Cat-Author (Co-Author)


I'm looking for a co-author because it doesn't seem right for me to write a cat fic alone!

I'm writing a crack and comedy fic that has to do with GOT7 and Exo acting as cats!

I haven't put up the foreword yet, so this is why I'm requesting another author in a blog!

All you need to do is comment you're interested and send a friend request!

*Note: You are partially responsible for advertising if we choose to do so.

ALSO: I'm not gifting karma. This is purely a fic for fun and cuteness!

So if you'd like to donate time to help write, it would be greatly appreciated!

You MUST fufill the following requirements:

  1. Have written/started 2 fics with at least 50 subs each.
  2. Want to work on the fic so that it can be updated at least once a month with relatively long chaps.
  3. Have experience with writing either a comedy fic or crack fic.
  4. *This is the most important* BE MOTIVATED AND READY


Other than that, I'm aiming for 2-5 coauthors cuz the more furry-balled ideas we have, the more adorable little kitty Bambam is going to be!

And, on the last note, I've already written the foreword and prepared to post it. However, if you are added as co-author, then you may revise or improvise.

Thank you!


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