Am I?

So, I'm wheeling this guy and he's 17 almost 18 in like 2 weeks and I'm 14 almost 15 in 4 weeks. We're seeing each other and I've known him for 3 or 4 years because were family friends. But were not dating yet. We're taking things slow. I know you guys must be thinking Oh this with her love life problems and posting it on a blog just so everyone else can see how happy she is. But it's not like that. I am actually freaking out. 

My parents are super strict and a few nights ago they went on a movie date and my sister and her boyfriend stayed at my house and basitted my little sister. I had to go to school and stay at the canteen to sell some stuff at a dance to fundraise for a trip. He told me before I went to school that he would pick me up and drive me home and I said sure. After I got inside his car we talked and I told him I don't have to be back home till 9. So, we decide that we would drive around for awhile. Then we stopped at this park and just sat there and talked. We went into the backseat of his car because he wanted to hold me and I said sure. We didnt have or anything. We just cuddled and he touched me. Not like the ual kind like the carressing my back, hugging me and kissing me kind of thing. Then I straddled on him as he kept doing that. 

I don't what I should think. I don't feel like a but I do and he's a few years older than me what should I do?







I took a lot of courage for me to post this. I didn't tell anyone about this yet so yeah. Sorry If I'm jut wasting your time but I really don't know what to do...


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You're in the same situation my friend is. But she was around 13 and he was 16. But now they've been together for 2 years soooo..
But for her, her mom was really open about it and her dad... well not so much.
But if both of you are really taking this seriously then i suggest you tell your parents, its better to tell them sooner than never. When you're with him you better be careful though, because my friend she went through a hard time because she was in middle school while he was a senior in highschool so things were going around our school so she got called "" ect. ect. She's my best friend so I was her support, plus she didn't care about them.
The point is.. if you're going through all this just be aware of the consequences it might have. Like now, her boyfriend's in college and she's a freshman in highschool, she would sometimes get called names and people would always ask her if they'd had or not, which they haven't.
Until now, after 2 years her dad doesn't like him but her mom loves having him over.
Sooooo... if i were you just talk to your mom first and see what she thinks.
(Sorry for the looonnnnggg comment OTZ)