why i'm absent + xmas excitement! blabble.

to any of my followers or friends( who am i kidding i have no friends on ehre >>; ) the reason i havent been able to update lately on any of my fanfics is because i have been sick for like two to three weeks straight. i have a bad immune system xD asthma + allegeries = poor immune system, so the doctor told my mom.

i had the flu a few days ago thankfully i'm okay but i havent had engery.

plus, it doesnt help that i work two jobs. my work days dont start monday, they start on friday. I work friday - monday then have wednesday and thursday off. plus my boyfriend also occupies my time & me and him work at opposite hours sometimes now..


HOWEVER!!! My parents asked me nad my sister what we wanted for christmas likeeee..........................

a month ago and last night my parents hinted at me what i might be getting, and its exactly what i asked for!


i seriously wil scream if i do get one.

that way, when i get (i am sick literally all winter, so thankfulyl i haven't been as sixk and miserable as i typically am ^^ ) sick or if i wake up and i have no engery or simply too lazy to sit in my cold entertainment room just to get on the computer, now all i have to do is grab my laptop, watch tv, and snuggle in bed and get fat :D

so yeah i just really wanted to share this because i'm SOOO excited! I open presents on wednesday!!!! ♥ gfdhakgn


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You and me both sista, my friends had been sick the past few weeks and they spread to me. I think I might have ebola... ( jkjk )
Drink lots of liquids and eat the chicken noodle soup! Get soon rest too.
I hope you feel better!
( that's awesome that you might be getting a new laptop!! I too thought you were going to say "two tickets to your kpop band in korea" lol )
Feel better soon!
And yay laptop! I hope you get it and can soon fill it with Kpop goodies
[Disclaimer: I apologize if this doesn't seem appropriately/genuinely supportive/concerned. I assure you it actually is. All complaints can be taken up with my Customer Service Department at 1800-exo-cares]
Whoo yay!! I thought u would say u got "a vip pass to see my kpop bias" lol.. Guess i'm too delusional XD

Hope you get better soon :) rest a lot and eat properly..