In a deep crisis...need a big help!

Okay guys now im turning my heads to u . Am ready to hear all ur advices ,please do help me! I cant actually tell u guys what stuff is happening to me b/c u will all think its weird. I also think its weird too. Just for a say though, my body is changing and its turning real bad. Im becoming like a new person and this new me is so disgusting and ugly n im too ashamed to evn walk heads up. I was NEVER like this EVER in z past bt since it happned, im all troubled.[physically,mentaly,socially,psychologically etc etc:->] .Specially since am in a campus thousand KMs away from home n things r extremly difficult am about to really do some bad stuffs on my self like take a pill overdose n die forexample.;-( Im 19 btw n i m learning medicine. I know..MEDICINE right? lucky huh? -_- With all the studies i have to handle and all the traumas im experiencing, its just supeeeer hard. I hate my self and most importantly i hate the peoples .they just stare at me. They make fun of me, they tell their frnds n they'll all turn their eyes on me n either insult me or laugh at me or give me the you-are-horrible look. Who says sick peoples cant live in this world? Who said only "normal looking" peoples can walk proudly??!;-(;-( Im so ashamed to go anywhere as their will always be peoples n their stupid talks. Like THEY DONT KNOW ME why r they judging me??? They make me feel like im a bull n honestly i dont feel like a human being now. Point is, i reeeeeealy want to withdraw,go home,n do wat iv to do to get better. BUT this "me-being-a -medical-student-how-can-i-just-quit-like-that" tought is driving me crazy! I dont want to stay here another minute. I feel like its waste of time coz im nat evn studying properly. My mind is like a factory with too many toughts n ...ahhhhh am just a little left frm being called a "lunatic". Or may b im one already?!.:-> people of all ages tried to help me but to no avail i am still the same! My mind couldnt change n neither do people n their talks. Im about to give up n end this coz i cant handle it anymore!. Can u guys b of any help n advice me? Should i just withdraw? Should i just evrything in n finish wat iv started? Should i just pretend i am "okay" n continue on living??? H.E.L.P!!!:-(:-(


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Melatino #1
Onnie y didnt u tell me sooner?n Be strong,dont give a rat"s abt wat ppl say or do!!!!!!Am here for u Flexu!!!!Fighting n inbox me i want details!!!!!!
ireallyrock #2
Eonni! How could u think of
withdrawing cuz of some
hypocrites? Why do u care
about what they say about u?
Sijemer lemen le'enesu bota
tisechalesh? Yafelegachewn bilu men agebash? Just ignore
them or scold them. Sayishal
ayikerem. Dont give up just yet.
Concentrat in ur studies n u
shouldnt let anything affect ur
life. I feel like ur a kid. Dont u know people? None of them are
normal. Especially college kids.
They're all pains. Just be
happy. Be only happy 4 urself.
clubcutness #4
authornim...sweep all that aside...and just think postive...just do give a damn about them...and when u think u can handel it just write a letter and shredd it into peacies after writing it...but talking to great friends is the best option
kdramafan #5
Don't give up !!
Don't ever give up !!
Don't give in to their stupid ways !!
I know you can do this !! You can ignore them, and do what you do best ! You are being you !! Why are you hanging your head in shame and in embarrassment. If anything it should be them.
Everyone is/has /will struggle with this .... People thinking they're better than someone else but you know what sometimes their life can be hard and they think taking it out on someone else is better .... But it will only hurt them instead IF it get too far !
It won't get too far though... You know why ..... if you believe in yourself and fight ( not the aggressive way) and prove others wrong .. It will stop ....
You need to believe that you can do this .. Overcome this and believe that you can do it ...
Surely you will be able to overcome anything!!!
I've had this problem before .... Sometimes it went too far and when it did it was because I was too afraid to stand up for myself .. I have made this mistake so many time .. Don't be like me and believe !!!
But when I did stand up for myself It was great proving to them and to myself that I could do it ... Although it did take me a lot of restraining to not punch them in the face ...but ....
The one main priority person who you should be pleasing is yourself .....
Keep going... Fighting!!!!
I believe in you !!!
seamusmommy #6
You have to keep going, even if it's hard. If you give in to their talk, they won. If you stand up to them or ignore it,, they loose because they aren't getting what they want. Too make you miserable.
Like what you've said "It's all stupid talk" so why be bothered by stupid people. If they have a problem with your looks tell them to shut their eyes because you're not going to change just to please them. and I doubt that they'll change their mind even if you change. The moment they opened their mouths to say such hurtful words they already set their minds in hurting you. Those people have a problem with themselves and just letting it out on the nearest weakest link. Would you stop living just because of stupid people? Because if you do, there are still people who will think your stupid when you end it all. Would you want to be remembered like that?
The bravest thing a human can do is to continue on living and face it head on.
I'm same age with you sis, I know you feel when make comments.
You what I did laugh it off, ignore and did my works and you know what happen
I graduated from high school with awesome grades. So don't give up sis fighting
And dress cute, to show that you are beautiful inside and outside.
Next time, just ask them to the face if there's something wrong. If I was in your position, I would've slapped someone by now. Whatever you do, DO NOT EVEN THINK OF DOING ANYTHING STUPID LIKE AN OVERDOSE. It'll only make you weaker and people will just stare at you more. If you feel like your body is weirdly changing and feel mentally disturbed, then you really should see someone about this like a doctor for example so maybe you can at least find out WHY this is happening. There's no need to be embarrassed.

We're all human beings and we shouldn't have to live in shame from other people. If you really don't want to continue being a medical student then by all means leave, but just make sure you know what you're going to do after and most importantly, make sure you won't make a decision that you'll regret. Maybe if you discussed this with your family, it might help clear things for you and possibly gve you a calm mind ;D
kimsfangirl #10
Do not give up! They do bad things, believe me, one day, they will get their karmas. Life can fall you, but you always have a choice to get up. I tell you this. There are 3 kind of people when facing problem. First, committing suicide type. This kind of people is brave enough to end their life but they don't have courage to face the problem, to stand no matter what happens. Second, the 'I don't want to die yet I don't want to live' type. This is the most coward one. Don't have courage to do anything. Not brave enough to end their life but not having courage to face the problem either. But the last type is the best, the fighter type. This person won't let anyone mess up his life. It's his life, he has all the rights to do anything. He has all the options. So, which one are you?