Happy New Years Fam

Wow, 2014 was a year for kpop. However we should look back fondly on all the things that happened, such as: all the ing scandals, all of the ty songs that we can now laugh at, and most importantly.... Show Me The Money. Show Me The Money, you are a beautiful trainwreck of a show. You caused arguments and anger, but also made me laugh my off. I doubt season four, or any season for that matter, will ever be as bad/good as season three. Please stay as the gay WGM of khiphop, we love you the way you are. 

Now, onto 2015 fam. Let's light it up and let it burn like we don't care, and show 2015 how it feels damn good to be bad. 2015; the year of BUMKEY'S METH EMPIRE!


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lmao maybe bumkey and e sens can team up
yo hopefully 2015 will be better. maybe it will be the year kpop finally drops dubstep.
happy new year
my brother has a pad on his head
LOL Bumkey's meth empire XD
Happy New Years again. 4 more hrs...
Baebaegopa #4
Bumkeys meth empire....