What Does This Mean? o_o

I've been having a lot of emotional dreams lately. Mostly about people I know.

Once I woke up and found myself crying really hard.

Another time I remember getting so pissed off in my dream that I actually kicked my leg in the air, trying to kick the person in my dream. 

And just last night I woke up with a really heavy and tight feeling in my chest. The kind of feeling you get when ur about to cry. 

I don't know why, but all these dreams have been occuring recently. Should I be worried? I find it really strange. :\



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rarana #1
I often dream about falling off or tripping on stairs and I literally feel like I did and my whole body jumps a little during dreaming... I fell off from a stairs-like play in kindergarten and had several injuries probably that's why this dream keeps hunting me ever since.

Dreams can feel bad and make you worried but don't think too much off them. :)
(And I agree with @Glurpy. Only if it holds you back from going on and doing your things look for help.)