Best EXO 90 2014 MV Remakes

Okay! So EXO started of this 2014 year by airing a new show called "EXO 90 2014" and as the title suggests, it's about connecting today's music (2014) with the music of the original hallyu stars of the 90s. The concept to me was genius as it gives EXO the opportunity to show their off versatility while reminding people of the past idols. 

Part of the show includes a MV remake of popular 90s songs originally sung by the guest artists. At this time, eleven members of EXO were intact so a total of eleven remakes have been made, but instead of posting them all here, I chose three of the best remakes in countdown format. Enjoy!


3) Lay - Fly to the Sky's "Missing You"

This remake had one of the sweetest stories - the sticky notes serve as a reminder of someone who passed away, each one bearing a handwritten note. That person was someone apparently close to Lay's character (or else they are a creepy stalker) as the notes cover his entire house and follow him on his way to visit the person's grave marker (I have no idea what that place is actually called, it's full of memory boxes). Meanwhile Taeyong is on his way to the emergency room. I feel like they tried to portray the stages of morning - Lay is past grief and is on acceptance while Taeyong is just beginning his denial stage. I paused at 3:38 and almost had a heart attack! If I had to guess, I would say that Taeyong transformed into Kai - their similarities from that angle are almost spooky. A lot of people mentioned that the MV reminds them of "Anterograde Tomorrow." I haven't read the whole thing, but the summary makes it sound as such. Really great remake!


2) DO - S.E.S' "I'm Your Girl"

This was totally creepy at first (with the whole "Imma drug your drink then kidnap you") but in the end I was laughing out loud at how adorable and cute this was. This was one of the few upbeat remakes (Baekhyun's and Chanyeol's were the other ones) and it accurately depicted what I would do if I was lucky enough to catch a Kpop idol. In the end, it's really just DOs fantasy, but it was hilarious to watch his imagination!
1) Suho - GOD's "Dear Mom"
I can't explain how surprised I am to see Suho's acting skills in this MV. I thought that he'd have one of the hardest times portraying emotions (sorry bae) but he really moved me. The thing that got me was everytime he did something stupid, someone would add a line to the running tally. In the end all of the strikes became a wrinkle on his mother's forehead. Wow. Suho really blew me away.
Okay, I said that I wouldn't post them all, but why not? I'll put them in a collective list of my favorites :) Until then EXO Saranghaja!
PS: Sorry about the random font change - this happens whenever I type directly into the body box and I don't know how to make it stop :/


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