Looking back on 2014

well, this year has been...........it's been

i mean, this year has been pretty ty, right? in kpop, just about everything bad that can happen has happened (death, drugs, lawsuits, backmail, members leaving). with the rest of the world: we've had a plane vanish without a trace while another was shot out of the sky, we had all the death that came with Ebola, we have the evil that is ISIS and all the deaths attatched to them..........i could go on for a while, but i'm starting to depress myself.

but it hasn't been all bad. lots of good movies this year (like Guardians of the Galaxy), lots of good music (we're all music fans here, so i don't think i need to add anything to that), we had the ice bucket challenge raising awareness for ALS (didn't donations also go up, so that's another win), and i'm sure that there are a lot of other good things this year that i'm forgetting.

in closeing: goodbye 2014, i'll kind of miss you but not a lot. fingers crossed that the world is a little bit brighter in 2015 (or a lot brighter, but i'll take just about anything after seeing the storm that was 2014)


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Here's hoping 2015 won't be a b****.
Because God knows the world has enough of them...
Hoping the K-pop community will improve too! And the real world ^^
Stay strong for 2015. :) Be brighter and braver.