〈 FAIRYTALE LOVE。 〉― Kim Saera, 18


I'm filled with errors but as I learn, I can get stronger. (EXO - History)
the mastermind。 
I'm an EXO-L that you can call Eyra, have 3 kittens named Phantom, Asuna and Teddy. Timezone? GMT+8. I'll be free like until January 'cause I have school to attend. Boarding school, to be exact. But yeah, the first 3 months next year won't be too hectic (I hope!).
birth name : Kim Saera
nicknames : Irene (her family and friends calls her that)
date of birth : 14 02 1996 / 18
hometown : Incheon, South Korea
ethnicity : Korean
height & weight : 170CM , 54KG
languages spoken : Korean (native language) , English (second language)
favorite fairytale : Frozen
fashion style : She's good in fashion, thanks to her sister. Although she's a daredevil, she's still feminine, okay? She's not into those skintight stuffs, she's more comfortable in loose clothes, shirts and pants preferable, but usually wears blouses and skirts. As for footwear, she's not really into high heels though. Also accessories, simple ones only. That means, no bling-bling

face claim : PARK HWANHUI
backup faces : KIM TAEYEON

what matters most is on the inside。 

A different loner. She may look like your typical average loner teenager, but not her. She doesn't talk much to people since emotions get the better of her. She's scared of people, she's afraid that her words would hurt them. That's why she needs parent support more than anything, but since her parents' death, she became dead silent unlike her cheerful sister.
She needs a friend to rely on. Everything seems dark to her. She gets emotional too easy, cries too easy. She's scared too easy. She has been the loner and depressed girl people talks about. She's never seen talking to anyone except her best friend's boyfriend and herself. Socially uncentered, you might say. But, you don't know her until you actually see her in a different perspective.
She's actually a very determined girl and would do anything she wanted until she gets it. For example, since her parents' death, she sobbed about it for a few days and made a goal. She would work her off just to make sure her sister's everyday necessities are complete. Another example, it a cat were to be trapped in a house on fire and she knows about it, she would do anything to save that cat 'cause she LOVES cats and other animals.
On one side, she looks like a depressed girl. On another side, she has her own self respect. If she's scared at someone doesn't mean she would bow to that person. Since I think I stated that emotions get the better of her, she's actually someone you could say emotionally unstable person. She also gets angry easily, so don't judge her by her appearance.
She's also a quick-study. She can grasp everything easily like learning ABC, and mastering it PROPERLY would be her only problem. She may remember every experiments in Chemistry, but she would have problems to actually to them herself without reference. But, that would only take short time for her to master it although not PERFECTLY, but she could do it without major flaws.
She's a daredevil. Yes, she loves danger, risks, stage frights, culture shock, everything that goes with it. She loves challanges, and she takes them seriously. Either she succeed or fail, that's what she would have to accept. She would stand on a restrum and give a speech spontaniously in front of everyone that say's she's a noob. That's, how daring she is. Although, among all daring things she takes, she has a trauma with fire. It started with her father's death (will be explained in backstory). She can't see them or even hear them, she'll instantly remembers her father's death memory. Her automatic response, she will sloce hear ears and eyes and crouches down in fear.
She's scared of changes. She's not use it. She's REALLY quiet with strangers, and doesn't trust them immediately. She would need support and time to actually believe in her nre enviroment. She would be fragile for a moment to ACTUALLY process the change, what's actually happening, who they really are etc. She won't adapt easily to changes. Change, as you can say here, is her WORST enemy.


your past doesn't define you。 

She's a normal Korean girl, born in a Korean family, but with language issues. Her father, Kim Sooman lived at the States for nearly 10 years for fireman training before moving back to Korea with a wife named Jung Seri, or her English name, Stephanie. Stephanie lived in the States since birth, and she's a full Korean, knows basic Korean only so she and her sister had to learn English to communicate easily with their mother.  Her father is also a martial artist, so he taught everything that he knew to Irene before her died. Actually, he managed to do it and now Irene's a black belt taekwando and a wushu fighter.
She studied at Incheon Elemantary and Incheon Middle school before entering Baehwa All-Girls High School since she deciede to move at age 15 with her sister. Her sister, being 3 years younger namely Kim Saejin studied at the same Elemantary as her, but currently in her 3rd year in Baehwa Middle School. Both of them have unofficial English names given by their mother. She's Irene, while her sister is Krystal.
Her father died in a fire explosion when she was 7 years old. That happened when she was walking home and saw some fire fighters trying to put down fire on a house. She instantly know that the team was her father's team, and rushed to one of them which was near the fire. And, to her shock, the building exploded and during the explosion, her father was near the window so his body flew out since it was a massive explosion and she could see clearly how he was. That was all she could remembered before passing out.
Her mother's death was when she 14. Her mother walking home from doing her weekly groceries. She was almost home when Irene walked out of the house gate, waving at her mother. Being a bit careless, her mother crossed the streets without caution and got hit by a car, and unfortunately died at the scene. Irene, being shocked for another death in front of her eyes, passed out again right after she heard her mother's last words.
"Take care of your sister, Irene... She's your only possession..."
Since then, she had been taking care of her only family, taking part-time jobs until she was 17 since her sister gave her a letter, saying that their mother told Krystal to give her this letter when she reaches 17. Turns out, her mother gave her cafe business for her to take care of. And, after meeting the workers, they said that they would take care of the shop, and would give some earnings for her to use. She was thankful to have workers like these, her mother always state that her workers have great heart.

focus on the present, and survive。 

When she woke up, she was really surprised with the change of enviroment. The last thing she remembered being in her room listening to ballads to calm herself and sleep. That's when she got her fear back. Her fear of changes. New things. She was scared, and didn't know what to do. So, she went towards a shady tree to at least calm herself down and get a hold of herself. Is this a dream?, she kept asking herself. Where am I? What's happening? What actually HAPPENED?! She kept asking herself those questions that she knew she won't get the answers very soon.
She was still in shock, and had no idea on what she SHOULD do that time and stayed there like a lost kid. Literally, she IS a lost kid. She didn't know what to think. Her sister disappeared too. New things, new journey ahead, everything. She was freaking out. She tried to be the daring and daredevil Irene is, but at that moment, bravery is the last thing she could think of. Her emotions were VERY UNSTABLE at that moment, that if someone were to tap her shoulders, she'd scream. Like, histerically.
But then, she knew, staying there won't help. So, she tried to find somewhere to rest or stay for the moment while she get to let her mind be at peace. She TRIED, but I didn't say she FAILED.

family means nobody gets left behind。

mother : Stephanie Jung Seri < 40 / Cafe owner / Dead >
father : Kim sooman < 52 / fireman / Dead >
sibling : kim saejin < 15 / student / still alive >

She's EXTREMELY close with her parents, but a bit distant with her sister. But, after the death of their parents, she thought she could be close with her sister, but that never happened. Their distant relationship continues until now, plus with the different schools they attend.

nothing lasts forever but friendship never ends。

Jung eunji < 18 / student > She's her best-friend-until-death. Everything that happens, she tells Eunji. You can say she's like her other half that knows literally EVERYTHING about her. Eunji's really outgoing and open-minded. Not to mention that she's a really good listener, you can say she's like a mother for her.

Wu Meifa < 15 / Student > She's actually her sister's best friend. Irene's actually fine having her in the house, as long as Meifa would return home before dark. Meifa herself likes to tell Irene about Krystal at school, how's she doing and all. She's a kind girl, just as noisy as Irene's own sister to be very honest.
Oh Seokang < 19 / student > He's specifically her senior a.k.a Eunji's sweetheart. Always being there whenever she needs advice or just a brother to lean on. Don't forget, he's quite a prankster and his main victims are Eunji and Irene herself. He's also a weirdo in some ways, always have surprises for the girls.

a line about your love interest kya。

full name : Kim Minseok
date of birth : March 26 / 22
persona : Prince of heart

backup love interest : Lee minho

Minseok might look like a normal male, but he is special. No one really remembers him as King Kim's oldest son. He was kicked out of the castle for being accused as a non-royal at age 16, before continueing his life as the son of a poor family. That didn't matter to him at all. To him, a simple life was all he needed.
The truth is, he's a true royal family. He has his royal birthmark of a snowflake behind his left shoulder, but no one ever sees it except for the people in the castle. He knows exactly the real reason he was kicked out of the castle. He knows about his father's hatred towards him for his kind nature, honest personality and strong physically, emotionally and mentally. His father wanted his second brother, Joonmyeon to be the next king.
He lost his youngest brother, Jongin during one of the tests of 'crown prince test'. His mother however, died in an unknown disease when he was 6 years old. As for Jongdae, he never what happened to him after he was kicked out. And he wanted to find that brother of his. Oh, forgot to mention that all of his brothers' personality came from their mother, kind and gentle, except for Joonmyeon who followed his father's.
The first time he met Irene was when he was searching for firewoods in the forest. On the way home, he saw a figure resting under a tree. He quickly dropped his firewoods in front of his house and returned to the figure. Seeing her in a kind of weak condition, he brought her back to his house and told his parents about her. They treated her until she became normal again, though didn't talk much. She only talked when they asked about her, well, actually to Minseok's mother. Seems like Irene was more comfortable with his mother than the other two.
He always tried to create a conversation with her, but failed miserably. Though, he didn't give up. He always tell her stories even though she's silent the whole time. Until, they felt butterflies in their stomach everytime Minseok talks. They thought, it was something normal, but the feeling got stronger everytime. They decided to keep it a secret though, accepting the weird feeling in their hearts. To make sure it won't be to noticeable, they think of each other as brother and sister.
He knew the feeling would grow stronger, but he would try his best to keep it a secret from everyone.

 to every hero, there is a villain。

full name : Kim jongdae
date of birth : June 20 / 18
persona : Hans...? (I don't watch disney much, sorry! I did thought of putting twilight here XD)

backup villain : jung daehy8un

Well, let's just say that Irene liked him at how kind he was being to her, but to think that he was being honest, that's far from true. Honesty comes last for this third prince of his kingdom.
Jongdae has four siblings originally. They were once a happy family, until the 'crown prince test' came. All of the siblings were put on several deadly tests to see if they are suitable to be the prince. Jongdae was sure his eldest brother, Minseok would surely nail this test. Until, his youngest brother died in one of the tests at age 10. At first, he thought it was an accident, but after that, he was shocked by the news that his father shot Jongin but told everyone that a very reckless accident happened and took Jongin's life. He asked why, the king answered, "I hate that brother of yours. He deserves to die."
After all of the tests, the remaining three passed. Then, it will determined according to age. Yes, Minseok should be the crown prince, but the king hates Minseok for his kind nature, so he kicked him from the castle, telling everyone that he's not a royal. Jongdae was shocked because everyone in the castle knows he have his royal birthmark.
It was all lies, so Jongdae decided to leave the castle at age 12 for hatred of his father and second brother, Joonmyeon. He was living in lies, so when he left, he thought, honesty never exist. There would be no hope for him to be crowned. Or at least a little love from his father. Since then, he swore that HONESTY and HOPE never exist in life.
Since then, he had been destroying other people's trust on each other and also their hopes.
That's when he met Irene. He looks at her as someone who always have hope and put trust on people. So, he thought that she would be easy, seeing her looking fragile an all. But he knows it won't be easy. So, he decided to use his ability to manipulate her mind into thinking that everything he do is right. Invade her privacy through dreams. Destroy her slowly. And he knows, that won't be easy either.

staying alive, staying alive。

given superpower : Creating something using her emotions and enviroment/nature
weapon of choice : Her mental+feelings

She's given the power to create things or weapons based on her enviroment. Her mentality does the creation, her body itself controls it but the stability of her weapons depends on her emotions.
You can say that her ability is basically her help to survive. She made a spear and traps to find food, created a temporary hiding place with vines and tree branches and made some allies too by helping them with their own things and such. And, she could also to multiple attacks like lifting rocks with her mind and just throw them all at once (like telekinesis).
Her weakness though, her emotions itself. She's quite an emotional girl, and to make sure everything she creates in stablely usable, she emotions must be really stable. In short, she must be calm and smile. Like, if she's sad, her desired rock-based sword would turn into a pocket knife. Stable emotions, stable creations. By this, at least she could be less emotional.
Creating a forcefield is something she can do, but she can't do. Creating it would mean VERY STABLE emotions, with nothing going through her head, nothing across her heart. To sum up; Calm and Focus. That, is a hard task to be honest. Even IF she managed to create one, and if her focus is distracted just by a simple thought of 'eh?', the forcefield itself would turn upside down or in short, a COMPLETE DISASTER.


what would your character do if。 

they were able to complete the quest : Decision is not her thing. She hates it when she neede to make decisions. She would stay, but who would take care of her sister? She would return, but she will have to gave up her powers and such. So, don't know.
Then again, she thought she would return after having some time in the fairytale world. Like, her sister has no one else other than her. So, it's her responsibility to cherish her sister. 

they can't find shelter : If she has an ally, she would at least have someone to be with and help each other in various ways. If she's destinied to be alone, she would just roam around to find at least somewhere to sleep for the night and continue her journey the next day.

they engage in battle : She would totally fight those .
I mean like, seriously. She's been learning self-defense for years just to run away in a fight? Plus, she has confident on her powers and mental stability, but not her emotions. She would only have to stay calm and let her mental do the work. If she's not calm, her powers become unstable. And, it's a risk she has to take.


you have reached the end of this application。 

scene requests : A scene where she almost fainted for trying to make a forcefield and failed, resulting her being in a weak state. Also a romantic scene with Minseok? XD


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