Stop winking at me!

So basically there's this one boy in my class who keeps winking at me, and asks me to join him for dinner at McDonald's and keeps saying cheesy stuffs that am cringing af.

One moment I would be studying at the library and one moment later, he would suddenly sit next to me and wink. Tf is that. 

It's so creepy. 

On the other side, we're actually friends (?), yeah i think so since he likes kpop either (rn he's still sad that wang yiren didn't make it) 

So what to do with a boy like this


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Since you are still student, If you are a humorous person then just play along with him. But if no then you gotta Be careful because sooner or later you will fall for him. The first sign has been revealed, is about he got your attention.

Just ask him what does he want. Because i can say that he is just wanna play and spend a little time with you.

Just tell him nicely to stop what he does if you felt uncomfortable.

I know not everyone is the same but because well, when someone play hard to get the other party will be feeling challenged then will try to win that one. But after that, they'll go away and often without words. Because there's no fun anymore.