HELEN ― Lee YeJi/ Leader, Powerhouse Vocalist/Main vocalist




 LeeYEG - Arden

the height can be anything :)

Name: Lee YeJi
Nickname(s): Jinnie, Ji-Baby, Ji-Ji


Birthplace: Los Angeles, California
Hometown: Seoul, Korea
Birthdate: april,12, 1988
Age: 25
Ethnicity: Korean
Height: 172cm
Weight: 52kg
Languages: English and Korean

Face Claim: Kim Jung Yeon
Gallery: clicky
Back Up Face Claim: Yoon Ara
Gallery: clicky


Stage Name: Ye.G
Persona: Mysterious Beauty
Position: Leader, powerhouse vocalist/main vocalist
Back Up Position: Lead vocal, lead dancer, visual



Scene Requests: romantic/couple scenes, gossip night, pajama party, amusement park day!, Weekly Idol and Beatles Code, We got Married and Runningman!
Comments: Good luck with the story!
Song Requests: N/A (I'll tell you when I can think of some!)
Password: BumKanto

Personality  ― finds it hard to refuse, doesn't open up to other easily, waits patiently/ knows when and when not to come in, sarcastic/attempts to be funny, smart, day dreamer, self-reliant, doesn't like to look weak. 

"Why Don't you try opening up to me for a change?": This was what Changwook first told YeJi when he figured out her past. YeJi never really initiates a relationship. Why? Because she doesn't trust others will all her heart. She doesn't really like being exposed to everyone who she doesn't really know nor feel comfortable with. She'll be social, but only to a certain extent. She tries to change the subject and talk about others when people try to pry in and know more about her. She'll even try to avoid them if it seems like she gets too close. That was the hardship Changwook had to go through because she just wouldn't open up and trust him fully. She even tried to avoid him until he finally lost it and spoke to her right on. It's hard to get past her shielded heart, but once you do, she'll open up and actually talk about her problems.
"Sometimes you've just got to be quiet and stay put untill the other person is willing to talk first.": YeJi was never the right person to go to when it came to gossip and barging into other people's worries and problems. She never really liked getting into things she knew was going to be troublesome and hard to get out once she got in. So she always told herself to keep everything in until the other person actually wanted to talk to her about their own problems. When they come to her, she'll never push them away for advice.
"That's... Umm...Terrible": YeJi can't be very blunt. No, scratch that. She isn't Blunt. She'll always tell herself to fix that problem and she has tried, but sometimes it just doesn't work that way for her. When there is something that she thinks just doesn't work out or she just doesn't like, she won't flat out say how much she dislikes it. she knows that it'll hurt people's feelings, but she knows that she should say it's bad hen it is bad. She says her sorries in the end after she tells them what she really thinks because she is the leader and she should step up, but she never feels too good after it, even if the other party said it was okay.
"Think BEFORE you ACT": YeJi always thinks and plans everything before she initiates a plan. She knows that acting impulsively is bad and that she does have a knack for acting like that. So, she tries to think everything through before she makes a stupid mistake that could ruin her image and first impressions.
"YeJi? YeJi?.... YEJI!!": Being the quiet one at times also makes her the day dreamer. Her mind doses off easily when she isn't doing anything and it's hard for her to come back until someone snaps her out of it. When YeJi is daydreaming, she doesn't really think about anything other than music and lyrics. She always wanted to compose and write her own songs during her entertainment career, and she always had a dream of opening up her own brand clothing, so you'll find her when she's in deep thought about a new song or a theme for her lyrics or sketching a new clothes design.
"You look so bad in that.... Haha Jk Jk!": You can say that sarcasm is a bad character trait, but when YeJi's sarcastic, it usually is to break a tense mood and ease everyone else within the room. She doesn't really like tense and gloomy moods because of her past and how the mood was at home, so she tries to keep people in a good mood by using sarcasm. Sometimes her sarcasm can get the mood to be a bit awkward, but thats also how she can get other people to laugh.
"I need to do this by myself Changwook." "No, you're slowly ruining yourself without recognizing it.": Self-reliance. This was a trait that YeJi really didn't understand why Changwook and everyone else told her that it was a bad trait of hers. She felt that jobs would get done quicker if she did it by herself without the help of others. But in everyone elses eyes she totally ruins herself while doing so. Sure, she'll get the job done and all, but during the middle of it she would keep herself stressed out and not thinking about anything except for her own goal. People always told her how much she needed to spread some of the work out with others and get people to help her when she needs help. But it's still pretty hard for her to think like that until someone (most of the time her friends and members) takes action and steps in to help her and make them help her by force.
"You can cry when you're with me": Is what Changwook said to her. As soon as she said that she broke down immediately, all of her bottled up emotions bursting right in front of him. YeJi hates showing her weak side to anyone. Not even to her best friends or members. Since she has the mindset that she souldn't show her weaknesses since she is the leader, she ends up bottling up her own feelings and emotions and tries to keep a heerful, happy, always smiling and polite mask on herself. Ever since the incident wit her parents, she never really felt like she felt anything positive in her life. But she knows that as an Idol and the leader of a group, she shouldn't show any weaknesses and try to become the perfect leader. Because of this, she struggles a lot with herself, not knowing how to relieve herself of the stress she has on her shoulders. She is unable to cry infront of others.


"Get out of my face. No, just get out of my life!": YeJi had a great childhood untill she reached the age of 16. Her family was the perfect image of a happy family. Her mom was the Owner of Jeguk Corps, a large company that focused on shopping malls and resorts. Her dad was her mom's secretary/bodyguard. However, it all changed after a day of mother/daughter time. YeJi and her mother had a great time in downtown LA, shopping for clothes and enjoying the whole girl's night out. But when she and her mother came home, they noticed how there was a unknown car outside of their house gates. Confused, they went in to the house. Soon after they got in, they heard a loud noise coming from upstairs. Making their way up the long staircase, they reached her parent's room and opened the door. Only to see her father having an affair with another woman. Everything came tumbling down after that scene. Her father had been cheating on her mother for more than 3 years and the woman he was having an affair with was pregnant. She and her mother had walked in on the two of them hugging each other while the pictures of the unborn baby was sprawled on the table next to them. Her parents got divorced and her father wasn't even sorry for what he had done. He said he never really loved her mother nor herself and just put up with them until he could have enough money to keep living with his mistress. She hasn't seen her Father since. She doesn't need to know what he's doing and how he was doing. But she did hear that her mother was so heartbroken and mad that she ruined his way of obtaining the money he could, using her influence and connections.
"You Remind me of him so much... I can't stand it!": That was what her mother said to her when she finally lost it. Ever since her parent's divorce and the incident with her father, YeJi's mother was heart broken. She became a workaholic and didn't pay much attention to YeJi ever since. Since then, YeJi and her mom slowly drifted apart from being best friends to nothing. When YeJi tried to get closer to her mom again her mom would block her out and just ignore her. She wouldn't even look her in the eye. And YeJi knew the reason. She reminded her mother too much about her father. "I need to get out of here.": Hating how her family had become, YeJi knew she had to get out. She wrote a letter to her mom about her departure took the next flight over to Korea where she could find Kang Lina, her best friend since her childhood vacation days in Korea. At first YeJi just thought that she needed to get away from her family. Then she was introduced to Lee Minho ( Lina's cousin whom she was living with). So when she started to live under Minho's roof, she noticed how much he really did enjoy his work in the entertainment and fashion industry. Knowing that she couldn't be a free-loader under his roof, she started her first job by being a model thanks to Minho's help. She now tries to keep herself busy and happy so she won't think about her hurtful past. She keeps up a smile everytime and everyday and tries to look at everything in a postive way.

"Want to try something new?": Knowing how much she enjoyed her work as a fashion model, YeJi knew that she couldn't make a lot of profit by just being a model. Because of that she started to work in a cafe in myungdong, working as a cafe singer and waitress. About a year after she started her job, YeJi was scouted into Brand New Music to become an idol. She never really thought about being an idol, but she was often told that she had a great voice. She also loved to dance too. She would always sing and dance to keep her stress away from ruining her days after her parent's divorce. So she decided to become an idol and try something new that could potentially get her to find something she really liked to do. Being a model and a Trainiee for 3 years, she had finally made it to her debut stage.

Facts ― 

-Vanilla Latte
-spicy foods
-blueberry muffins
-green tea anything
-insects and reptiles
-german food  


-extreme sports (bungee jumping, sky diving, parachuting, etc..)  
-water sports (swimming, jetskiing, surfing, etc..) 
-watching korean dramas
-styling/choosing outfits for others 
- her lips
-singing in the shower 
-playing with other people's hair 
-Eating other people's foods
-drumming her fingers when she's getting impatient
-listening to music when she's bored 

-Taking pictures of everything and everyone 
- hugging people she knows when she sees them 
-cuddling to anything in her sleep

-she wants to work with Lee Seungki and Lee Jongsuk someday in her career
-Always has a blueberry muffin with a Vanilla Latte first thing in the morning.
-she loves to choose/style others and give them make overs
-can't keep the space around her clean when she works on something
-she wants to go on a vacation to the Maldives someday
-she wont go anywhere without her sketch book and camera
-she likes to go visit her friends when their at work and bring them a meal she cooked
-She gets annoyed very easily, esp. when Minho teases her about their past
-allergic to Cucumbers and Mangoes.
-she has a friendship bracelet with Minho and Lina
- A couple ring with Changwook

Friends / Family 

Best friend / Lee Minho / model/actor  / caring, funny, nice, gentleman, sarcastic, fatherly/ closeness: 10
Childhood friend / Kang Lina/ Stylist / funny, outgoing, smart, cheerful, happygolucky, nice, motherly / closeness: 10
New Friend / Yoon Doojoon / Leader of Beast (idol) / funny, straightforward, nice, polite, smart, caring/ closeness: 6

Love interest ― 

Name: Ji Changwook (actor)
Back up: Kim Woobin (actor)
Personality Traits: Nice, Caring, Worry wort, Touchy, Sarcastic, Smart, Persistant, Loyal and Polite
how they met? ↪ YeJi and Changwook met at a photoshoot. It was her first job before she started her training days in Brand New Music. She was his partner for the shoot and he fell for her at first sight. After the shoot he was able to get her number and keep in touch. YeJi didn't think much about Changwook at first because she never could trust men becaue of her father. But when her jobs continued to circle around Changwook because of his connections to get her wherever there was a job opening with him, she started to get to know him a lot more than she had planned. He was the only one she could actually open up to and tell him about her problems and her past and how she had come to Korea with no other relatives. After about six months, Changwook asked her out and she had consented.
relationship status – Dating (2 years)
  ↪ Changwook doesn't know what got his attention when it came to YeJi, but he couldn't take his eyes off of her when they first met. She had this mysterious aura around her when they had first met. The previous models he had partnered with would always throw themselves on him, but YeJi was different. She would take great pictures during the shoot, but she had no emotions during the shoot towards him when it came to the intimate and close pictures. She was very social with everyone else when it came to work, but she never really got to know anyone intimately, other than the friend who came with her, Lee Minho. He didn't really know why, but just watching Minho and YeJi's interactions together annoyed him to the extent where he would have a really bad day for the rest of of the day. The way she brushed her hair out of her face and over her shoulder made her seem vulnerable and weak. He wanted to know her so much and be the person next to her, and not Minho. He used all the connections he could get with his own power to get her at all of the open jobs with him. Once he and YeJi started to date publically, he got a call from YeJi's mother to take care of her daughter and not to hurt her. He was surprised that YeJi's mother would actually call him because he remembered YeJi telling him that ever sine the incident with her father, they havent contacted each other for more than 3 years. Her mother told him to keep this call a secret from YeJi, so it is still a secret to this day.


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