application [+]airforce 7

AFF Username: meandoppa

General Information
Name: Nam ChanJi
Nickname: NAMCHAN
Age: 21
Born in: Seoul
Birthday: 1990/11/01
Bloodtype: AB

Height: 1,69
Weight: 49
Natural hair color: brown
Eye Color: brown
Do you mind if the hair is dyed due to comeback concepts?: not at all, i'd actually like her to have blonde hair. (:
Figure: basically slim, but she has some curves around hips & chest. :D
Examples of outfits she'd wear in her freetime: she likes to wear short pants with motive thighs. or black skinny jeans. then she also wears lots of basic tops in nice and calm colours. she wears somewhat classy stuff, yet in a cool way if you know what i mean.

Likes: cats, tea, non-korean food, joking around.
Dislikes: ty people, people who always need to be the center of attention.
Fears: disappointing people, losing peoples trust.
Typical behaviour: she's basically a pretty mature girl and she is a reliable person yet she tends to go overboard sometimes when she's into something stupid with another person. usually when she reflects those things later she's embarrassed and tries to laugh it off but she'd do it again. she's a very caring person, people can come to her and when she knows a serious talk is needed she can give good advice and can understand others feelings really well.
Habits: she's those typing/pianoplaying finger moves when she's bored or nervous. in general she does something with her fingers then.
General personality: oh i think i mentioned most of this already when you asked about typical behaviour, sorry. :D and she likes to comment on things that aren't even related to her. but what i haven't said is that she likes to crack a joke for entertainment purposes even though it's a joke about someone else, but she never means it in a bad way.
People inspiring her: there are lots of people she looks up to. most of the female idols in the kpop scene to be honest.
What groups / bands does she like: Super Junior, TVXQ & Miss A.
Is there a song matching your character?: what a question, either there are a lot or none at all. P:

Relation to her parents: she does only have her mom yet because her dad passed away. that was the reason why she wanted to give up on her dream to become an actor / idol, she thought she had to be with her mom to help her but it was her mom who insisted she should keep on following her dreams, saying her father would have wanted this.
Siblings: none
Other: /

On Stage
Stage Name: Nam ChanJi
Position: hard to say, either sub-vocalist or sub-dancer. or both? idk.
Trainee history: at first it seemed like she was rather going to be an actor rather than an idol. she had smaller roles in dramas like oh! my lady (that's why she knows siwon btw P:) and some other. then someone told her she should audition in an open audition and she was trying it just for fun and to her surprise she was accepted.
Does she communicate with the fans: Me2Day mostly. has twitter as well though.
y, cool or cute image?: hard to say, on stage classy and y and offstage something between cool weird and cute. :D

Dancing: 2
Singing: 3
Rapping: 5
Composing: 4
Writing lyrics: 4
Aegyo: 3
Entertaining: 2

Languages she can speak: korean & ty english.
Other talents: not known. :D

Friends with: Hyoyeon (SNSD), IU, Hyun-Joong (SS501), Gain (BEG) & Siwon (SUJU)
Close friends with: Jessica (SNSD), YongHwa (C.N.Blue) & Yubin (Wonder Girls)
Lover: 1. YongHwa (C.N.Blue) 2. Wooyoung (2PM) 3. can't think of one
People she admires: BoA, Taeyeon (SNSD), Kahi (After School) & Fei (Miss A)
Rivals: HyunA (4minute), Goo Hara (Kara) & Seohyun (SNSD)
Siblings: None.
Anything else: no idea.

Do they become a couple or have they been before she debuted:
basically after the debut, in case of yonghwa they have been friends before but they get closer over time and become a couple.
Will they go public later: yes.
What kind of relationship do you have: a very cheesy & romantic one. :3

How does she behave on shows: maybe she's a little too much. she's a littly more hyper than she's when the cameras are off.
What bands shall they interact with in variety shows: Super Junior, B2St, 2Pm, as many as possible ? :D
Does she enjoy shows / interviews: doesn't enjoy / doesn't not enjoy
Does she reveal secrets: sometimes, sometimes on purpose sometimes not.
Anythings I might have forgotten to ask: you asked too much already ok.
Do you eat your vegetables?: yes.
What do you think about the group name [+]airforce 7: it's cool the [+] is cool. :)
What kind of fanclub name can you think of: [++]pilot :D


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