Basically life.


So I always have all these messages and wall posts from people I used to talk to, and I feel like the tiest friend in the world for not responding, or keeping contact, so here is my..grapevine? Is that right? I don't know. Like I said in my updates, a ton has gone on in the last year or so and I'm here to lay it on the table in hopes that it will make up for the contact I haven't maintained with people I find really dear to me. Please comment, message, whatever me..I miss everyone. It helps when I can just pick a conversation up where it left off, it makes it feel like nothing went wrong, that I wasn't the tiest friend in the world OTL


So according to the first ADP update I made last month, I hadn't updated in two what has Kannie been up to since April 20thish, 2014? hm. Not much, and a bunch, all at once? From the perspective of someone who hates socializing, it feels like a lot. Recounting it is overwhelming because I'm so antisocial it makes me feel overwhelmed haha silly right? 

Well..earlier in 2014 I joined a dating site (Facepalm for daaaaaays) with one of my friends, intending for it to be lulzy good times and meeting new people. Holy christ are there some crazies out there. The first person to talk to me wanted me to be their "special unicorn" in a three way relationship. INSTABLOCK. Then some weirdo telling me I'd see the world (in my mind, that reads as "I'm going to lock you in a trunk and take you away, Taken style") and just..a bunch of nope. The creepies aside, I gotta say it was worth it. Some of the people you meet on those are genuinely nice, and as far as I could tell, had no ulterior motive. I trust no one, so for me to be at ease is amazing. There were probably 3-5 guys I talked to every day just to shoot the breeze. Give it a shot, just stress that you're there for friends. Super nice people. Why all the randomocity? Cause that's where I met my boothang. And by boothang, I mean the cuteness that is now my fiance. 

This butthead has dealt with me at my best and my worst, as I have him. Our first date was the captain america movie when my first comment was something rude, he called me a smartass, and I thought for sure I'd ruined everything with this cutiepatootie. Nope. As I type this, i'm reclined in my chair, my endlessly adorable doggiedog asleep next to me, and my boytoy on the couch playing games with his brother. So that happened. He dealt with me for 1.5 years and proposed to me around christmas, knowing i eat that up cause I love me some Christmas. (I can just see the gay seal meme. No need to judge too harshly!!)

Hm what next what next..we moved. We live like a half hour from my mom (sad face. legit. I'm a momma's girl so hard) and a few minutes from his family in our own place. I hate our neighbors, they cant park for . But I learned to parallel park like a boss within a week. I can't wait to move somewhere with a less douchey landlord. 

I still work at the same place, and love it 95% of the time. The days I don't are usually my own fault due to iness but hay. It's how I do. Also I work with a handful of s so that doesn't help.

We went to the beach this last fall and while i loathe heat, i want to go back just for the walk on the boardwalk as the sun rises, and the walks on the beach after it sets. We had half a building rented out with all my family, and it's the fullest my heart has felt in a long, long time. 

Found out my best friend is gay. No big to me, but now he and everyone around me ridicules me because I have zero gaydar...*shrug* I am one of the biggest s and will say the most offensively lewd things but apparently still manage to be obliviously innocent? Whatever.


I had surgery late last year to remove half my thyroid due to the big C (and it was just a little bit of C, so i'm all safe and healthy ♥) and have this frankenstein level scar. jk it's almost gone now, but i still can't touch it, feels gross cause i can't feel the area still. 

Both my cats have finally passed..I don't mean that like "finally *eye roll*" cause i miss my furbutts but the one was so old and the other..well he surprised me.  Can't help but wonder if he was just lonely after his buddy died. makes me sad. Hell my poopy (puppy) is only 3..oh christ he may be 4 this year, and i bawl at the sliver of a thought that he won't be with me forever. I got this fuzzbutt the week after I came back from Vegas with my ladies and we've been inseparable ever since. He's such a princess 

My grand-dad passed away. It's been about a year now, but that was tough.  I've never seen my Gram so ready to kill everyone in her house in my life lol she just wanted all the visitors to leave her be. She still has her sad days, but she gets to go on her adventures with her sister now. He had ALS. Most people pass 3-5 years after diagnosis, but my grand-dad..well, he was a stubborn, stubborn man ♥ 17 years with it, all because he knew she would be miserable without him. 

This is all over the place if you couldn't tell. I've always been scatter brained, but I swear: lose half your thyroid, lose all your memory. It was so frustrating at first but now it's usually just funny.  I still have days where I just blankly stare at someone when they talk because I just can't focus. I know there's more. I'm just..scatterbrained, as i said. I'll come back to this.


You guys tell me how you've been ^^ I need to know how my lovelies are


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miekoleiko #1
Congrats on the engagement! I totally get you on the thyroid thing. I had mine completely removed about 10 years ago. That left a gnarly looking scar. Well two, technically since they had complications in mine. You wanna talk being all over the place? Yeah. Pretty much crazy, lol. Sorry to hear about your grand-dad and cats passing. It's never fun to lose a loved one, two or four legged alike. Anyway, all sounds well otherwise. Take care!