The Drama Anego... >.>

So... I have a current crush on Jin Akanishi. JaeJoong's still first, because I love him, but at the moment I'm hooked on Jin. I became familiar with him after randomly watching a movie called Bandage. It was a pretty awesome movie with a kick- soundtrack. Anyways, ever since watching that I've been watching his drama's and anything else he's been in. He's a pretty good actor. So, about Anego. I've already come to dislike about three of the characters, and right now the plot is going downhill for Jin's character. If things don't turn out good for his character in the end I might just scream. D:<


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lol XD that drama is good~ and Jin Akanishi is like my second Jpop crush~ my first was MatsuJun but then I saw Jin and suddenly went "Who's Jun Matsumoto?" XD
That's a good drama I think I remember how things turn out.