DARE GAME [stolen from RoyalKim]

First of, I was bored.... again. Second, I have no idea why this is called a 'Dare Game' because I find no dare here. And it's not a game too. They're questions -___- Anyways, this is pointless. So let's get some shet done naooooo~!


warning; i could say this is like a brainwashing programme. but heck, we're not in tumblr so yeah... dafuq am i fretting nonsense?


Profile Picture



Basic Stuff 

Name / Nickname: Lil/Lilly/HuangLi. Basically they call me this because I'm small. I have the nicest friends on earth damn.

Real Name: /cough/ Have you ever seen polaris while stargazing with your eyes closed? Yeah, rare. Because you definitely can see when both of your eyes are closed /lol/ Can you tell that I'm trying to distract you here? Did I succeed?

Ethnicity: Malay + Buginese, slight Siamese and Javanese. 

Height: I hate this question. Why did every truth questions have to question this thing?! 155cm and that's a major midgetly midget for almost everyone I know.  

Birth Of Date: _____ September 1997 <--- Don't you find it funny that I'm only 155cm when I'm about to go 18 here? XD


Kpop Group Favourites

Favourite Boy Group: EXO and BAP

Favourite Girl Group: .... None I think. Because let me be honest, I don't really listen to girl group's songs. I'm not fond of 'kawaii aegyo pink fluffy marshmallow and candy floss song' or 'too y for kids songs'.

Ultimate Boy Bias: Sehunnnnnnnn!!!!

Ultimate Girl Bias: ..................... that's a lot of dots for a question that doesn't have answer.

Second Favourite Boy Group: BigBang. For an innocent mind like me, I still find it disturbing when young girls said 'I like BIG BANG!'. Maybe it's the group's name... maybe it's my not less than innocent mind /did someone actually see what I did there?/ /no?/ /okay, let's proceed/

Second Favourite Girl Group: ........................................................ that's a double lots of dots for a question that doesn't have answer.

Second Boy Bias: Park Chanyeol OuO

Second Girl Bias: ...... ERROR 404 BIAS NOT FOUND


Favourite Stuff

Favourite Food: Like I said in my previous blog post, I am free of all prejudice. I eat everything. I have no likes and dislikes.

Favourite Junk Food: I don't eat junk food (but if you count waffles as one then....) (I kind of think I'm being bipolar here because I said I have no likes and dislikes, but then I said I don't eat junk food. What kind of human I am really?)

Favourite Color: Black and Fuchsia

Favourite OTP: ASDFGHJKL TaoHun CHANSOOO KRISHOOOOOO don't even make me choose one because that's like asking someone to choose between eating nachos with extra cheese or eating nachos with like no cheese with Do Kyungsoo. The rage of SatanSoo. I kenootttttt /sobs/

Favourite Song (Male): I still like listening to Haru Haru and Blue by BigBang. Old but Gold, no? 

Favourite Song (Female): Zhang Li Yin - Agape. The song title got me hooked to the song until today. It's like someone who was left with a big gaping hole in their heart, questioning why they're still alive when they clearly had given up on it. 

One Song that Describes Your Life: I don't know. Seriously I don't.



What Will You Do When You See Your Ultimate Bias Live: Blanked out for 5 minutes

Idols You Dislike: Ohhhh if I am to confess the idols that I dislike, I'll get thousands of keyboard warriors and self-proclaimed attorneys throwing ammunition at me. But that's okay. I don't judge /smirks/ I like seeing people playing the game of 'my horse is bigger than your horse so shut the fish up you stuck up biatch'. Not.

Idols You Idolize (Talents) (Girl): Zhang LiYin Ailee IU and LeeHi. Soloists, yes. 

Idols You Idolize (Talents) (Boy): Kris and Luhan... maybe? It's not really a talent, but I like their courage. Life's too short to be scared. If something can make you happy, GO FOR IT!



Number Of Subscribers: Total sum of everything, 3K+++ subs. I don't want to put real amount here. Sorry for that. 

Number Of Friends: 100+ in this acc and 400+ in my other acc.

Number Of Stories: 21 stories + 1 cherrykokoGS + 1 artcherieGS


To be Honest

Author(s) Whom You Idolise on AFF:  I have a lot actually and sometimes I have no idea why their stories never get featured. Have you read FlowerMisha, jotwins0424, akaipenguin, HealLaHeal and poolie's stories? They're stories are my REAL definition of perfection. I cannot understand why their stories don't get featured. Well... c'est la vie... I like authors that have the kind of writing skills that could hit me right in the feels with their stories. 

What's Your Favourite Story Of The Moment:  I have a lottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.... But ultimately, I like fanfics that were written in full description and 3rd person POV. I don't like 2nd person POV (as in YOU fics). Nope. I'm here as a reader, not part of the story. So don't tell how I live my life in the stories -_____- And and and and.... I loveeeee crack stories. Maybe because half of the time, I'm as cracked as the characters XD Try reading 'Princess Sehun and Seven Peasants' once OuOb I don't find things funny so often, so even though there's a lot of crack stories in AFF, I still don't find most of them funny. Real cracks are written by geniuses. I happened to not be one of those geniuse what can I say TT___TT Anyhow, did you watch Swoglicious Puppysaurus videos? OuO She's the master of all crackvid makers. So if you hadn't yet, you really need to check out her videos. I find it almost impossible to not go marathoning her whole collection of crackvids everytime I go to her channel XD! It's about time we get out of this little box of innocence and advance the world of flamy ersion *v* [I'm kidding] <--- wow... that's a lot of craps for a question that had totally nothing to do with what I just wrote up there.

What's Your Favourite [M] Story Of The Moment: Will you call me a ert? /sobs/ Okay, JK. I like a lot of them really. I read M stories (excuse you, I'm 18 now though that '18 now' is actually will be 18 in a few months but that is not the point), but nothing strong really. I skipped almost the whole part of the if there's any. But sometimes people rate their fics as M because of the presence of violence, vulgar languages and all that jazz, so BASICALLY... WHAT I'M TRYING TO SAY HERE IS THAT.... I AM NOT A ERT /sobs/ I'm gonna call Tao and his army of pandas if that thought ever came across your mind /sobs

OTPs You Usually Read: ChanSoo, KrisHo, KaiBaek, TaoHunnnnn~~~~~~~ I kid you not, they're PERFFFFF. And Sehun bottomed, YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID! Sehun bottomed for everyone, yes, yes, because that brat (sobs) is an ultimate uke EVEN FOR LUHAN. His face screams everything about being an uke. (at least in my opinion lol)


Things you want

What Japanese Name You Want: .... I have no idea. I'm not into Japanese stuffs tbh. I KNOW LIKE NO JAPANESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

What Korean Name You Want: Hanna used 'Jo YeonJoo' as her Korean name, Aivyn use 'YeonHee' so maybe I'll use 'JooHee' XDDD Okay I'm kidding. 

What English Name You Want: Lilly because lillies are awesome OuOb


What Hair Color Do You Want: I love my hair color now, but I always like people who can rock that wild hair color with so much swag and not even feel embarassed with the judging looks people gave them. Hat's off you master of shameless people~! (and by 'wild' I meant China's flag kind of red, steampunk hair color, flashy oranges and yellow, Tao's aquamarine and YESSSSSSSSSS!!! LONG LIVE SEHUN'S RAINBOW HAIRR!!!! THE HAIR OF ALL HAIR!!!! THE MASTER OF ALL RAINBOWS AND UNICORNS!!!!)

How Tall Do You Want To Be: How tall am I ever going to possibly be? I've been short for my whole life... not that I'm complaining /draw circles/

Nickname Your Friends/Family Calls You: My friends are like master of all nicknamers. I'm afraid I might taint some innocent mind if I'm to list this out XD!

Ideal Type: I don't have any ideal types tbh. Like them river, I go with the flow. If someone like me and can accept me for who I am, then I'm going to do the same too. You can't expect me to like an with pretty faces now, right? 

Ideal Man: .... error 404 ideal man not found. 




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