Rant about how I almost punched a 15 year old in the face

Normally, I'm not the type to get pissed over someone who below the age of 18


I was about to drop kick my best friends little sisters' friend across the room.


So my group of friends, 21-18 years of age, we all get together and play cards

well my best friends little sister had her friend over because they are cheerleaders and have an event to go to on Saturday (tomorrow) and so the friend is staying over.

Well I met her friend before and I didn't get a good impression of her.

FIRST IMPRESSION IS KEY! especially when its your first time coming over.


Well we were playing a card came with everyone.

My group of friends likes to curse and joke around with each other.

Well now I began to remember why I didn't like her the first time


She makes a lot of side comments!

So I said, "Oh man, I totally did the wrong phase"

she would be like "then pay attention"

"My hands are too small to hold all these cards"

"maybe you should get surgery to fix that"


So that started to crawl under my skin

I ignored it.

There was awkward tension between my friends cuz they knew


Then we started playing more and she thought she decided to get even more "friendlier"

She dropped '' in one of her setences.

and not to anyone of my friends

but to me

So I was going to explode, you know its okay to drop the '' word when you are around people you have known for a long time, not someone you've met for the second time.

I wasn't going to raise my voice just yet, so I said it in a semi jokingly tone

"I dont know who the you are talking to, but Ill yo up"

"You! I dare you!" <- Her responce 


There was more awkward tension between the group.

Of course she dropped the bomb again, but to a different person and then more side comments

If it had gone on any longer, I would have shouted and kicked her out.

but the parentals came home and the group decided to just go home

well... more like huddle outside and talk


No one was happy 



This was my adventure that happened about an hour ago.'


What would you have done?








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patty3633 #1
Kids nowadays tsk tsk . . They dont have that much respect to someone older than them
-B2STfreakk #2
I would have set her straight. If I don't know you and you don't know me, you ain't calling me a . Now I'm a very short tempered person and I like to say things bluntly, majority of the time, but when it comes to things like this, I'm not letting it off. I would have reacted the same way you did, except I would have cussed her out instead.
god i hate thta kind of girks they think there popular and can do anything i would totally punched her but im too nice (lol not really) ill just act like that back to her but even ier lol
I would have punched dat in the face
girl, wtf?! kids shouldn't be getting involved in others stuff and curse? that girl needs to learn some Mouth Shut at times
I would punch her in the face but to be polite i will either slap or scratch her face