Sappy & sorta depressing ramble

Do you guys have that one friend who you can count on for anything?

That friend who knows you better than you know yourself?


I have a friend like that. Someone I've known for 16 years; someone I call my sister.

We can go 8 months at a time without talking and then with one phone call; it seems like we just talked yesterday.

Her phone was stolen so I have no way of contacting her

I'm just feeling so sappy and depressed.


I've come to realize that if one day all my friends decide to leave me

I would be fine as long as I had my sister.

This girl knows me better than I know myself

My breathing could waiver for 0.1 seconds and she knows something is wrong

but she doesn't even need to ask because for some strange reason, she already knows.


I'm just.... thankful that someone like her is in my life.

Someone who accepts my flaws and doesn't judge me on it like other friends.

Someone who constantly tells me how much she loves me and supports me

Someone who pushes her other friends out of her way just to hug me because we haven't seen each other in a few months.

Someone who would call me at 4am because she could feel sadness in my texts

Someone who I would cry to about my feelings to.


Do you guys have a friend like that?


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I am lucky to have someone like that in my life and I'm glad you have such an amazing bond with your sister!
Yes. I have one friend like that. To be honest I think we are lucky to have them because so many do not have that opportunity, and sometimes all some really does need, is a friend.
I am fortunate to have two friends like that.