graphic studio~

I've been on hiatus for too long... and I miss making posters. And so, me and m0zarts0nata--[HANNA], decided to bring back our cute little CHERRYKOKO to life with a brand new name and we've also moved to a brand new studio; ARTCHERIE. So now, whenever I got bored of writing, I'll just take a small pause and do poster. Hahaha...Don't worry about my fanfics though. I'll still upload new ones :D :D I have a few fanfics in the making right now, I hope I'll finish one of them very soon.


Please give us some loveeeeeeeee. And btw, LIL&HANNA would like to say thank you for our first 20 subscribers ^___^ It means a lot for us because we haven't even done anything yet.... /sobs/



P/s: We're accepting affiliates. 

P/p/s: We post tutorials too...

P/p/p/s:- Okay, I know this is so awkward... I just can't help it. I am not the happy-go-lucky and overly friendly person like HANNA. That's why while HANNA got so many good friends around AFF, I am so awkward around everyone and... well... /imagine me as a turtle pleaseuuu/ I don't have any good friends around AFF... yet? I guess....




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