So Hiatus and

EDIT: Wrote this without my glasses, don't judge my spelling issues


I log on here once every two or three months, if that. Lately it's been once every 2 weeks just to send smartass comments to haengbog. Why be constructive, right? Right.

Anyhoo, I just..I feel like a . I haven't (and have had zero incliniation) to write in..nearly a year? Okay, that may be an over exageration, but it's been a long time. And I don't think of GUH or ADP and feel inspired like I used to. Don't read this and get all dramatic and gaspy, I'm not deleting them or anything. Nothing's changing..they're still on hiatus.  I just want to let everyone know that I'm not dead, and that if the inspiration were to hit me, I am willing to work on them.

I feel like a thankless because I used to thank every single person who subscribed and I haven't done that since the last update. I don't even know when that if you subbed since then, know that I'm super thankful for your interest, and I'm sorry I'm a slacker!!

I'll probably laze off and not be on here for forever again, so to everyone..Merry Christmas Happy KwanzaaHappy Hanukkah, and any other denominations (right word? i don't know OTL) I'm failing at remembering! Harass me on kakao if you wanna =3 same handle as on here ^^


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