[Exchange program] Anne Frank

Anne Frank

Anne Frank was a young girl who lived during World War II. She is one of the most famous people out of that time. Her full name was Annelies Marie Frank, she was a Jewish girl from Germany (Originally) and went into hiding in Amsterdam in the building we all refer to as "Het Achterhuis." The reason why she is very famous was because of the diaries she kept. She had described everything that has happened from the time she went into hiding 'till the time her end came, in that book. She was about 13 when she went into hiding, in July 1942. The place where her family and she were hiding, was located at the back  of her father's office. They lived in a secret annex, which means they lived in a hidden part of the building. They had to pull open the bookcase and climb the staircase to be able to enter, and the space up there was very limited and the building was old so any loud or hast movements were out of the question or they would've been discovered.

The family got discovered later on, much to their discontent, to put it lightly.  On September 3, 194, they were deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp. The conditions were truly horrid. The women were divided from the men, in fact; on October 28 the women, including Anne & Margot (Her sister), were relocated to Bergen Belsen. The year after, 1945, in March, a typhus epidemic had occurred and it had spread throughout the entire camp. Killing over 17000 people. There were also other diseases spreading here in there. Because of these awful conditions, it was not very clear how exactly Anne Frank died, nor has the date of her passing been recorded. Her sister Margot allegedly died from falling from her bunk bed, it was said the shock was too much for her weak physique, resulting into her death. Anne passed away a few days after her sister, the exact date was never really clear, but it was a few weeks before the British troops liberated the camp, on April 15 1945. About 5000 Jews out of the 107,000 survived the deportation.

Otto Frank, Anne Frank's father, was one of them. After the war was declared over, he returned to Amsterdam in attempt to relocate his family. He found out his wife had died, but he had hope his daughters survived. Reality hit him when he realized his daughters, sadly enough, hadn't survived. He tried to seek out several friends of his daughters, also finding them not-so alive. In July 1945, Anne's friend, Miep Gies, handed Otto Anne's diary and a bundle of loose notes that also belonged to Anne. Otto Frank described the process of reading it, painful. He also commented that he wasn't aware of her accurate and well-written record.  He didn't know this side of his daughter. Moved by his daughter's repeating wish of becoming an author, he decided to publish her diary.

The book was titled "Het Achterhuis". Otto Frank used her original diary and the edited version to create the very first version to publication. He made sure to remove certain parts, most notably those in which Anne is critical of her parents (especially her mother). Although he restored the true identities of his own family, he retained all of the other pseudonyms.Otto Frank gave the diary to the historian Annie Romein-Verschoor, who tried to have it published, though unsuccessfully . She then gave it to her husband Jan Romein, who wrote an article about it, titled "Kinderstem" ("A Child's Voice"), which was published in the newspaper "Het Parool" on 3 April 1946. He wrote that the diary "stammered out in a child's voice, embodies all the hideousness of fascism, more so than all the evidence at Nuremberg put together." His article attracted attention from publishers, and the diary was published in the Netherlands as Het Achterhuis in 1947, followed by five more runs by 1950.



This is my story about Anne Frank, a hero.

I didn't have a normal platform to write this on so I might as well upload it then. No need to read it, it's just here to look at.



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