min jaemin.



( ✿ ) JAE — past & present ;; in both situations, the name 'jae' is just used as a mere tool to call for her and address to her. no special meaning; usually, used by peers.

( ✿ ) JEJU-DO — present ;; a playful, affectionate nickname given by her current co-workers. however, the name is ruined and taunted by mark tuan

( ✿ ) BENJAMIN — past ;; it was used as an inside joke. during her high school years, there was an american transfer student, when jaemin introduced herself, all the transfer student heard was "benjamin". it being a male's name, the student was pretty confused; thus, repeated the word. since then, people have mocked her for that name.

BIRTHDAY 15 october 1993


 PLACE OF BIRTH dongyeongju, deju-do, south korea



( ✿ ) KOREAN — fluent, native language ;; it's pretty self explanatory actually

( ✿ ) ENGLISH — basic ;; the language was taught during her high school years. only knows basic words and cannot hold a conversation for  


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 FACE CLAIM park sueun ( 박수은 )

 BACK-UP FACE CLAIM kim jungyeon ( 김정연 )

 HEIGHT & WEIGHT 160cm & 48kg


( ✿ ) IN YOUR MATTE TONE FASHION- I LIKE YOU DETAIL, GIRL — You know the saying, "you are what you wear"; while most see that lightheartedly, Jaemin uses that as her compass in styling herself. Other than that, she also strongly believes that first impressions do matter- and fashion plays an important role in that. All in all, she dresses to impress. Her choice of clothes are pretty feminine and- on certain occasion- modern chic. She is absolutely in love with pastel colors and warm, dull colors; nothing that comes off as too striking. She usually doesn't wear patterns, however, floral designs are in a category of it's own. She has an undying love for dresses: for some reason, it makes her feel more like a girl, it also does boost her ego. She's pretty smart with her choice of clothes, in a sense that she makes it so that her clothes emphasize on her qualities. And since she's slightly lacking in the rack and bottom department, she focuses more on her long legs ( thus, wearing dresses ), and her slim stomach ( on certain days, crop tops ).


( ✿ ) OH, DEAR GIRL, ARE THOSE FOR YOUR BOYFRIEND? — Seeing the way she dresses then, you would not expect her to wear girly clothes: to summarize her fashion then, three words: black and white. In the past, she was a huge fan of the clothes black and white. And to make it all worst, she liked street fashion- a lot. Most of her clothes then were either hoodies, muscle tanks and whatnot. Basically, if you were to show her a photo of how she used to dress then, she would flip the entire world. She doesn't hate it, but she's definitely embarrassed of it.


( ✿ ) BECAUSE YOUR MERE EXISTENCE IS A MASTERPIECE — Jaemin prances around the world at a height of 160kg and weights about 48kg. She has always possessed a pretty petite and small body; height and body-fat wise. That being said, she does lack quite a bit of rack and bottom; thus, making her slim stomach her best asset. Moving onto her facial features: her most outstanding features happen to be her small, mono-lidded eyes; certain times, they're described to be small. Her most outstanding feature, happen to be her biggest complex, too. However, paired with thick eye lashes, she's always mistaken to be wearing eye liner. Immediately after graduating high school, she dyed her chest length hair into a light shade of brown. Her straight long hair is often spotted in a high bun, or a high ponytail. During her high school years, she wore spectacles; however, after graduating, she immediately got contacts- which actually happen to be a pain in the . Thus, she only wears contacts when she goes out; when she's in the comfort of her own home, she'll returned to her bespectacled self.


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 TRAITS air-headed, reserved, carefree, whimsical, imaginative


( ✿ ) SLEEP TIGHT, LITTLE ONE; DREAM BIG — Hands down, one of her most plausible quality is her wide and creative imagination. She is really is quite a dreamer; her so-called dreams can lead to unrealistic expectations that seems childish and mindless to a grown adult. Within a short period of time, she able to think of all sorts of scenarios, images and so on with just that brain of her's. People are always curious about what's going on in that head of her's; truth be told, she doesn't quite know either. It's like a complete snow storm in there. Though she does have a relatively difficult time trying to illustrate her ideas and whatnot; mainly because they're often way too messy and all over the place. Thus, when trying to elaborate on her ideas, she usually uses a lot of words; rest assure, it won't be short. Her imagination is one of her qualities that get her thinking into the future; however, this is never put into good use. This side of her has it's merits and downfall: while having a wide imagination can be a good thing, her brain- sadly- does not operate quick enough to catch up with her thoughts, leaving them every where in her brain. In other words, she's pretty much a scatter brain; that being said, more often than not, she's preoccupied with her inner thoughts, and that means she's easily distracted. She has an attention span of a child- it's easy to catch her attention, but it is just as easy to loose her attention. While her imaginative trait can help her reconsider her actions before acting first, she refuses to do so. She is extremely reckless and often does things on a whimp; she doesn't think much when she does something. Being the air head she is, she usually shrugs it off with a, "it's fun", then she proceeds to do whatever she had it mind.

( ✿ ) THEY SAY ONE'S EYES ARE THE WINDOWS TO THEIR TRUE FEELINGS — Despite that imaginative self of her's, she's actually not that bright; not in terms of academics, not in terms of common sense. All in all, she's quite the air head. Her every action will make you question if she's really sane at that point of time. She's slow, dense even; you could have already laid out all possible hints at her, and she still wouldn't understand things. With Jaemin, you must explicitly spell things out. Again, even with that wide imagination of her's, she still has a mindset of a child; innocent and naive. On the other hand, with that clueless side of her, you would think she's the bubbly kind of girl, but no, she isn't. Far from it, actually. She's pretty reserved and doesn't usually make the first move to approach someone. That being said, she's not entirely anti-social; she can choose to be openly outgoing, but she chooses not to. When approached, she usually gets along with people well. With that said, she likes to surround herself with other people quite a bit. Though she's not entirely a loud individual, she doesn't quite like tranquility. Being very much like a child, she likes to include everyone; she's doesn't like seeing others be left out, and tries to engage with them. All in all, she's reserved, but friendly.

( ✿ ) YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE; DON'T WASTE IT — For better or for worse, Jaemin leads an extremely carefree and untroubled life. She doesn't let anything bother her; so, in a sense, she is pretty much an escapist in the most subtle way possible. I guess, you can say that she often see things through rose colored glasses; perceiving things differently from how they should really be. To put things into perspective, when troubles pop up in front of her, she chooses to ignore them and continue living her life as they are. Jaemin truly does act like a child, even her mindset is similar to one of a child's: she doesn't handle the problems by herself because they usually go away on their own, thus, she does not find the need to. However, that's not the case with most problems. Another scenario is that she doesn't let what others say bother her. With optimistic things, she takes them on a serious note; however, with pessimistic things, she's learned to take them with a pinch of salt. This careless and carefree personality of her's actually pushes her reckless self more than it already was.



( ✿ ) THE BIRTH OF A FAMILY — None of Jaemin's parents were actually local natives of Jeju island- it started off as a sweet honeymoon location, then it slowly became where they thought was best to settle down. Jaemin was born to Min Jaehwan and Seol Jaein as their one and only daughter. The Min's were just one of those families with an average income; with both her parents owning a small family restaurant. They never had to skimp and save; however, their income didn't exactly allow them to carelessly waste too much money either. However, Jaemin being the optimistic one she was, she never cared too much about it; or at least, she never lets it bother her too much anyway. As for lifestyle wise, there wasn't much to it; as far as Jaemin could remember anyway. Her childhood was pretty much dull and average; it was never too exciting.

( ✿ ) TALK WITH THE PRETTIEST LIPS — Frankly speaking, she didn't change much since her childhood years: she was still the same air head as she was then. Academically wise, she was a complete flunky; she flunked most of her subjects, with her Korean- needless to say- being the best of all subjects; yet, it still sits at a pathetic grade of B-. In general, she was always behind of everyone else when it came to academics. She tries her best, yet it never does show in her report card. After awhile, it somewhat settled in her- that no matter how hard she tries, her results would still remain as they are, so just might as well keep up with the mediocre efforts; that was her mindset as she was growing up. Again, it hasn't really changed much since then. As for how she stands on the social hierarchy system; oddly, she doesn't stand too high on it, mainly because of how Mark is. She still does have friends, but not too much; she blames Mark, but her air headed personality is to blame, too.



( ✿ ) I'M FINE, THANK YOU — After graduation, she immediately planned to move to Seoul; however, the thought of leaving her parents and friends behind just seemed painful to her. Though she was doubtful about her decision, she still went through with it. There was no legit reason why she wanted to move to Seoul, Jeju-do just seemed too restrictive, too boring for her. The decision was made- as usual- on a whim; though she did understand what may follow, she brushed all worries off. Prior to arriving in Seoul, she already made plans to stay at a cozy apartment complex in Seoul. It was a simple two room apartment, with a bathroom and a kitchen big enough for just herself. As for an occupation, she didn't know what she could do; but with her reckless self, she just thought about working part-time while attending college. At the current moment, she's working as a waitress at a local cafe just around her district. As for schooling, she intends to continue studying fine arts. Because of her parents, she does often return home- as often as twice a week- just to visit her parents.



( ✿ ) JESUS, WHAT MORE WORDS ARE NEEDED? — one redeeming trait about her is her talent for art; as i've mentioned, she possesses an imagination that is probably ocean wide and using that, she draws up masterpieces. she's not gonna lie, she does find her drawings superior compared to most her age.

( ✿ ) BECAUSE ROSES ARE OVER RATED, AND DAISIES ARE FOR THE DEAD — she absolutely loves dandelions; though they are pretty hard to find in local floral shops, she still has taken a great liking for the flower. hand drawn pictures of dandelions basically flood the floor and walls of her apartment.

( ✿ ) I BE ON MY SUIT AND TIE, TIE, TIED — guys in suits are a guilty pleasure of her's; she's a complete er for them. just by wearing one, you immediately rise above the rest in terms of charms; according to jaemin anyway.

( ✿ ) THE SADDEST HIGH SCHOOL LOVE LIFE, YET — throughout her 20 years of existence, jaemin had never once had a boyfriend; all the guys she liked, never looked in her direction; while all the guys she least wanted to date, would always come up to her- oh, the struggle.

( ✿ ) LEGITIMATELY FAMOUS, I GUESS — her social networking accounts' followers are numbers that you would least expect from someone like her; on both twitter and instagram, she has- more or less- about 1.2k followers. though she lies to herself by telling herself that it's because of her apparent photography skills; but her peers all know that it's because of the amount of cute guys she takes photos of.

( ✿ ) WHAT IS THIS WAR-ZONE RIGHT HERE? — this is the first thing that anyone who goes to her apartment for the first time would say; she's messy and busy, the two worst combination yet. her useless drawings literally flood every corner of her room, while her clothes are literally every where, you can't tell the difference of dirty and clean, dirty dishes pilled high up, empty cup noodles everywhere. all in all, you would feel utterly disgusted walking into her apartment.

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( ✿ ) MIN JAEHWAN 민재환 — father // 49 (012466) // shop owner // gentle, kind-hearted, amiable

jaehwan is like the mother of the family; whereas jaein is like the father of the household- as expected from a family from jeju. that being said, jaemin does certainly see jaehwan as a mother figure. while other girls usually go to their mothers for problem solvers regarding relationship, jaemin- on the other hand- actually goes to her father. he acts somewhat like her morale support and compass; whenever she's in doubt, he'll be there to help. very much like a baby walker. in other words, he's quite overbearing to jaemin- however, jaemin wouldn't complain about it. in general, jaehwan has a very close relationship with her father.


( ✿ ) SEOL (MIN) JAEIN 설(민)재인 — mother // 48 (051667) // restaurant owner // proud, strict, loving

while jaehwan acts like the mother, jaein acts like the main of the household. she likes being in control, and the amiable jaehwan just lets her do as he likes. a control freak and strict doesn't really look too good as a combination: not when you're her daughter. due to this streak of her's, the mother-daughter's relationship suffers a little. jaehwan and jaemin are two different people, and jaemin definitely wouldn't just stand by jaein's aggressive ways. however, on the other hand, jaein was the same person who suggested that jaemin go to seoul to study; one reason was because she knew jaemin would do better there, another was because if she did turn out to be successful, she- as a mother- would live in bliss.


( ✿ ) KWITTEGI 귀떼기 — house pet // 3 (123012) // female

the name translates into 'ears taken off'. it is because of the cat's habit of always shrugging it's ears down. kwittegi has been with jaemin for as long as she stayed in seoul- their first meeting happen to be around her apartment complex, it was just a kitten then and jaemin couldn't bear for it to stay out, alone and hungry. thus, brought the kitten in; promising that she'll let it go once it grows up. however, months later, she still couldn't let go of the cat. kwittegi is basically family to jaemin; with both her parents in jeju-do, she has practically no other family. so, with kwittegi, she feels that she isn't alone. being one who does not share her problems with anyone, she often gets frustrated without venting everything out; but now with kwittegi, she can confide into the cat.



( ✿ ) YOON HYERA 윤혜라 — bestfriend // 21 (021093) // college student, waitress // shy, caring, gentle

the two attended the same pre-school, middle school and high school together; which would explain why they're so close. i guess, to an extent, you could consider them to be childhood friends. they were extremely close back then; like sisters even. the two were almost inseparable, they were stuck by the hip; they did everything together, if possible. in their relationship, metaphorically speaking, hyera is more like the anchor that binds jaemin to a certain extent; while jaemin is the boat trying to float away, and bring her out of her comfort zone. hyera being quite shy, does not usually go out of her way to do something new; however, with jaemin- who drags her out- she can actually experience new things. whenever jaemin's father isn't around, hyera is like a stand-in morale compass. she doesn't tell her what to do, but guides her in the right direction.

hyera is currently studying english literature is a local college in jeju-do; yes, she never left the place because she had family issues. however, jaemin left under the condition that the two would still keep in contact; they did for the first few months jaemin left for seoul. not just for jaemin, but even for hyera, it seems energy draining to just talk on the phone for hours about their new lives; after all, they would get used to their lives, and it wouldn't always be a challenge. it was one thing that it was tiring, it was another that they had lost all topics to talk about. eventually, the two drifted apart slowly.


( ✿ ) WANG LEEHOM 王力宏 — neighbor, senior // 23 (072292) // college student // humorous, blunt, self-absorbed

one would probably never get the proper, honest answer from jaemin: but, leehom was her childhood crush. the korean born chinese was a neighbor of her's for as long as she could remember. and because their family was completely new to the korean culture, they depended on the min's quite a bit- or at least on jaehwan quite a bit. and with that, jaemin and leehom's distance closed up, bit by bit. she then got to know the boy: the boy truly is kind hearted, even his jokes are good natured. his humor is more of putting himself out there, then making someone else the fool. thus, is always seen as the fool himself; though he does not really care. his blunt side just makes his humor a lot more funny. he's very much like a male bimbo- he thinks that the world revolves around him, and that every little thing that happens is because of what he's done. quite egoistical, yet jaemin still likes the boy.

leehom is also still in jeju, studying in the same college as hyera though they hardly ever converse. with hyera, jaemin promised to keep in contact; however, with leehom, no promises were made. however, leehom did give the girl his contact number, and told her that if she needed to talk to him at any point of time, she could always call him. or if he wanted to know about her parents, but not call home ( somehow ) she could always call him too. not to mention, the boy does frequent to her apartment in seoul, just to bring her cravings from her hometown. the funny thing is that she drifted faster with hyera as compared to leehom.


( ✿ ) SONG SEYOUNG 송세영 — colleague // 19 (010396) // student, waitress // bubbly, talkative, gulliable

seyoung was one of the part timers of her parents' restaurant; thus, one would think that the two aren't too close. however, because of fianancial issues within seyoung's family, she worked more hours that a part timer really should; and thus, jaemin saw her a lot more, in other words, they also worked together quite a bit. despite being put into any circumstance, seyoung still manages a bubbly and optimistic facade; that being said, jaemin is at awe of that. rather than a friend, she sees seyoung as more of a younger sister. for better or for worse, seyoung was also quite attached to jaemin- maybe because the rest of the workers there are all above teen years. with seyoung, there's never nothing to talk about; she usually goes on and on about random things. and jaemin, on the other hand, would just laugh at the younger.

after hearing about jaemin moving to seoul, seyoung felt extremely encouraged to move there, too. however, given her circumstance, she really shouldn't be thinking so; given that she's in her last year of high school and still has slight financial issues. thus, the girl works on more days so she can completely eliminate that issue. the two are also relatively close, they don't contact each other everyday; however, seyoung makes it a point to contact the girl regularly to find out about her life in seoul. and jaemin just entertains her queries without hint of annoyance.



( ✿ ) NAM KYUNGSOO 남경수 — land lord // 25 (031392) // cafe owner // shameless, friendly, naive

being her landlord, you would expect them to have a distant personality, however, with kyungsoo, to be distant is probably the last thing on his agenda. on their first meeting, when jaemin first settled all her things down, kyungsoo invited himself in. the boy's shameless antics can sometimes go out of hand, but jaemin's generally cool with his . kyungsoo often teases the girl here and there; most mistaken that kyungsoo holds a torch for the girl, which seems to be the exact opposite seeing as he only sees her as a younger sister figure. he knows the girl lives alone and does not have family with her, thus, on public holidays, he usually take off time to actually spend with her. he does see jaemin as family; and vice versa.


( ✿ ) LEE EUNJUNG 이은정 — bestfriend // 20 (051694) // college student // sassy, honest, cunning

peers that are as close as family: other than kyungsoo, there's eunjung. eunjung and jaemin met in their college; while eunjung took up performing arts, jaemin took up fine arts- and the two departments happen to be in the same building. they met by chance and then made friends with each other. her first impression and current personality does not match up: and jaemin can vouch for that. when they first met, she looked confident, but humble; but soon, after opening up to jaemin, she became a complete devil. with eunjung, words should be taken with a pinch of salt; if you take it too seriously, you end up hurting yourself. given the couple of months they've been friends, jaemin already understands and is used to her sly, yet funny ways. eunjung is brutally honest with jaemin; however, whenever it's too much, she shoves the other playfully- which eunjung would also retaliate. then it becomes an impromptu game of wrestling.


( ✿ ) YOO YOUNGMIN 유영민 — colleague // 23 (080592) // college student, waiter // flirtatious, obnoxious

when youngmin and jaemin first met, jaemin honestly thought that the boy had a certain attraction towards her; he was sweet and in general, very nice towards her. only to find out that he does that with every girl: way to ruin everything. and when she found out about that, she grew immune to the boy's flirtatious ways. that being said, do not be mistaken that she holds a grudge against him; well, she does, but she usually playfully brings it up. while she shows a distinctive platonic line that she refuses to cross; and if he does cross it, she'll playfully tell him off about everything and anything. the boy is very much like a younger brother figure to her.


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 LOVE INTEREST mark tuan ( 段宜恩 )

 BACK-UP LOVE INTEREST kim 'kai' jongin ( 김종인 )


 PERSONALITY unpredictable, curious, charming, opinionated, insensitive, bad tempered

( ✿ ) I'M A REALLY GREAT GUY - I'M A GOOD BOY — Back in high school, Mark was one of the popular guys: and it's not just because of that god-given face of he's, but also that tongue that can be as sweet as honey. Mark has a very charming personality- though then again, attractive people can do anything and still look charming. Maybe it's the confidence in his aura: but, whenever he enters a room filled with people, everyone just turns his direction. Not just his face, but also the way he holds himself up: confident. In the relationship department, it always suffers because of this trait of his; more often than not, it's seen as him being flirtatious. Other than that, Mark also knows when to do what: quite tactful, actually. With the older generation, he knows to be more polite; however, with the younger, he knows to be more laid back, more open. He can read situations easily, and knows how to react accordingly; he claims for it to be common sense, but some just lack common sense.

( ✿ ) WHAT DOES THIS BUTTON DO? — Mark can be said to be quite an unpredictable person, really. His morale compass can't be easily defined or figured out; his pretty irregular with his antics. In a sense, that he might complain about doing something a day before; but today, you would see him doing what he complained about just yesterday. In other words, he can be quite fickle and indecisive; he often cannot make up his mind in certain aspects. That being said, Mark is probably not the best to have as a morale support; seeing as he could just leave you within a heartbeat, then come back to you when you're all good. Unreliable at certain occasions, too. However, one should know that curiosity is the main factor that his actions are driven by. He's very much like a child; he wants to know and understand complicated beings.

( ✿ ) I JUST HAVE A LACK OF TOLERANCE TOWARDS BULL — However, like any other being in this world, Mark still does have his own flaws: his mouth happens to be the main issue here. Though Mark's mouth can be as sweet as sugar; at the same time, it can be as sharp as a knife, and can easily stab you dead. For starter's, Mark is extremely opinionated. Even when not questioned, he feels the need to express his opinions; especially if there's an opposing party. Though Mark isn't the type to get into fights, that mouth of his always lands him into one; not necessarily physical, it can be verbal, too. It doesn't quite help that he likes his words to hurt: one should never get into a fight with Mark- be it verbally or physically. For one, he knows how to fight; two, he's not to kind with his choice of words. When he gets angry, he brings in everything and anything; thus, knowing the boy is like having a double edged sword- if you're on good terms with him, it's really good. But when you're standing against him, all hell breaks loose. It doesn't quite help with the entire situation that he has a horrible temper; small things don't piss him off, but he has certain soft spots that one should never go to.



( ✿ ) I SAID, "NOT TO", DIDN'T I? — as i've mentioned earlier, mark has certain soft spots that one shouldn't touch unless they have a death wish. and the list below are the selected few that can cause that effect.

• his family -- specifically, his father. he and his father share a really close and tight knitted relationship; thus, he wouldn't allow anyone to prance around and talk about his father.

• money -- money is a touchy subject for mark since he did part time jobs since really young and thus, the money that he spends all belongs to himself. he also takes great pride in working from a young age.

( ✿ ) A MONKEY'S IS RED — mark likes the color red the most; so much as so that he actually had his hair dyed into a deep shade of fiery red, only to find out that red hair dye falls easily. and thus, dyed it back into black; his original hair color.

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( ✿ ) OF CHANGES AND NEW LIVES — Prior to coming to Jeju, Mark was born and raised in Los Angeles- where he had spend a decade of his life there before moving to Korea. The main reason for the shifting of homes is due to his grandparents: they have been staying at Jeju for a long time, but were ill and had no one else to take care of them. Thus, when Mark turned 11 years old, he was send there- along with his mother and younger brother to stay. His father, on the other hand, was the main source of income. Though he was the only income, they were necessarily poor; they have enough to live comfortably, yet not enough to waste it on useless things. When Mark turned 16, that was when his mother left, too; both parents stay at Seoul and work as white collar employees.

( ✿ ) OKAY, MOTHER, I'M GOING TO STUDY NOW — When Mark first came in as a transfer student, girls flocked around him like a bunch of bees attracted to honey. He was attractive; that was it. Prior to coming to Jeju, the boy had no prior knowledge about the Korean language, or anything that correlates with the culture. And thus, the language barrier was his biggest issue, yet he couldn't put in too much effort with it. Thus, the language barrier issue was definitely delayed. That being said, Mark wasn't your typical straight-a's student; if anything, the complete opposite. He was the type of person who studies only within the four walls of his classroom: and anything besides that, to him, is a strictly no studying grounds. However, he wasn't a school delinquent that teachers disliked and couldn't keep up with. The only reputation he had at school was "the attractive transfer student". With his good looks, he was definitely put on the top of the social hierarchy system.



( ✿ ) I'LL BE BACK, I PROMISE — When it boiled down to the decision of staying or leaving, honestly, that took Mark back a lot; he originally intended to stay with his brother and grandparents, however, after hearing that Jaemin was moving to, he couldn't help but let his decision waver a little. Throughout her last week of staying in Jeju, he stuck by that decision of his; only when it was the second last day, he acted on impulse, and bought a ticket to Seoul. His grandparents shrugged him off; clearly, they knew he was going to leave, they weren't too sure why he would, they just knew he would. He was way too adventurous for a place like Jeju. Upon arrival in Seoul, he stayed in his parents' space-y 3 room apartment complex. For the first week or so, he didn't know what to do there: he didn't know how to pick up on his life from then on, he was confused for a while before he was forced by his father to pick up finance. That was also when he was starting to get back ahold of his life: in the same university he was studying at, she studied there, too.





( ✿ ) WAY TO GO, GENIUS — Before the two officially met, the two shared a couple of meetings that weren't necessarily the best to start off with. They first met within the compounds of school grounds: to be more exact, within their middle school grounds. At that point of time, when Mark was in the midst of transferring to their middle school, it was during the holidays; thus, by right, Jaemin shouldn't be there. However, on that particular day, Jaemin was there painting; she can do it in the comfort of her own home, but on that day, she fought with her mother, thus, she came to school just to paint. The teachers don't have an issue with it, since she excels in art; and she cleans up after herself. Back to the story: Mark was there to settle all administrative matters with his mother, and maybe take a look around. With the push of his mother, he did exactly that. On the other hand, Jaemin was just about to throw the dirty water away: usually, she would walk throw the water away in the toilet, but it was closed. Thus, she had to walk all the way across the school just to pour the water away; the location of the art room is quite secluded, well, as secluded as anything in a school can get anyway. Being the scatterbrain that she was, she was too caught up in her thoughts that she didn't notice that there was someone else walking in front of her; while Jaemin was caught up in her own thoughts, Mark was distracted by the surroundings. Just a second before their collision, Mark looked ahead, only for him to be a little too late. And when they collided, the dark colored liquid was spilled all over him. Pissed, he glared at her for a moment before he got up, trying to clean of the water that was already soaking through his clothes.


"Don't you watch where you're going?"
"I'm sorry."


She had made a deal with the art teacher, who is in charge of the art room, that she would leave the room by a certain time: and by that certain time, everything has to go back in place. She took a quick glance at her watch, before picking up the empty container. She did a quick and brief bow towards him, muttering another apology before running off leaving Mark pissed, and soaked.


( ✿ ) OH, LORD; NOT YOU AGAIN — Their second meeting took place in Mark's grandparents' home, itself. Prior to Mark and Joey (his younger brother) coming to Jeju, Jaemin spent a huge part of her free time in their house; mainly because they cook good food, another is because she feels bad for them, whose grandchildren aren't with them. On that day, Mark was out with his mother and brother: at that point of time, Jaemin still wasn't aware that Mark (whom she met just a couple of days ago at school) was their grandson, or that their grandsons were now living with them. That apparently slipped from their minds. Their second meeting approached when the trio came home: hands filled with bags of brand new items and whatnot, their mother requested for someone to help open the door. Upon the two elder's request, she went to open the door; only for Mark to be taken aback by shock. Due to the heavy shopping bags, the trio were pushed into the house hurriedly, not giving Mark any chance to react to her being there. However, it was not just Mark, Jaemin-too- recognized him. But figured there would be no harm if she would to keep mum about their first meeting. After all, she was at fault. After that, she was then introduced by both his grandparents to them.


( ✿ ) LET'S GET ALONG, SHALL WE? — When Mark, too, decided to keep mum about their so-called 'relationship', his intentions became shady to Jaemin. "Why didn't he react negatively?", "Why didn't he tell on me to his mother?"; while the 6 of them sat together to eat, she couldn't help but feel slightly intimidated by the boy's thoughts. He wasn't being rude, or anything; which was a deep contrast to when she actually spilled the water on him. On the other hand, Mark could read her like an open book; it wasn't that he was observant, more that she doesn't hide her feelings well. He reckoned that just a small action of his could cause such a reaction on her: it made him interested in her reactions. And as I've mentioned, Mark is a curious boy; a lot of his actions are driven by his curiosity.




( ✿ ) NOT YOUR TYPICAL CAT AND DOG — As described by Jaemin, their relationship isn’t your typical cat-dog relationship; they do not just bicker back and forth. Rather than a cat-dog, it’s more of a toned down snake-mouse relationship; with Mark refusing to let the girl go, and Jaemin constantly trying avoid his playful antics. She doesn’t entirely want to escape from the boy, nor does she feel completely intimidated by the boy: he’s not the best person to have around, but he’s still someone that she sees as a friend. Whenever Mark teases her, she usually shows the same expression she shows him all the time: annoyance, and sometimes followed by laughter if his jokes are light hearted and funny. And if she really does get annoyed, Mark would usually leave her alone for awhile before going back to disturb her again: his jokes are always light hearted, but whether it comes off that way is another question. She doesn’t know how, but Mark spends most of his time actually disturbing the girl; thus, leading to her small circle of close friends. Whenever another person approaches her, Mark would be right there occupying her- teasing and annoying her, completely taking up her attention. Thus, anyone who approaches her often doesn’t get the chance to talk to her; she has a large social circle, they’re just not close.


( ✿ ) GOODBYE, MARK ROMANCE — As mentioned, due to Mark’s relentless teasing, Jaemin is always missing out on opportunities to make friends; or at least expand her circle of close friends. Thus, as a result, she directed Mark away from the high school she was applying for. She wasn’t cutting him entirely off her life, because he lives right next door. For the entire break, she was under the impression that Mark was going to attend the other school. On the first day of high school, she was actually pretty excited; well, it was an odd blend of nervousness and excited. She was nervous as to what Mark’s reaction of her going to another school would be; however, not meeting Mark in the morning made her heart a lot lighter. With a light heart, she then went off to school. However, that bliss was short lived when Mark abruptly entered the classroom, claiming the sit next to her's (which, mind you, was taken by another attractive boy) as his own.


"Why are you here?"
"The real question is: why are you here?"
"I go here now."


( ✿ ) YOU'RE IN DANGER, NO, NOT LITERALLY — As usual, Mark made it so that she couldn’t make any close friends; she only talked to her new classmate, that’s all. Mainly because Mark occupies her with himself: always getting on her nerves. And seeing as their classmates know they are neighbors and were from the same middle school, naturally, people just back off whenever they see Mark and Jaemin together. Having seen a relationship as such in the first few weeks of high school, Mark and Jaemin were thought of as a couple; which Mark didn't bother denying, and Jaemin contradicting his words. However, clearly, her words didn't seem to hold much weight to it; and most of her classmates didn't buy her claim. Mark jumped at any opportunity to be with her: mainly to tease and annoy her. And that is apparently cute in the eyes of others; much to her dislike. Unlike how she planned for her high school years to be, she actually spent a lot of time with Mark: she spends her mornings commuting to school with Mark, then she comes home with Mark (again), then when she works after school at her parents' restaurant, she sees him again.




( ✿ ) SECOND BUTTON IS LOVE — In their third year of high school was when things started to take a turn for them: to be more exact, on graduation, itself. Throughout the three years they've spent, commuting back and forth from school and basically seeing each other around the clock, it's no secret that the two have gotten closer: maybe a tad bit closer than what Jaemin had in mind. On the other hand, Mark seemed to have no issues with it: throughout the years, he has figured that he harbored more than just a platonic liking towards her. But whenever he tried throwing her hints, she- who possessed density of a rock- never understood them. Eventually, he heard of the second button tradition; basically, once a guy graduates school (typically high school), he would give his second button to the girl he likes; either as a confession, or a promise of somesort. And so, he planned to confess on their graduation night: their class just so happened to plan this small party at a nearby restaurant. During the small get together, when Jaemin excused herself to go to the bathroom, that was when Mark- too- got up, going after her.


"Give it to the girl you like."
"I like you."
"What? Stop joking around."
"I'm not."


After his abrupt confession, Jaemin didn't hesitate to run out of the restaurant, leaving her school mates shocked. That was definitely a huge plunge to Mark's pride: more than that, he was definitely hurt by her sudden scurry. He didn't think that she entirely likes him in that way, but he did not expect such a reaction from her, either.


( ✿ ) YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG, SO DON'T BE ANGRY ANYMORE — After that whole event, Jaemin and Mark hardly talked. It was like before: Mark tries to get to her, but Jaemin avoids him at all cost. The only difference: Mark doesn't get a hold of her, like how he used to. More than anything, Jaemin was taken aback by his confession: it's hard to pin any blame onto her though. It's not the first time he's actually pulled a prank like such on her: it's no wonder why she's being cautious with this subjective topic. Now that school was completely over, Jaemin didn't have to worry seeing him more than she should; however, the fact that they were just neighbors was enough to give her a mental breakdown. Literally, she would refuse to get out of the comfort of her own room, getting her only few peers or parents to get her food and whatnot. Also, if Mark were to pay an impromptu visit, she would tell her parents to say that she was not in. Basically, she avoided Mark as if he was some sort of plague. If she desperately needed to get out of her home, she would make sure it was during the night (from her knowledge, she knew that Mark hated going out in the night because of how cold it was). This relationship of their's lasted months before Jaemin finally packed up her bags and left for Seoul, hoping to never see him again.


( ✿ ) I ONLY HAVE YOU — I guess, you can say that she moved to Seoul partially because of what happened with Mark; scratch that, it was mainly due to Mark, with the rest of the reasoning being her studies. As much as possible, she wanted to keep her going to Seoul to study as a secret; thus, she told her parents not to tell Mark's grandparents or anyone from that family- if possible, she wanted no one from town to know. She knew she couldn't be too obvious though. After all, no one knows about his confession other than herself and him. She didn't want to blow things out of proportion. Eventually, she left Seoul, with the majority of her personal belongings at home- moving in with big and bulky items would only cause unwanted attention and seeing as she didn't want Mark knowing that she was leaving for Seoul. However, her mother- being as flamboyant as she is- bragged to everyone at the market at how her daughter was extremely competent despite her apparent airhead. Mark, who happened to be there, heard it. He, too, immediately packed up his bags and booked the first flight to Seoul: it wasn't clear, but after Jaemin left him, his life felt lost. She was like the anchor that kept him afloat; slowly, he could feel himself, sinking and getting lost in the sea. It was bad, just bad.




( ✿ ) WE MEET AGAIN — Much to Jaemin's dismay, the two eventually met again, by coincidence. Both their classes were held in the same block and when they had to shift lecture rooms, it was no surprise the two had shared a couple of eye contact. As much as possible, she tried to ignore Mark's presence there, showing that she was in no way bothered by his stares: you have to give her some credit though, his eyes were literally boring into her soul. Almost as if a predator, staring at it's prey: and they were back at square one. Only that, then, she was willing to entertain his weird antics; but now, she wouldn't even allow herself to spare him a glance, for the fear of actually giving in. As much as she hated to admit, she did have a slight crush on the boy: which explains why she reacted so negatively towards the apparent pranked confession on the graduation get together. She didn't want to be played by the boy.


( ✿ ) DRUNK WORDS, TRUE FEELINGS — Other than his constant stares in school, Mark has never done anything more than that; mainly because she didn't spare him any room for him to proceed with anything further. The other reason being: he knew his relationship with her was hanging by a single thread. However, one night changed everything. It wasn't like any Saturday night: well, for one, Jaemin wasn't at home, like she usually would be. To be more exact, she was out with Eunjung drinking. Throughout the night, both girls got drunk; and while Eunjung managed to get her boyfriend to fetch her, Jaemin was left all alone- and not to mention, drunk. For Mark, on the other hand, it was his typical boys' night out with his usual group of friends. Only when he received her phone call did things actually start to take a turn. When he received the call, he accepted it within a heartbeat, expecting her sweet, melodious voice; however, he was greeted by a pitch-y, high voice, though it still sounded very much like a male's. At that voice, his heart dropped; all sorts of worst case scenarios flooded his head. Along with his dolphin like voice, it was also accompanied by loud background music and Jaemin's faint voice.


"Who is this?"
"It does not matter; your friend here is drunk so I need you to: first, pick her up; second, pay for her bill."

"Where is she?"
"I'll text you the address, along with the bill."


When Mark arrived at the pub, he was greeted by Jaemin: who at that point of time was holding up a shot glass, and in general, being a huge blubbering mess. She was mumbling incoherent sentences and words that didn't even make sense. Because she was a drunk mess, getting any logical answer from him would be mission impossible; neither did he know where he know where she stayed in Seoul; thus, he thought it was best to bring her back to his apartment. After he was done, logging her drunk back to his apartment, he was finally starting to sober up.


"I like you, Mark."
"You're really drunk; go to sleep."


( ✿ ) WHY? — The following morning was just for both of them: thinking back, Jaemin wouldn't have agreed to go drinking with Eunjung, to begin with. Much to her luck, she found herself waking up earlier than Mark. With a simple note of 'thank you for letting me crash; and sorry" stuck on his lamp post, she left his house in a rush. Mark, on the other hand, sort of looked forward to waking up to her; clearly, it wasn't mutual, not when she left so abruptly. To him, it felt like deja vu: it was almost exactly what happened when she left for Seoul. He was upset, yet he couldn't get angry at her. She was clearly in a rush, when she forgot her purse. Jaemin was just freaking out about her forgetting her wallet in his apartment: her identity card, credit card and hard earn cash were all in there. She brushed it off, however, claiming that she could always get a new one and claim that she lost her wallet. Mark was, on the contrary, waiting for her to approach him about her lost wallet; but when the day came to an end, it never happened. He then attempted to approach her, only for her to start running away. After running rounds around the campus, he finally managed to corner her.


"Do you really hate me so much? That you would rather lose your entire wallet than talk to me?"
"Then, do you find me disgusting? That's why you can't bring yourself to talk to me?"
"Then why?"

"I like you, you ing idiot!"


By the time she answered his last question, she was already close to tears: it took him by surprise, with her confession and her tears. For one, he always thought that Jaemin hated him: seeing how she jumped at any opportunity to avoid him. His facial expressions didn't really express how he really felt and Jaemin took it wrongly: maybe he didn't truly like her, like what he claims. Mark knew that same expression she wore that day when he confessed to her: before she could even take another step back, Mark grabbed her into his embrace.


✿ ✿ ✿




( ✿ ) okay, so first, your story is so under rated, like . it deserves so much more subs and applicants.

( ✿ ) and i was supposed to be done with this earlier, but i spent so much time on the love story section (and i'm not even entirely done) about the love story being undone, you can choose to continue with it from there, or you can just comment for me to write more (i don't mind writing more tbh) but yeah, i spent a lot of time there. i'm actually hoping i competently expressed what i had in mind.

( ✿ ) about the characters, i think they're still quite under developed, so yeah. hopefully, it's not too bad. just tell me if there's anything you're unclear about with regards to their personalities.


( ✿ ) i have none at the current moment (well, i do. but they're all tumblr scans...)



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