I'm not dead

Hello yes it is I and I am back. Amazingly, I'm not dead, though that may be debatable due to how I feel on the inside. 

School has been killing me, and it's not that I find it hard, it's balancing school with extracurriculars and a social life that's hard. See, I'm in three clubs and a soccer team, and while two of those clubs meet up during school instead of after school, the stress piles up. I'm also doing my school's soccer class/team and there's nothing like having a coach that looks like a shaved caveman scream at you while you lift weights to kill your mood. Ah, the pleasures of high school. 

Also, my film class now requires me to shoot after school... with real actors. I'm hella excited to be taking this film thing seriously, but ordering around thirty-somethings as a teenager is terrifying. Besides film class, I'm also doing AV club, which is super fun but also extra work. I'm all for it though, because I'm doing something I've wanted to do since I was little. I might have told a few of you guys this but I'm doing something that I'd consider a somewhat big deal. 

I'm working on a tv show. 

Now it's on a local channel, and the show has to be educational but excuse me while I flip my because this is the ing dream. I don't care if it stresses me out or gives me extra work, because this has been my dream for ages, and I'm finally doing it. It's kind of a jump, from writing fanfics to writing for local tv. We should start working on it more seriously in January as right now we're working on an interviewing program (I get to interview local artists woohoo). But while that's a good ways away, I'm ing pumped as to work on a show. 

But, as you've heard all of this, this means I'm working on a ton of crap besides my schoolwork. I've also been really sick, so that killed my writing flow and now I'm making up for all the crap I missed while I had a fever of 104. I don't have much time for writing, but I'm definitely still going to do it as it's a huge stress reliever for me. Just expect less things from me I guess. I just don't have the kind of time that I did way back when I started writing on here. 

I also went to homecoming and danced with some cute guys but hey I think that's a story for a different time. 


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To clarify: I am no longer sick.
Loljkjk #2
Congratulations! And I know that school + extracurricular = pain feel.
Make sure you stay hydrated with that 104 fever please.
BRUH. I HELLA FEEL YOU. Last year I joined way too many clubs, this year I'm joining/planning to join too many volunteer groups. OTL Good luck to us!
You should rest; a 104 fever is no joke. Whenever I get one I can't get out of bed that may sound lazy but like I literally live through that by a continuous cycle of my mom waking me up, taking medine, going back to sleep. How about if you ar shaving that and doing tons of work aside.
It's the matter of time to get used to all the sudden packed work coming all at once but I hope you do balance things and get hold of the overload of work.
I have never really tried any club stuff since here they are not even offered until college but school stuff is already a headache so I wish you the best int hese few months :)
damn a 104 fever. you need rest -throws you in a freezer- jk