I Need Help from Watercolour Artists This Time

Do you guys know that specific name of the type of watercolour painting genre (I think's it's 'genre'...) that they used in these types of portraits?


credits to dawnmemories on tumblr/youtube/et cetera. I WANT TO STRANGLE HER. SHE WAS SELF TAUGHT.


Oh and also if you are actually a painter yourself... How long did it take you to master watercolours?

And were you self taught?

Because if you were I just wanted to invite you over for tea :))

and then I shall tie you up on suspending ropes and force you to wear the Voodoo Doll contact lenses and torment you until you tell me how did you do it


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TaiShanNiangNiang #1
Not sure of the genre/style. It's cool as all get out though!
I paint like a 5 year old with watercolors. I'm much better with acrylics.