When I almost let him go

The thing is..

My unrequited love got married days ago.

God, I like him since I was a kid. I was seven back then if I'm right and now I'm a 15 - almost 16 - grown up girl.

He's only 21 and got married.

My dream of marrying him crushed, just like that - though I already have Donghae-oppa.

I like him so much, I like him to die for.

I try to hate the girl he married but I can.

Not even in million years.

She's just so nice and pretty. She's too pretty for god's sake.

I can't even beat her kindness, don't even mention about her beauty.

So after 8 or 9 years of crushing on him, I know that I have to let him go.

I had to. He just thought me as his lil sis.

I was about to let him go, when I realized that he left me something.

A note.



Ouh, gawd.


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Alexwhite #1
I just had something like this. I used to out with him 4 years ago but we broke up after I left China to complete my education. He messaged me 4 days ago saying that his parents want him married to a girl and that if I tell him that I still love him he will not do it. I still love him like the first day I meet him but I told him I didn't because his happiness is more important to me and I would not be able to see him for another 4/5 year! It hurts sooo much but he will be happy and gave the kids that he wants! It hurts but it will get better and you will find someone that you like again even if it does not feel like it! *fighting*
He said he loves you in that last bit of his note
Do you think maybe he didn't want to marry his wife?
Maybe he didn't have a choice?
I can see why you had fallen for him
He seems very caring and must be very thoughtful to leave you this note
I think his words are wise and must be true for he would not have been able to write this so sincerely otherwise
I would like to meet such a person like him
Also I think that you should try and figure out the first line of his note -which he just happened to have found as the exact same quote from nanny McPhee-
It seems like there is a double meaning
One more thing I want to know if you are a self harmed or a depressed person or anything not anything bad but if you look at his 2nd paragraph that's what I think is wrong the last paragraph too
If you read it overall it seems like ..... He was there so that you could understand that you ARE worth your value
I don't know I could be wrong but it just my thought so yeah
This will really drive me crazy for the next few days trying to figure this out but yeah I would appreciate I if you would reply to this...
It was so thoughtful of him to leave you such a message. He must be very kind, right?
But don't worry dear, you are only in Form 4 next year. You are going to be 16. Still young and sweet. ^^
There is plenty of time for you to search for a new one, maybe a true love.
"Bunga bukan sekuntum, kumbang bukan seekor"
You better keep your focus on studying. Choose the right stream for next year or you will absolutely regret it later.
Believe me, you will go crazy (almost) if you make a wrong decision. I have some experience here. Haha.
Anyway, all the best for you girl.

- Some advice from a going-to-be-Form-5 senior -
Ohmigosh. ;; poor you