bang when she's annoyed to the max
» cracks her neck after every lesson
» gets angry when she can't understand something when the others already understood
» Atychiphobia : fear of failure
» Claustrophobia : fear of having no escape and being closed in
» Enochlophobia : fear of crowd
» Thermophobia : fear of heat
» Trypophobia : fear of holes or textures with a pattern of holes
» Carleton Village Junior and Senior Sports and Wellness Academy + 2000 - 2007

» Birchmount Park Collegiate Institute + 2008 - 2012
» Yeonsaeng Lyceum + 2013 - 2015
» Yeonsaeng Academy + 2015 - 2016
» knows how to fix computers/laptops
» plays golf and volleyball since she was 4 to 5
» madly in love in caffeine and pastries
» knows how to solve sudoku within 3 minutes
» her blood type is O
» her mood suprisingly good when it's the time of the month and she rarely gets cramp but once she got, don't ever ever touch her
» a light sleeper
» has a dalmation puppy named Spotty
» has a freaking great ability to sing but didn't has that interest to be a singer
» has a vine and soundcloud accounts, where she posts her covers and random videos
» her body's proportion is 8
» can play flute and piano really well and she doesn't rely on music sheets, just her ears
» her favourite place in school are volleyball court/gymnasium and library
» when she gets sticked into a brand of beauty products, it would be hard for her to change
» current craze; TheFace Shop, Chloe, Nature Republic
» her height is 168 cm and her weight is 49 kg
» easily catch cold
» needs to take breakfast every morning or she will pass out
» gets blushed easily
» a barista, her speacilities are caramel frappucino and americano
» vice president + she feels burdened if she got the 'president' title, but she quite loves to give the people below her commands mercilessly. She is really diligent and responsible. If there's anything for her to do, she would make sure it would go with her plans. She can guide the others naturally if the president is not there. She always make sure that the others' are doing their tasks and would pass them up before the deadline.
» volleyball + she is an ace when it comes to volleyball. Her spike is really powerful. Once, a student got hospitalized when Haera accidentally threw the ball to her back, got her ribs cracked. She is the best volleyball player in Seoul. She even got sponsors so that she could be a national volleyball player. But she got no interest, she just plays volleyball for fun.
» book club  + she really loves to read, especially journals. She is the bookworm of the girls. Everywhere she goes, she would make sure she is bringing at least one book to read. She can't even imagine herself without books. But she's not into romance novels because to her, it's disgusting.
» Jung Hyemi | 17 years old | Junior/Volleyball Player
Since Haera didn't has any younger siblings, she already assumed Hyemi as her younger sister. Both of them usually go to volleyball training together. The fact that both of the resemble each other and understand each other's hearts, making them mistaken as a blood-related siblings. They meet up at outside of school too, studying or doing girls things. You know, shopping, beautifying theirselves. 
» Since junior til now, she would seat in the middle, not too front, not too behind. Because? She also doesn't know why. In class, Haera is so easy to get focused but aldo easy to get distracted. That's why she just can't sit beside people that would be really talkative. Sometimes it's annoy her when she can't focus especially in History, because her grade for History is so-so, not excellent. She's really really really diligent when it comes to assignments. She would be the first student to pass it up, before the deadline. Haera is really fast when it comes to take down notes. Even so, it's still neat. She wouldn't let any informations being left out. Her friends often borrow her notebooks instead of taking it down themselves.

BACKUP LOVE INTEREST » Xi Luhan or any other members bcs all of them are hng
HOW THEY MET/MEET » Kyungsoo was trying to go to the cafeteria with a cake in his hands ( maybe when it was one of the boys' birthday or something ) when Haera was reading a book while walking. Being such clumsyasses, they bumped to each other with Kyungsoo's cake flying to Haera's face and Haera's thick novel flying to Kyungsoo's head. Soon, Kyungsoo passed out when he saw blood coming out from his head and Haera passed out when she saw her favourite book covered with bloods, with her face covered with whipping cream and toppings.
OUTCOME » Haera was singing to Suddenly I See remixed by Three Siblings ( clickeu! ) and Kyungsoo swore to god that he never heard such voice. Kyungsoo started to develop feelings to her but denied it. For Haera, she started to like Kyungsoo when she heard him singing Scream/Crying Out ( clickeu! ) and when she tasted Kyungsoo's heavenly desserts. Goddamn how can Kyungsoo knows Haera's soft spot? Pastries lord They grew closer until at one point Haera's parents already treat him as their child since Kyungsoo is not that close with his family plus he works at Haera's family cafe. Kyungsoo comes to Haera's house quite often, even before their conciliation. The others often tease them about being a great pair and her parents would like to have a son-in-law like Kyungsoo, which make both of them red in embarassment.

# Seunghyun always mentions to the other three about how he found a male talented patissier, which Haera ignores bcs meh. Haera didnt joined in the conversation because she didn't have the interest to. One day, Seunghyun announces to them that he got the male as one of his employees and will start working as a part-timer, which caught Haera's attention bcs her father said that the male is enrolling at the same school as she is. She prayed a 10 years worth prayers, hoping it's not Kyungsoo. Guess what? God hates her.
» Camping : maybe some fluff scences between the pairs ; v ;
» Hangout/Vacation/Sleepover : all of the girls and a girl started to confess that she likes one of the boys and soon all of them confessed the same thing.
COMMENTS & QUESTIONS » i'm sorry if this app didn't suit your level. It's been awhile since my last applyfic and English is not my first language ; v ; ps i can't choose one song so- 
PASSWORD » xo xo + xo xo 

So, your character has been chosen to be an Aphrodite; born to slay Aphelions. Thank you for taking high interest with the applying in Yonsei Academy and deepest congratulations for getting accepted in the academy. We hope for your graduating year to be filled with everything you want. This form will tackle more about some of your basic informations, you and your babe, your intercorellations with the other chosen girls and your last year in high school. Kindly write what the form asks you and sent the link to the administration (via pm) after finishing it. Where to submit this form? Please attach it on your main application form (copy the whole of this blog post and paste it underneath your application form and you can just edit it from there. no need of creating a new blog post for this, too much hassle) Welcome to Yonsei Academy xx
 oh haera。
peanadbutter  Nad ACTIVITY 4

PLOTLINE     Female of Impulsiveness and Focus
PERSONA     Princess of Books
AGE     18 (int. age) / 19 (kor. age)
BIRTH PLACE     Toronto, Canada
ETHNICITY     Korean
GODDESS     Anaideia of Ruthlessness
LOVE INTEREST     Do Kyungsoo
  talk to me。
     "I'm not breathing to please everybody. so, get the out"
     "why people are so desperate to get a boyfriend or girlfriend when you have coffee?"
     "coffee is a magical potion because it helps non-morning people to cope" *sides eyes aera*
     "my parents and friends should be glad that I'm a bookworm or people say nerdy or geeks or sowhatever because there's countless teenagers who go to club and get preggo at my age"
     "there's no funkier place than library and cafe"
   "I don't need a person- well aside from you eleven- to make me happy. just espresso mixed with some s and an interesting book will make me the happiest girl in the world"
     "hurt my adorabies (her nickname for the other eleven) and I will make sure you suffocates with my deadliest coffee"
     "clean this ing mess in 5 minutes or you'll get the taste of world's hell. I'm not kidding"
     "life is ike berries, sweet and sour combined for a perfection"
     "looks down on William Shakespeare or Agatha Christie and you'll get it"
     "I'm doing this on my own way, and nope, you don't have the right to say anything"
     "don't get on my nerves or I will personally break your ing ribs"
     "I don't care about your opinions on my outfits"
     "#pastries4lyfe. sorry rice"
     "if you need some caffeine, just call me. I'll be right there"
  pretty, isnt it?。
  dig a little deeper。
Female of Mystery & Imagination 
    。 。 。
Female of Fragility & Benevolence 
    Haera sees Hani as a little girl that needs to be embraced 24/7.
Haera takes a good care of Hani, treating her like Hani is her own sister eventhough they're at the same age. eventhough they have contradicting personality, they get along well. Haera always has a soft spot at Hani. if Haera can, Haera wants to keep an eye on Hani 24/7, even when Hani is asleep. when Haera heard about Hani being bullied by Tao, Haera blew a fuse. ever since that day, Haera would do her best to be with Hani if one of the boys are there and will ask the others to accompany her if she has a bigger fish to fry. 
Female of Power & Practicality 
    Haera probably one of the few girls that doesn't find Aera intimidating at all. due to Aera's personality, Haera always nag at her, which Aera ignores because she is damn lazy. Aera's room is probably the one that Haera visits the most because Haera simply can't stand dirtiness and she can't risk the girls get sick because of the piling dusts. one thing that they have in common is their unfriendliness. when both of them stand side by side without having any smile plastered on their faces, they could be mistaken as the Grim Reapers.
Female of Magic & Devotion 
Eunhyun and Haera don't share common thing a lot, but when it comes to protecting their friends, they can the strongest duo ever. having Haera a very good hands when it comes to spiking or you could say beating and Eunhyun who has no fear of getting into physical fight, don't make both of them get all satan on you, ever. it takes time to make Eunhyun mad but it takes one physical contact with the girls to make her madness scale went high up to the sky. Eunhyun would be the one who take part to console Haera but if you get to the bad side of Eunhyun too, then make sure your insurance plan is still on
Female of Hardwork & Modesty 
    。 。 。
Female of Beauty & Kindness
    。 。 。
Female of Rebellion & Intensity 
    。 。 。
Female of Oscillation & Balance 
    Haera and Jiae share a common liking towards books. Thus, both of them will go to the library together everytime they need to go there, sometimes along with Yooryung. Jiae also might be the one who asks Haera to make a cup of coffee for herself the most, and Haera of course doesn't say anything and go to their shared kitchen. whenever Haera has a problem that she couldn't keep it to herself any longer, Jiae would be the one that Haera will search for. 
Female of Drama & Criticism 
    。 。 。
Female of Reliability & Success 
    。 。 。
  here's to our last year。
    Valentine's Project  Kyungsoo + Haera ❄️ maybe Kyungsoo personally makes a box of variety flavour heart-shaped chocolate for Haera omg
    The Chefs  Kyungsoo + Haera ❄️ being the chefs of their cliques, maybe they will work together to cook something for a party or festival or something like that
    Fight of the Century  sometwo from the clique ❄️ maybe a fight over something that make the others nervous af??
    wtf y'all want — Hani + the boys ❄️ the boys bullied her, maybe locking her up anywhere lol, and then the girls come to the rescue!!
    the true self of Haera awaken  Haera + someone mainly the boys ❄️ someone annoys her to death and ended up being beaten 
  kiss the boy。
     it all happened in a blink of an eye. Kyungsoo was pushing a tray with a huge three-storey cake (idek what's that for lol) on it. he pushed it carefully, mainly didn't want to get the cake ruined because he spent like 24 hours to make it non-stop. (does it even makes sense) at the same time, Haera was on her way to the classroom, with her newly bought book being read. she didn't pay any attention to the hallway because she assumed no one will present at the school yet because it's very early in the morning. bad luck for both of them, they collided at the hallway because Haera is too focused on her book and Kyungsoo was too short to look what's coming. no injuries occured, just Haera's hair and face full of whipped cream, her book stucked on the cake and the cake...... looked like it's bombed from the inside. and bam, World War III occured with them exchanging profanities. and worse, Haera had to go back to the dorm and clean herself, receiving punishment for coming late. Haera was beyond mad because her book is ruined completely even before she could finish the third page and receiving punishment, of course. on the other hand, Kyungsoo went all satan because his masterpiece is ruined and he had to do the cake again. 

      when Haera's father called her, telling her that he succeed in getting a famous patissier in their cafe, Haera anticipated a bit because her father rarely praises anyone. her father said that the employee is a high-school student and will work when it is outing time because the employee is enrolling at a boarding school. never she thought that Kyungsoo is the 'amazing' patissier that her father went craze for. Haera said a lifetime worth profanities when her father introduced the new employee to her. in front of Haera's parents, her brother and other workers they will act like they've a perfect teamwork and in synced. behind them, the two of them could make the cafe turns upside down. she really hates the idea of the needs to face him even at the outside of the academy. 

      Haera's family already see him as a part of them, which made Haera felt like punching anything that come across her sight, which she really did and successfully made her knuckles bleed. it was when Haera's father invite him to their house to have a dinner together with them. suddenly, Haera's father asked about Kyungsoo's family, making the atmosphere suddenly tensed since Kyungsoo practically stopped from doing anything. Haera diverted her attention from the glorious foods to Kyungsoo when suddenly Kyungsoo opens up about his family, making Haera feels like a because she never treats him right. since that day, she made an effort to be nice at Kyungsoo, because of sympathy at first but slowly it changes.
  who's that girl?。kim jinyi.
I HATE HER ♡  if you ask her the one who doesn't click well with her, she would say no one. but in the inside, she should be screaming for Jinyi's name. Jinyi's habit of procrastinating got Haera fuming in anger sometimes, and couldn't help but to nag endlessly at Jinyi. in Haera's opinion, everything should be done as the way it is should be, not rushing and emotionally panicked. unfortunately, Jinyi does them. if Haera has to choose one, Jinyi is the girl who received the most nag from her. "You need to be diligent to be successful" "Don't procrastinate things because procrastination is the thief of time" "Time is so precious, it cannot be bought, sold or even borrowed" These sentences commonly said to Jinyi, making Jinyi annoyed. Jinyi's outgoing personality didn't help either. in Haera's point of view, we shouldn't be nice to the strangers because truthfully they could have a bad intention on us but looking at Jinyi being very friendly with a person she just knows making Haera rolls her eyes in displease. both of them being totally honest, plus Haera being too cynical for her own good, could make the others go crazy when they argued about something 

I LOVE HER   despite their endlessly cat and dog fight, they actually click in quite well especially when it comes to their passion for volleyball. eventhough Haera hates to admit this, she sees Jinyi as a fluffy ball of sunshine or a younger sister that should be taken care of, a daughter that needs 24-hour protection. Haera even helps her with homework that usually needs to be pass up the next morning because duh, it's Jinyi. Haera nags, but at the same time staying with her, helping her to finish it even if it takes the whole night. Haera actually cares about her, even when they didn't noticed. day by day Haera starts to admire Jinyi's cheerful and extrovert personality. Haera also teaches Jinyi when she doesn't understand wtf did the teacher taught her today.
  take it or leave it。
WHAT ARE YOUR LIFETIME GOALS?  creating a new flavour of coffee. and I will name it as our twelve names combined, if that makes sense though
WHAT MAKES YOU DIFFERENT FROM THE OTHER ELEVEN?  apart from me having more knowledge about caffeine....., I think my ambitious personality? some may see it as my weakness but my mom said that we should change our weakness to our strongness. so, ye
WHAT'S THE THING YOU REGRET DOING THE MOST? ♡ ummmmmm, I... don't know? I might be ruthless but there's any things that I regretted, or maybe I did but I just simply forgot about it already
WHAT IS 12-APHRODITE (YOUR ELEVEN CLOSE FRIENDS) TO YOU? ♡ they are like caffeine to me! they're so important just like how coffee needs to be mixed with something else to make it 'coffee'. I just love them all
DO YOU RATHER LOVE OR BE LOVED? WHY? can I say or- okay, fine. be loved I think? because to be honest, I don't need love from someone to be happy. aside from the adorabies and my family of course
SOMETHING YOU WANT TO CHANGE ABOUT YOURSELF? WHY?  I don't think I want to change anything about myself. I'm perfectly happy right now and that's all I want
WHAT'S YOUR MOST TREASURED MEMORY?  every 14th July, my family will make some celebration party. it's the date when the cafe first opened. at the night, we would have some foods, drinks and a lot more with the workers. it may seem ordinary to the others, but to me, it's very special and I don't even know why. It's just I love the sound of laughter echoing in the cafe, it gets very very very lively
*speaks in one breath* to be very honest, I didn't hate them at the first place, until something (idk maybe the boy bullied the girl or something that will tick the twelve of them off) happened. ever since that day, I hate those motherers to the core. I don't need any reason to get satan on them, just seeing their ty faces can make all hell get loose *takes a very deep breath* 


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-baymax #1
hi there! i promise i'm not a stalker, but i found a wendy gallery for you to use


and no, i'm not a stalker XD i was skimming through people's apps to find out how they wrote the background, but i found the fact that you were making a wendy gallery, but i left a bookmark to wendy's gallery a long time ago because i used her for something once.
i hope i helped you a bit :))