
Hey everyone :3


I just wanted to give you all a quick update about my life right now.

Things are really hectic right now.


Its been officially a week since I was given custody of my 6 month old and 6 year old cousin.

I am losing a lot of sleep because of them.


and an hour ago, my mom admitted my grandpa into the hospital with pneumonia.


I might not be on here as much as I used to. 

I promise to try and update once a week


Sorry for the inconvience




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I hope your grandma get treated fast and cured. good luck with your cousins, its gonna be a lot of work and screaming. BIG GOOD LUCK TO YOU.
Take your time and rest
your going to so much right now :( and on top of all that you got sick !
Don't know how you do it.
Hope your grandfather get well.