The Consideration of Readers...

I love my readers, I really do, but it's particular readers that tell you if you don't post at a particular speed then they won't subscribe and what not. My friend was telling me about a situation she'd had with a reader that told her if she didn't post within a week, she would lose a subscription. Are you kidding me? Us writer's do write for you readers, but it isn't a job. And as far as I'm concerned, we're the ones doing you a favor by writing the stories you love. So, don't badger us to post on a certain date, or threaten to unsubscribe. Us writers have lives too, and we're only human. Readers should remember that.

For Pushy Readers Only

P.S: I don't care if you unsubscribe or not, because I'm not doing it for the subsciptions. So, don't flatter yourself.


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