Let's Write Together!

I got tagged by Fanfic-Eater. Here is the info: 

I did something like this with friends today and it was so much fun. 
Bascially we're going to write a story together. A person is tagged. That person writes a sentence and then tags another person. This person also writes a sentence and tags another person.
This is how it goes on and then we will get one big story. :D 
You may tag only one person and you may write only one sentence! Also, please write your username in front of the sentence and reblog all this information.

[Fanfic-Eater] It was a beautiful day. 
[User A]  A young girl was unhappy even though it was a beautiful day. 
[User B]  She was unhappy because she wasn't allowed to go to the party. 
(I tag User C)
Do you get the idea? Let's start! 
[Fanfic-eater]  She haved a sigh when she saw what had happend to her friend. 
[Silencedshadow] The girl was on the bathroom floor surrounded by empty alcohol bottles and she was vomiting her stomach's content in the toilet.


I tag Korekrypta.


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Silencedshadow #1
:)) it's fine. Don't worry. ;)
Oh, whoa, wait. I completely forgot about this. I'm so sorry! ;_; Lemme get to it now.