old movies recommendation please?

read title and you'll get what i want. please recommend me nice old movies so i can watch it online. i prefer teen school life, romance, yeah. thx.
p.s happy holiday!


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The Outsiders, A Knight's Tale (it's not that old since Heath Ledger is in it)
Uh, that's all I can think of right now but there are certainly many more!
sadique #2
10 things I hate about you, definitely, I loved it. romeo and juliet 1996. true romance, grease, carrie, mean girls, she's the man, bring it on, clueless, she's all that, never been kissed, legally blonde, get a clue, new york minute, passport to paris, what a girl wants, sydney white and beastly. wHEEZES.

His Girl Friday
breakfast club - ohohoho.
10 things i hate about you --
um um clueless -i think the film was called -