
Umm. I have a guy I'm "wheeling" with and while I was out of town he kissed a girl at the football game. She was in my bball team too and were kind've close.

He saying sorry and trying to get me back but i don't know what to do. I feel really stupid because i actually believed him. Can you guys help me?





 Sorry if you think this is stupid. But I seriously don't know what to do.  :"( :(  


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50dollar #1
i have no idea who you are or where you're from but as fellow girls (#team) just look for another guy because sure he's sorry now but he kissed another once and if you forgive him this time, what makes you think he wont do it again? Dont give him an insurance of "it's okay if i screw up she will forgive me" because the pain that you feel now won't and can never be compared to how you will feel the second and the third time he do it. I'm a stranger yes but you're human being and I am too. Im pretty sure there are other human beings out there waiting to have a moment where you just came back out of town and he'd probably kiss you instead of any other girl.

Good day madam.
Well in my opinion, play hard to get. if he's into you he'll definitely fight for u if otherwise, he'll just back off, with the though of you're just his 'another girl'. Just remember one thing. You deserves better :) And hell girl, there's like million boys in this world! so y fussing over one that have no guarantee that can make you happy.
From experience I can only tell you to leave him. You not knowing what to do is a normal feeling because you must of liked him. He kissed another girl while you were away that means he has no respect for you and neither does she. Get those two people out of your life. If you were to get back with him he would might just think that he can fool you any time and cheat behind your back. You're not stupid, but if you get back with him, not to sound harsh, but they're going to think you are. Just get away from all that and search for someone that will wholeheartedly devote themselves to you.
if i were you i honestly would just leave him. if he cant stay away from another girl especially if your out of town then that means you cant trust him. but its up to you on what you really feel about him. do you trust him enough to stay away from another girl? but he shouldve known better than to do that....