( ✶ Fairy Tale | Karen Fendal | Rapunzel


cho Hye-ri — Her Korean Name
Minnie — Her Obession with Minnie Mouse/ love interest calls her this

birthday — March 17 1993 + age: 21
birth place — Queens, New York
hometown —Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity — Black Korean
nationality — Korean

ENglish — Native, she's was born in Queens and she lived there until she was about 15.
kOREAN — Fluent, She lived in South Korea from 15 to 21
blood type — O

Karen Fendal

by Fortuna (ayana)


— i'm y and you know it

face claim — Chanel Iman
back up — Crystal Kay

height — 178cm (5'10)
weight — 51 kg (112 pounds)

Because Karen is born of afro-asian descent people really don't give her a brake. all the pure korean girls make fun of her because she didn't look like them. she wasn't light skinned and she wasn't the ideal type the koreans come up with. when she was younger she has really tight beautiful black curls that she would straighten to make it like the korean girls' hair naturally was. after a while she didn't care about how she looked and embraced her afro-asian.

fashion style

— they love me cuz I'm hot

(I at giving description on fashion or what she likes to wear and what not. i'm going to give you a little peek at what's in Karen's closet)

casual: 1 2 3 4 5 6 
formal: 1 2 3 4 5 6 
airport: 1 2 3 4 5 6
dorm: 1 2 3 4 5 6
practice: 1 2 3 4 5 6


— I promise i'm normal

||First Impressions||
At first, Karen is seen as a child. She's all smiles, she's bubbly, and she's all around a kid at heart. She's playful and happy and never fails to make a joke out of any situation. She's sweet and kind, and gets along wonderfully with children. Unfortunately, first glances make her appear naive and some have tried to take advantage of her seemingly trusting nature.
||On Stage||
When on stage, Karen becomes a completely different person. The charisma she emits make her seem her age, possibly older. She's focused and never loses concentration. She shows that she knows what she's doing. She's fierce and y when she needs to be, but can also tone it down and become naturally cute when the concept calls for it. When it comes to silly stages, she'll play around with the other members and be herself; however, at any other time, she's serious and concentrated on the performance.
||On Camera||
When a camera is in sight, Karen becomes a camera hog; she loves the camera. She smiles at it and waves and jumps in front of the other members. She teases the other members in front of the camera and talks quite a bit. She seems to be perpetually smiling and laughing.
||Behind the Scenes||
Karen is still a playful girl, but she does tone down a bit once people get to know her. She doesn't want to annoy people and push them away, so she becomes more reserved - so to speak. She says what pops in her head, and sometimes has trouble with saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. She always apologizes, but it can get her into some unwanted situations. She's very affectionate to those she's close to and likes to show it with hugs, kisses on the cheek, and other small skinships. She's goofy and a bit crazy, but knows when to get down to business and practice or get ready for a performance. She's stubborn and hard-headed; once she's set in a belief, it's nearly impossible to sway her opinion.
||Down Deep||
Below the smiles, jokes, and goofiness, Karen is like any other girl. She has insecurities that everyone she knows will leave her because she's loud and annoying. She has some low self-esteem issues, even though she feels she shouldn't because she's cute and has a relatively good life. She's scared that she'll be abandoned and left alone. She doesn't bring up her problems, instead she hides them below her persona of happy go lucky and trying to make sure others are happy, too. She never wants to see those around her hurt, so she tries her hardest to make sure that they're okay.
||All in All||
In short, Karen is a happy girl who tries her best to keep herself together for her family, friends, and group members. She's loving, caring, and a bit stubborn. She looks after her members and uses her bubbliness to keep them in high spirits as best as she can. When it all becomes too much, she tends to close herself off temporarily and just sleep off her stress. No matter how stressed or annoyed she may get at a member or a member's habits, she never snaps at them. She uses a calm voice and lets them know that she believes they need to straighten up. She tries her hardest, but sometimes feels as if she isn't good enough or her efforts aren't enough. Those thoughts usually go away when she looks around at her members and realizes that she did her best, and her members really do appreciate her.


— likes

ONE — Crafts; she's done them since she was a child and always loves finding new mediums to create with
TWO Sweets; mostly lollipops, but she'll eat anything sweet - minus chocolate
THREE Animals; she loves them to death because of how sweet and cute they are
FOUR Popcorn; her favorite food - she'd live off of it if she could
FIVE Pineapple Juice; her favorite drink

— dislikes

ONE — Meat; it makes her sick to her stomach so she doesn't eat it
TWO Chocolate; allergic
THREE Storms; she's terrified of them
FOUR Sasaengs; she just doesn't see the point
FIVE Revealing clothes; she'll show skin.. just not too much skin

— habits

She remembers to keep up with calling her parents, checking in with her parents about her daughter or texting her members or friends that are in and outside of the company.
She is the first one to always wake up, and she will set her clothes out the night before to be ready with no trouble at all.
She looks after her clothes, and cleans whenever it is necessary.
She uses honorifics, because she knows that she will dinged for speaking informally.
She arrives 20 minutes early for every practice, and still remains punctual.
She looks after her health, and her appearance.
She can sometimes be forgetful of things.
She can't remember names,but she can remember faces very well.
When she is ticked off, it shows and it scares people off sometimes.
She is often misunderstood as intimidating, but she is not. She is just serious.
She pushes herself to the limit, to the point where she faints on stage.
She curls in a ball, and she likes to cuddle with Stuff Animals.
When she is tired, she gets crabby and speaks in English.
She often sleeps upside down, with her head at the foot of the bed.
She sleep walks sometimes, and ends up on the counter or table like a cat.

She pats her members on the , or smack them playfully.
She has her share of erted jokes at times, it often freaks the members out.

— hobbies

ONE — Crafts; she loves to create things - she mostly draws and makes things out of clay
TWO Recycling; something she's done since she was little and it's become a habit
THREE Eating; in her spare time, this is all she does
FOUR Drawing; she'll draw almost anywhere
FIVE Sleeping; she needs her beauty sleep

— other facts

one — Fear of driving; she gets this weird panic attack when she sits behind the wheel. She prefers to be in the passager side or in the back
TWO — She's vegetarian
THREE —She has a teacup pomey named Louis + clicky
FOUR — She has a 3 year old daughter named Kendal
FIVE — She's known as Shikshin because of her habit of always eating



— this is my story

Early life was rather easy for the Fendal family. New York was a great place; Queens had two magnificent universities and there were jazz festivals every summer. The family was close knit mostly and they all got along rather well. Nothing too exciting happened besides all of the children getting dental surgery once they turned fourteen; except for Holiday, her teeth were perfect. When she was fifteen, Karen and her family moved from Queens, New York to Seoul, South Korea. For two years, everything went swimmingly.

Soon after Karen and Kristina her twin sister turned seventeen, they got involved with a rather bad crowd. Both picked up smoking and even drinking. After a year with the crowd, Karen got pregnant by a boy and realized that the road she was going down was a dangerous one and she needed to back out of it; Kristina didn't realize that. Karen got her and the boy who impregnated her - whom she truly did love, for what it was worth - out of the lifestyle and explained everything to her parents. The seven months of the pregnancy following the discovery went well. They stayed with Karen's parents and it was a rather mild pregnancy. The day the child was born was a glorious beginning, but also a horrible end. During childbirth, the eighteen year old young man had gotten killed in a drive by on his way to the hospital to by Karen's side. Karen kept the child, despite being told she should give her up for adoption. The baby became her inspiration to go into music and try and make a better life for her and the child.


— we are family



MOTHER — Julie Fendal (Cho Yuri) // 43 // Dentist // kind, caring, lovable // Julie and Karen are close but not as close because of the lifestyle she lived before Kendal. But Julie loves her daugther.

http://a1.files.biography.com/image/upload/c_fill,dpr_1.0,g_face,h_300,q_80,w_300/MTE4MDAzNDEwNzQzMTY2NDc4.jpg  http://img2.timeinc.net/people/i/2006/celebdatabase/willsmith/will_smith1_300_400.jpghttps://firsttimpressionss.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/2014-01-will-smith-99.jpg

Father— Wilson Fendal // 53 // Dentist // Strict, goofy, loving // Wilson and Karen are as close as a father and a daughter can be. Wilson thinks that having and keeping Kendal has been good for Karen. He doesn't really think becoming a idol or going into the music scene is a good idea, though.

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-N2dnNz9qQqw/Tx7U1_-q4fI/AAAAAAAAADw/9vAgw9WTMDI/s1600/1026-chanel-0008.jpg  http://www.prohaircut.com/gallery/n_Chanel-Iman-hairstyle_10225.jpghttp://3.bp.blogspot.com/-SIKDhhZoPcc/UA5YElwE_cI/AAAAAAAAAOU/eUo9MYMxQ8w/s72-c/chanel-iman_134985886_gallery_large_portrait_scale.jpg

twin sister — Kristina Fendal (Cho Taejong) // 21 // waitress // loving, stuck up, easy-going // Karen and Kristina was close but they have to be, you know they're twins. but they lost that closeness when she (as Kristina says) changed having a kid.


younger sister — Holiday Fendal (Cho Yae) // 14 // High School Student // sassy, smart alek, cute, adorable // Holiday and Karen are close as older/younger slibings can be. Holiday thinks Karen is cool because she's becoming an idol.


daughter— Kendal Fendal (Cho Minsuh) // 3 // Day care student // Adorable, do-gooder, helper // Karen loves her daughter so much. She'll doing anything for Kendal. Sometimes trainning is hard because of having to take care of Kendal but Karen thinks that Kendal would love her for what Karen's doing and just because.





— i got all my sisters with me


best Friend— Lisa Dougran // 20 // College student // Snarky, great listner, loving // Lisa is Karen's best friend in New York. They've kept in contact when Karen moved to South Korea.


Close Friend — Kim Kibum (Shinee's Key) // 23 // Idol-SHINee // Diva, Kind-hearted // Karen and Key met as she was a trainee under SM. Key was the frist one to speak to her (In english no doubt) and they've been close


Friend — Lee Donghae // 28 //Idol-SUJU // Goofy, cute, adorkable // After Key talking her first. Donghae tried his hand. Karen thought his english was so cute and was really impressed with how confident he was with it.


— they are important too


Ideal Type — Kwon Jiyong (Big Bang's G-Dragon) // 26 // Idol-Big bang // GD could be as hard as he wants; as cool as he wants, depending on his mood. He is the kind of cheerful guy; he could easily calm himself down. GD has a high self-esteem, he is easy going, talented, and has strong charisma. He also the one who could be relied on; lovable. // Karen and GD havent met but when asked who her favorite Kpop idol is or who her ideal type is she would either say GD or her love interest.


— " I don't regret my past, I just regret the time i wasted with the wrong people."

PERSONA the new york godness

FANCLUB COLOR — #ff6666 + #ccffff

SINGING TWIN 2ne1's Sandara Park (sub)
DANCING TWIN 2ne1's Minzy (main)
RAPPING TWIN — Korean: Bora English: Yubin 2
TALKING TWIN 2ne1's Sandara park <- korean 2ne1's CL <- english

TRAINEE YEARS 3 years and 4 months
TRAINEE LIFE — While training she got offered to be a model. At first she didn't want to because she wanted to concentrate on being a singer. But her parents told her to try since a whole bunch full of trainees don't become singers so this could be another direction for her. So she agreed and modeled in between training as well. It stressed her out yes with training, modeling, and taking care of her daughter and she even went to the hospital once for stress. But she still wants to keep both modeling and being part of Fairytale for the experience.

PRE-DEBUT EXPERIENCES Model for vogue, Victoria secret and many others, was a extra in GDYB's MV Good Boy 
FUTURE EXPERIENCESStars in a drama ( you might have to come up with a drama for her to star in XD)

SCANDALS  1/24/15 // Fairytale's Kay and Big Bang's G-dragon Dating?! // Karen and GD actually end up meeting and they go out to lunch.. but they're strictly friends. // False.
 1/30/15 // Fairytale's Kay and a model under YG ent XXX scandal? // the pap captured really adult rated photos of Will and Kay's vacation in Hawaii and leeked them everywhere // True.
1/25/15 // Fairytale's Kay and BTS's V in a relationship? // Kay and V are seen together leaving Big Hit ent when Kay went to pay him a visit with food and such. // False, they're just friends



last comment — I hope you like my character because she's so far from the norm. if there are something missing or wrong please let me know

scene requests 
// Karen having to bring Kendal along because no one in her family could baby sit and Will had a photo that was out of Seoul. Karen comes to a MBC Countdown with her daughter shocking the rest of the girls because they didn't know about her daugther. (it's not really a secret. Karen just didn't want her daughter all in the spotlight)
// Karen and Will actually getting together but they keep it a secret because Karen ends up getting into a fake relationship with GD to get the media focused on how popular GD and Fairytale has gotten. (please have this sercet come out and ruin everything. it's not really a scandal that's why i didn't put this there) 

password time boils the rain by krissy

William Greg
http://image-cdn.zap2it.com/images/duh-face.gif http://media2.giphy.com/media/2UK6HuOdtbCNO/giphy.gif tumblr_mjbqlsmGPk1rrv7yjo1_500.gif -louis-tomlinson-28960775-500-281.gif

— (faceclaim: Louis TOMLINSON FROM 1D)

personality — He is a very dilligent and hard worker, a gentleman, yet still a bit of a kid. He leads well despite thinking he's too young to do so, and is very respectful - unless he's with his friends. He's playful when he wants to be, but is a bit quieter than the rest of his friends. He can be a big child at times and likes to goof around with his  friends, and even pick on them a bit. However, he's also very caring and generousThough he can seem stoic and sometimes completely serious, Will is really a go with the flow kind of guy. He can goofy if he wants, and he's not afraid to call someone out if they're acting stupid. He's focused on his career, but knows when to loosen up and have a good time.

relationship — Friends on Skinny Love (Meaning; everyone knows that they like each other they're just oblivious to it) Will is protective of  Karen, but knows she can handle herself. They're both loud and kind of class clowns; they pick on each other and play little pranks on one another. They're not exactly a romantic couple, but they have awkward attempts at being sweet and serious. Sometimes they succeed, and other times, they burst out laughing. They're considered a "cute couple" by those who know them. It's one of those everyone thinks they should be dating, but they either don't see it, or they're waiting for the right moment to start dating. They play around a lot. They're nearly always smiling when they're around each other. Karen always greets him by sneaking up on him and jumping on his back. She loves to make him squeak or make a sound when he gets surprised. They're very close to each other and tell each other almost anything. When they're together, they're either talking or playing silly little games like rock, paper, scissors. Karen truly cares for Will; she loves to make him laugh or make him blush and become flustered.

history — Karen and Will met on a photoshoot when she was a trainee and was modeling on the side. Will was a model signed to YG entertainment. They just sort of clicked and became friends from it. they don't really know when their feelings changed from being strictly friends to wanting something more.




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