Yay I finally got some free time to read some fics again! I was soooo busy (and a lil lazy) to do anything for the past few weeks and that explains why I haven't replied to pms too, sorry about that.:(  Anyways I'll try to read and reply to them tomorrow^^ but for now if you guys are looking for a series of chaptered and well written EXO x OC fics, check out my recommendation maybe you could find some fics that is perfect for your taste?^^ I'll try to update the list this week because I have so many fics that I wanted to recommend for awhile now. ^^



P.S. you guys should read this ongoing fic titled 'Broken Past' by dukkuu as well. I honestly think that fic deserves so much love. I really love how it's written. I feel so much connection and so much /emotion/ it's exceptionally good. ㅠㅠㅠㅠ


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Aww tysm darling <3
Sounds good!