Should I just stop updating my stories....

and write for myself and selected people?

I am doing my best to update more often now but it seems that my work is not appreciated. All I want is feedback on my stories. Even stories of mine with 300+ subscribers or 500+ subscribers get hardly 5 comments. Why updating if I don't get any feedback? Other fanfics get thoudsands of comments and many stories with very bad grammar and even a cliche plot get featured! I improved a lot in writing and English and I get nothing in return? If I'm lucky I get an 'update soon'. Most comments are from my friends and a few loyal subs...

What do you think? Should I stop updating?


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Dont be sad .... that's typical ... they sometimes just want the otp be feutured .... so dont be sad, my atory barely reached 200 and I onky get 2 or 3 comments on ine chappie ..
MyeolchiHyuk #2
Aigoo.. dun be sad my dear..
Sure after this they will appreciate euu more alright..

Hmm..I don't know about this matter..
I thought it would be okay to sometimes to comment and sometimes not..
I'm merely a reader and sometimes tend to get a "disease" of not commenting...
well, if the writer sometimes get writer block, a reader maybe can be diagnosed as a criticising/commenting block..LOL

For me, the question that pop into my mind when I read ur blog is.."will she stop writing IF somehow her friends didnt commenting at her stories anymore?"
Friends come and go (in my opinion) and it will really hurts you in the end if somehow your friends do this to you..
I'm not saying that your friends is bad or what so ever..but people change..we always be..>.<"

Hopefully that you will consider this matter and take definite solution..any way..stay healthy and fighting!^^
MochiToBe #4
Ich hatte das gleiche problem genauso wie du am Anfang, ich hatte bei meiner ersten Story viele subscriber dafür aber sehr wenige Kommentare. Trotzdem habe ich meine story weitergeschrieben, da es mir spaß macht zu schreiben und ich nicht unbedingt versucht habe Kommentare zu gewinnen ( obwohl es doch hin und wieder mal einen erfreut wenn jemand kommentiert xD ). Auch ich kenne das gefühl wenn man keine Kommentare bekommt oder nur sowas wie 'update soon' oder 'please update'. Was ich damit sagen will, gib deswegen nicht so schnell auf, mit der Zeit wird vielleicht alles besser ( war nähmlich bei mir auch so ). Fighting!^^
Everything I get is 'please update'
I feel the same way ;-;
Cephei #7
Please don't feel discouraged! I do agree with you that featured stories don't always deserve the attention they get, but by no means should you stop writing - there are some seriously underrated stories out there! I hope that you can think back on why you started writing in the first place and hold onto that... Approval from others isn't what makes you a good writer. It's the time you put into your craft, and then getting honest critiques from your readers and using it to improve. It's always best to write for yourself before you write for others ^^
Denkst du, dass wäre wirklich eine Lösung? Ich meine, natürlich ist es scheiße, wenn man kein feedback bekommt, geht mir genauso, aber vielleicht wissen sie einfach nicht, was sie schreiben sollen. Ich habe dasselbe Problem, ich weiß nicht, wie ich meine Gedanken in Worte fassen soll. Ich denke, dass sie, obwohl sie nicht kommentieren, deine Geschichte trotzdem sehr mögen. Ich mag sie auf jeden Fall, und fände es unglaublich schade, wenn du nicht mehr für alle updatest.^^