Harmony5 Application

Aff Username: meandoppa


Character Name: Jeon Eun Rae
Nickname(s): Ray (If you take the first letters of the three names you get J E R, if you mix them you can get Rej, what is pronounced as Ray) but she prefers to be called EunRae, the nickname's only used when people want to .
Ethnicity: Korean
Birthday: 15th November 1990
Height: 5 feet 7 inches (i used a converter and it said it's 170cm)
Weight: 112lbs
Blood Type: AB
Languages: Fluent in Korean & somewhat okay in English.


EunRae is a very openminded and easy going person.
She respects other people opinions, as long as they are objective and understandable. But if someone insults her or criticize her on a personal front she get's somewhat y and loses control over the things she says because she stops thinking and just says what's on her mind. Later on, when she's calm again and when she reflects the situation, she's able to see what she has done wrong and is even willing to apologise to this person, as long as the other person accepts she/he made a mistake as well. Otherwise EunRae wouldn't say sorry and ignore this person in the future. She doesn't have the ability to make the first step in those kind of things.
 You see, she has a lot of pride and this could lead her into lots of troubles and little fights.
Basically EunRae is pretty convinced by herself, she comes to terms with herself and always tries to become even better. It's not like she's conceited, she wouldn't say she's prettier, more talented than this and this person (even though she might think it by herself) but you can see that she has lots of confidence.
The price of self confidence is that lots of people think she's vain and somewhat of a snob, what could be the reason lots of people who haven't talked to her don't like her at first.

But that's just the first impression. If you get closer to her, you'll find out that she's always caring for her friends and that she'd like to help them out of troubles whenever they're worrying about something. Yet EunRae wouldn't show it obviously like most people do, but if you are close to her you notice that she's worrying about you.
Even though she's there for her friends, she rejects the help from others because she always thinks she's able to deal with her own problems and she'd only talk about her worries and problems with people she trusts.
She prefers to pretend everything's perfectly fine most of the time, because she doesn't want to appear weak to others.
EunRae's usually smiling or laughing, she also doesn't mind cracking a joke by making a fool out of herself (since she thinks everything she does is funny and stuff -.-).
She isn't keen on being the center of attention but she's not uncomfortable in this situation.


Appearance: Baek SuMin

Style: Basically her style is rather "classy". She sticks with classic combinations of clothes and also tends to wear lots of basic kind of shirt/pants in light, pastel colours, what could possibly make her sometimes look a little older than she actually is.
A print-shirt for example is something she'd probably never pick by herself, yet she'd wear it if she's told to, for certain occasions, shows, whatever. She might combine it with a plain cardigan though.
She likes accessory but she doesn't wear earrings at all, she doesn't even have her ears pierced because she simply doesn't like it, yet she admits it might look good on others. But she likes to wear bracelets and necklaces, only "long necklaces" though because her favourite accessory are scarves (and you wouldn't see the necklace then, since it's covered by it anyway).

Ulzzang Backup: Kwon Su Jeong


Family History:
Father: Jeon HyunBin
Age: 45
He was the one who has been against her dream of becoming an idol. He told her over and over again, that she'd only waste her precious time and in the end, she'll only be disappointed. He always wanted the best for her and was simply convinced that being an idol won't be enough in her life. Until the end he showed her, he doesn't support her dream, yet he wasn't allowed to bar her from what she wanted. Therefore her relationship with her father isn't really that good and she hopes she'll become sucessful and that one day, her father will see her and change his mind, being proud of what his daughter has done.

Mother: Jeon SooHwa
Age: 43
Even though her husband discussed a lot of things with her, she always encouraged her daughter to do what she want to do, since she has finished school, what was the most important thing for her mom.
It was also her, who persuaded EunRae to finally go to an audition, even her father wouldn't be happy with her decision.
Therefore she's on good terms with her daughter and EunRae tries to talk or text her whenever she has time to do.

Jeon KangMin
Age: 15
Unfortunately Eunrae and Kangmin have a typical sibling relationship, they easily annoy each other and they argue a lot and stuff, yet it's not like they really dislike each other, definitely not. Eunrae is secretly very protective but she doesn't show it that often but she'd always help her brother out of trouble, when it's needed.


- Music (of course)
She doesn't only like to make music herself, she also loves listening to it. Music is one of the biggest motivation in her life, and she always feels much better and even more confident when she's listening to a song matching her mood.
- Food
Eunrae really enjoys food because the taste of her favourite dishes/snacks/whatever can easily make her mood go up, unfortunately she had lots of days or weeks, where she she simply wasn't allowed to eat what she wanted because she cares about her appearance a lot and she doesn't want to become chubby so if necessary, she even starves herself because she doesn't want to look bad compared to her group members.
- Parties
EunRae's someone who loves to go to clubs, the more people present, the better. She simply loves the mood there and she likes to be surrounded by all the people having a good time. She'd never be not confident enough to go straight to the dancefloor and dance like it's the last night of her life, she also doesn't say no to alcohol and drugs on parties. Only on parties though, she wouldn't smoke in her daily life, but she thinks once in a while it's okay to do it on parties. She also knows how much alcohol she can handle, and would never drink too much.
- Shopping
Like almost every girl she loves going through lots of different shops, trying on everything that looks good to her and she gets all excited while she's doing it and she's totally satisfied when she buys something new she really likes.
- Cats
Cats are probably the only animals she really likes. She doesn't like animals a lot in general, but for some reason she likes cat because she thinks they are lovable and cute and she'd love to have one.
- Girl Night Outs
She likes spending evenings with good friends, female friends. Whether it means they're going out somewhere or when they simply stay at home, she really enjoys it.

- Cooking
It's not like she's bad at it, she just doesn't like to cook because it takes so much time and she says she doesn't even want to eat it later when she spent ages on preparing it.
- Awkward silence
Even though she finds always something to talk about, there are those moments when really no one knows what to say, and just because it's so awkward and somehow embarrassing she really dislikes this.
- Airplanes
Even though she was able to get over her fear (since she might has to travel by plane a lot as an idol) she still feels uncomfortable on a flight and needs to be busy with something else all the time so she forgets she's actually on a plane.
- Waiting for replies
She never writes long text messages so she get's angry when she was texting with someone for some time already, and suddenly this person just doesn't answer, especially when she asked something in the previous message.

listening to music, shopping, gaming on her psp, taking pictures of everything around her or herself, looking for kpop news on the internet, textmessaging
She's always doing something with her fingers, it's hard to describe since I don't know the english words for those movements.
And when she's talking she sometimes really uses lots of her body parts to talk, like she does hand gestures and she also raises her eyebrows and nods with her head and stuff like this.

1. EunRae likes driving. She knows how to drive but she doesn't own a car.
2. Her favourite subjects in school have been History and English.
3. She thought about becoming a vegetarian lots of times, but she likes chicken too much.
4. She doesn't like american fast food.
5. Eunrae can't whistle.
6. When she was a little child she used to cry about every little thing.
7. She moves around a lot when she sleeps + sometimes she talks.
(Sorry, I can't come up with ten. ): )

Three personality traits you favor about yourself:
1. Her confidence and the fact she's not shy around strangers.
2. She's determined.
3. She's optimistic and always sees things from the best point of view.

Three personality traits you wish you could change:
1. She doesn't want to appear conceited to others, but she can't change her personality.
2. She often things she's naive and wants to be more mature.
3. She wants to be able to show her weak and sensitive side more often, yet it just wouldn't suit her.


Trainee Years: Right after she finished school. Actually she already auditioned before she finished school, this was she could start her trainee time right after she graduated. Therefore she's been a trainee for around 3 years.
As expected trainee days were hard, most people disliked her before they even got to know her so she had lots of trouble with some of the other trainees. Apart from this the training was much harder than she expected but she always thought about her dad and she knew she had to do her best, so they'd choose her for the debut.


Stage Name: EunRae
1. Little "Miss Perfect"
Since she seems to be conceited to most of the people and she's always keen on practicing and getting better.
2. BigMouth
Since she likes to talk a lot and often talks without thinking.
3. Drama Diva
Since she's actually bubbly and hot blooded, easily offended and likes to discuss.
Position Choice: Main Vocal / Visual
Your Fan Club Name: Charms
Your Fan Club Color: Silver
A Motto/Quote You Live UP Too: There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.


1. Kim HeeChul, Super Junior
(I know he's in the army right now but I don't know if this is relevant in your story, so.)
Fans know that Heechul is one little conceited diva by himself and even if you would expect they'd argue a lot, for some reason they get along very well, maybe because they both have lots of self confidence.
If they are in a relationship she's probably the one being more romantic and he's teasing her all the time. They aren't lovey dovey all the times, probably only when they are alone together, with no one around.
2. Shim Changmin, TVXQ
He'd be very protective over her, he'd worry a lot about her, he'd make sure to read from her as often as possible. In this case he's the one being the romantic part of the relation but of course she'd also cherish him a lot. Possibly when they are together somewhere, surrounded by group members EunRae'd feel a little awkward because her loving side is a little bit like her weak side for her but she wouldn't try to play it cool just because he's around.
3. Cho Kyuhyun, Super Junior
He's known for being the witty evil maknae, and this wouldn't change. He'd lots of times, saying stuff like other things are more important than her and of course she wouldn't try to whine about it she'd always answer with a harsh comment. So if you look at them sometimes, you wouldn't even guess they actually love each other. But they both know that even if they tease each other, it's just a weird way to show their affection towards each other.
4. /
5. /
Ehm, I don't know, if you decide to choose my character and if all the three partners are already taken you should tell me, and I'll think of two more persons, okay? (:

Basically whoever she actually ends up with, they meet after she debuted. Probably backstage, at a show or maybe they are together on a variety show, however since EunRae talks a lot she also talks to them and they like each other, they exchange numbers and EunRae also likes to write messages, so they text each other and somewhen they go out on a date or visit their dorms and that's how they end up. x)

1. Hyukjae (Super Junior)
Since they are both rappers, they automatically feel connected somehow and because EunRae isn't shy or something she just started to talk to him once and they found out they have a lot of things in common and so they try to hang out from time to time.
2. Sanghyun (MBLAQ)
Since they are both under J.Tune Camp they met somewhen and they both liked each other when they met, they like to joke around or do stupid things, they are both a little naive.
3. Dara (2NE1)
EunRae always idolized Dara somehow because first of, she thinks Dara has a wonderful personality, she's graceful, beautiful but she doesn't mind doing stupid stuff. She also admires how she improved even though so many people said Dara would be the worst voice out of the group and how she shows of a bright and happy image, even though people say those things about her.

I wouldn't really say she has a rival, but there are lots of person who dislike her because they think she's just being too much.

Twitter Account Link:  twitter.com/harmonyrae


Debut song suggestions?
I'm really sorry here, but I have absolutely no idea. :/

Group Fan Club Name suggestion? NKey (related to Note Key)

Password: MBLAQisBack



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