슈퍼맨 : SUPERMAN IS BACK — 최승준.

« choi seungjoon »
“ call me oppa. ”

full name. choi seungjoon ( 최승준 )


❛ oppa — seungjoon childishly demands for yoojin to address him by oppa because he is a year older than she is; reluctantly, she just follows along with his demands

❛ joon-ah — whenever he hears her using this with him: 1. she's either desperately in need of help ( usually regarding seunghoon ) or 2. she wants to have a serious conversation with him. a way to tell both apart is the prolonged 'ah'; if it's long and whiny, it means she needs help, but if it's short and blunt ( sometimes, she doesn't use the 'ah' even ), she's after a serious conversation.

❛ abba — affectionately used by his 22 months old infant; he smiles every single time his child uses the term. he often retorts the child with the proper pronounciation of the word, in hopes that seungri will learn the right way to say it

date of birth & age. 04 november, 1985 + 29


ethnicity. 100% full korean

current residence. seoul, south korea


❛ korean — fluent, his native language.

❛ english — conversational; can definitely hold a conversation without help, his accent seems clean enough too. the only problem is really the fact that his depth of the language isn't deep enough, so he doesn't understand much words. but he doesn't speak in proper conversations all the time; it's mostly just profanities, in which, he hopes seungri does not pick up from him.


occupation. model turned actor;

monthly salary. 4 000 000 korean won ( at the very least )

house type.

❛ the love story — seungjoon and yoojin met through a variety show in early 2009. they were then brought closer together by a photoshoot which both parties were involved in. through the couple of months they've met, they exchanged numbers and talked quite a bit. eventually in early 2010, they finally got together. however, that was left unknown to the public. ( though both agencies were aware of their relationship ) in late 2011, the two then announce their engagement to the public. so, the two dated for about 2 to 3 years. they then held a private wedding on the 17 of september 2012. their first child, son choi seungri was born on the 11 of july 2013; and was deemed as a honey moon baby.

❛ because home is where ever you are — the choi's live in a cozy three room apartment that seungjoon had just recently purchased; their previous home was a rent studio apartment. they had just moved in recently, thus, the lack of furniture in the house; that, and the fact that both husband and wife like simplistic things, nothing too outlandish. the living room is basically a play house for seungri: all his toys are usually either there or in his playroom. but since yoojin is one the taking care of seungri half the time, she only allows him to play in the living room. where she can keep an eye on him. there are three rooms: one is the master bedroom, where all three of the choi's sleep together in. then, there's seungri's playroom. which is another room, just for his toys. then the storage room: as i've mentioned, the choi's have just recently moved in: and some of the furnitures ( both the ones given by family, friends and fans and their own belongings ) are kept in there because they don't really have the time to unpack any of those. and with the rest of the space in that room, yoojin keeps her treadmill ( and basically things she uses to help her keep in shape ) in there. there are two bathrooms in the apartment; one is connected to the master bedroom, while the other is just by the living room.

face claim. choi seunghyun ( t.o.p )

backup faceclaim. wu yifan ( kris )



❛ fresh off a magazine cover — choi seungjoon stands at 188cm and weights at 83kg; most of his body weight comes from the muscle mass that he has. he might be aging slowly, but he doesn't quite want his body to age along with him; thus, he takes extremely good care of his body. other than his model-like height, there's also his face which seems taken off a cover of a magazine. high cheek bones, long face shape, sharp eyes: it's safe to say that seungjoon is definitely a looker. other than his alluring black, sharp eyes, his dimple is another one of his features that catches the attention of passerbyers; even by the slightest movement of his cheek muscle, the slight shape of his dimple sits on the left side of his cheeks. his skin is completely clean of body art; no tattoos, no piercings. just his pale skin, alone.

personality breakdown.

❛ pros — reserved, awkward, naive
❛ cons — insercure, simple minded, sensitive, insouciant



❛ my love for you is as wide as the universe — for some reason, seungjoon is extremely into astrology. literally, he has a telescope in the comfort of his home and has books about it flooding the couple's apartment.

❛ someone call the doctor — has a huge collection of doctor martins; not just that, he also has a collection for seungri, so that when he grows up he'll be able to wear them ( seungjoon: and look charming like his father )

❛ get out mi' car, vroom vroom — owns a silver toyota wish though he doesn't drive it unless completely neccessary; and that drives yoojin crazy, so she sometimes uses it for her own use and that pisses seungjoon off because he is a complete car freak ( yoojin: if you weren't even going to ing use it, why buy it? ) ( seungjoon: ...i had the money? )

❛ rise and shine, sleeping beast — seungjoon is the first to go to bed, yet always the last to get up; thus, leaving yoonjin with the infant to take care off. when seungri was a lot younger and would wake up in the middle of the night, it would always be yoojin's responsibility. during that period of time, seungjoon has hardly ever woken up to seungri's wails; it's not that he's never home, just a very heavy sleeper.

❛ step by step, heart to heart, left right left; we all fall down — at the young age of 25, seungjoon decided to step up for enlistment. ( yoojin: for the first time of your life, you're doing something relevant ) ( seungjoon: it's because it's better to go when i'm younger ) ( yoojin: i'm done with you )

❛ "so i just dump it into hot boiling water?" — ( yoojin: oh lord, get out of there. i'll do it ) for some reason, seungjoon does not know how to take care of the baby, neither does he know how to do any of the other behidn the scenes things. for months, he didn't know what a baby monitor was; for another couple more months, he finally figured how to work that .

❛ "seafood? that's no no" — for some reason, seungjoon hates seafood. it's not that he's allergic to them or something, he just hates the taste of it. on the other hand, he can't seem to live a day in his life without meat and rice. the two are his staple food. ( yoojin: with the way you're eating meat, we're all gonna go bankrupt and seungri is going to become obese )

❛ "jin-ah, did you hear that?" — on the contrary to his tough and strong image, seungjoon happens to be quite a coward ( seungjoon: only with regards to anything related to spirits!!!11! ) and is quite superstitious- the worst combination yet.

so cold, you'd get a frost bite in your brain — seungjoon has a sense of humor that not many understand ( yoojin: "not many"? no one understands it ) ( seungjoon: yoojin, I'm trying to give up my addiction to hot Christmas dinners, because this year I'm going cold turkey ) ( yoojin: oh, seungjoon )

❛ "get that away from me" — has an undying detest for cats ( seungjoon: they themselves clean: no matter how i see it, it's not hygienic ) ( yoojin: oh, loosen up ) his hatred for them comes mainly from his sanitary self. he likes to be clean, and well, clutter annoys him at certain times, too. on the contrary to popular beliefs, seungjoon is actually the one tidying the house. ( yoojin: well, if you're not going to take care of the baby, might as well let you do some other work, right? )

❛ gimme that glass, little bit of ice: pour that red in there — seungjoon is quite a drinker: has an entire collection of various alcohols. from wine, to beer: the amount of alcohol he has sitting in the display cabinet worries yoojin a little ( seungjoon: oh come on, he's still a baby, he can't do much ) ( yoojin: you left your drink there, and seungri tried to drink it ) ( seungjoon: he should know better )

❛ "let's be nice to each other" — the most used phrase from father to son: everytime yoojin leaves for the filming to proceed, seungjoon would say that phrase to seungri. while yoojin would retort with, "please don't kill each other". because- more than just once- right after yoojin leaves, seungri just starts brawling like a mad person. and to make everything worst, seungjoon can't calm him down for . he always turns to yoojin, by calling her through the phone. ( yoojin: maybe i should get another phone to use during my "vacation" )

❛ "jin-ah, my usual" — every morning, before yoojin proceeds to wake the seungjoon ( yoojin: the sleeping log ) from his beauty sleep, she would make his coffee. his "usual" is something that is alter made just for him, and he does not drink anything other than it. the "usual" is basically two spoons of nescafe classic, a load of ice, two teaspoon of sugar and cream, lots and lots of cream. he has odd taste buds.

❛ but first, lemme take a selfie — surprisingly, seungjoon has more of a life on social media sites than his actual life. he has twitter, but that's close to being dead: it just contains random updates of his schedules and if yoojin's bored, she'll tweet using his account to make him a fool. his instagram, on the other hand, is filled with videos and images of the choi's: seungri's random trantrums, yoojin's nagging.

+ instagram: @choisjoon
twitter: @seungjoonc

❛ brother from another mother — having been in both the acting and modelling industry, seungjoon has quite a wide connection. however, because of his personality, he only has a couple of close friends. he's close with exo's kai ( yoojin: give me his number ) ( seungjoon: you're not gonna run off with him right? ) mainly because of seungri's close resemblence to the idol; another is ahn jaehyun ( yoojin: can i- ) ( seungjoon: no, no you may not have his number ), lee jongsuk and kim woobin.

« kim yoojin »
“ the moment i got pregnant was the time where i lost all charms i had ”

full name. kim yoojin ( 김유진 )


❛ choi yoojin — despite being married to seungjoon, yoojin decided to keep her maiden name on her official records. the name is however constantly used by seungjoon whenever he's scolding her for whatever reasons; probably for something petty and trivial.

yoojin-ah — he uses this name along with a sweet tone whenever he needs help; mostly with regards to the baby

❛ jin-ah — just a short affectionate nickname used by seungjoon on a daily basis

❛ omma — spending all 22 months with his mother, yoojin made it a point to teach seungri how to pronounce 'omma' properly, before seungjoon gets to him. and as expected, things went her way.

date of birth & age. 09 april, 1986 + 28


ethnicity. 100% full korean

current residence. seoul, south korea


❛ korean — fluent, her native language; her hometown was daegu, thus, has a satoori accent though she's fully mastered the seoul accent. however, seungjoon likes hearing her satoori accent. whenever she's really made, her accent comes out.

❛ chinese — conversational; her company has pushed her towards the chinese industry, thus, she had to pick up the language. her accent is thick, though she has a deeper understanding of the language and it's words.


occupation. model turned actress; currently, she does more modelling and commercials, though she's somewhat taken a hiatus from the industry.

monthly salary. 2 000 000 korean won

face claim. kim yoonjin ( uee )

backup faceclaim. park kyungri



❛ i like your detail, girl — kim yoonjin possesses a body with perfect body ratio: tall physique, long legs, slim body, toned honey thighs. she stands at an incredible height of 171cm and weights 54kg; after giving birth, she took a short hiatus from the entertainment industry to take care of her new born. however, during that time, she didn't let it go to waste; she spent quite a bit of time shedding of those baby fats she's gained because of the pregnancy. yoojin has a bad case of baby face: whenever she goes out with her new born and stubbles into an old womem, they would ask her about the child and when they hear that she's the mother, they usually shoot her weird looks. she doesn't know herself, if this baby face of her's is a blessing or a curse. she blames it upon her big does eyes; one of her most eye catching feature. unlike her husband, she does have piercings; all on her ears though.

personality breakdown.

❛ pros — confident, boisterous, independent
cons — petty, confrontational, argumentative, short tempered



❛ you know what they say, "an angry momma bear slaps, hard" — yoojin is known to be quite short tempered, even with her own son. with that said, she's the one who actually does most of the scolding; seungjoon's silently too kind to even nag at the boy, much less scold him. not known to many, yoojin is also a black belt in taekwondo; learnt it since she was young.

❛ "don't bother me, i'm busy" — again, a fact not known by many, yoojin is a huge fan of sappy, cliché crap: be it random fanfictions online, or manhwas or mangas or dramas. she's a fan of it, and she won't lie ( seungjoon: but you don't tell anyone about it ) ( yoojin: well, i didn't say i didn't like it, i just don't bring mention about it; thus, i am not lying ) she spends most of the time on her phone, on her bed, reading shoujo mangas, one of her hobbies actually.

"they say woman only suffer during pregnancy, but i suffer; period." — seungjoon absolutely does not know when it comes to parenting: he can't change seungri's diapers, he can't prepare his food, he can't calm him down. so basically, everything is literally done by yoojin. it's actually quite a shocker that he can actually play with seungri without making the baby cry. mostly because he spoils the little boy. ( seungjoon: i want to learn, but you never teach me ) ( yoojin: have you ever considered that i don't have the time to??? )

❛ my love is like a rose — yoojin is a complete er for roses; whenever seungjoon pisses yoojin off big time, he gets her a bouquet of roses. scratch that, he buys her roses, period. be it during special occasions, or that he's trying to up to her: he buys her roses. on certain occasions, he'll just buy them on a whimp because he knows she likes the house decorated with flowers.

❛ a mermaid's tears — she used to be a competitive swimmer and is extremely proud of it; thus, as a reason, she sends baby seungri to swimming lessons ( yoojin: i would teach him, but i need rest too, guys ) on certain occasions, she would forcefully get seungjoon to teach seungri to swim.

❛ you look so perfect, standing there in my american apparel underwear — she is absolutely in love with wearing seungjoon's clothes; she usually wears his button ups, hoodies. one reason why she's so persistent on going to buy clothes with him. at the start of the season, this became one of the hot topics: her wearing his shirts every morning struck up suspicion in many k-netizens.

❛ words i don't hear — seungjoon is extremely stingy with his words of affection: while yoojin uses the words as often as everyday, seungjoon only uses them on certain, special occasions. regarding that, yoojin doesn't know if she should feel loved or annoyed.

❛ who's hot, who's not; someone has already burned out your head — yoojin has a huge superior complex when it comes to her appearance, for better or for worst. being an actor and model, seungjoon has to collaborate with many other female personnels; some even have their eyes targeted on seungjoon but she oddly never feels intimidated. she doesn't get jealous and when she sees other girls flirt with seungjoon, she laughs it off. ( seungjoon: if you're jealous, you can just say it, you know? ) ( yoojin: and if you're looking for death, you could also just say so )

❛ "come to noona" — yoojin has an incredible eye for attractive guys: she can spot them from miles away. she often jokes to seungjoon about eloping with another man. ( yoojin: what about lee jongsuk? do you have his number? you do, don't you? ) ( seungjoon: no, i said no )

❛ without proper care, there's no beauty; without beauty, there's no boyfriend husband — on the contrary to popular beliefs, amongst the couple, yoojin is actually the one who wastes the most money. she spends them on beauty products: ranging from body scrubs to lotion. her makeup to skin care products is 1:5 honestly.

❛ "oh god, no; not right now" — yoojin's stomach is extremely sensitive; thus, she can't eat extremely spicy or sour food in the morning while her stomach is still empty. thus, is required to eat rice every morning. also, the girl can't seem to stand spice at all; whenever she goes out to eat, she buys a carton of milk to help neutralize the spice. ( seungjoon: i feel like having spicy chicken soup for breakfast today ) ( yoojin: don't be a )

« choi seungri »
“ mama ”

full name. choi seungri ( 최승리 )


❛ choi seungri — used by yoojin whenever she's trying to reprimand the boy; seungri takes this as his cue to snap out of whatever fit he was throwing, and stand straight. whenever she uses it, even if she's not scolding him, he knows it's definitely something serious.

ri-ah — seungjoon's way of showing his child affection.

❛ young mand — while seungri takes yoojing's "choi seungri" as his cue for him to behave, he takes seungjoon's "young man" as his cue to behave. though seungjoon doesn't often use it because he's a complete softy for his son.

date of birth & age. 06 may 2013 + 22 months old


ethnicity. 100% full korean

current residence. seoul, south korea


❛ korean — basic; seungri can't exactly make complete sentences, but does know certain words. he has a deep understanding to the words that he really knows, but his korean dictionary just isn't wide enough. he can understand moderately well, speak okay, but he's still struggling with writing.

face claim. kim taeoh ( oh my baby )

backup faceclaim. lee seojun ( superman is back )



❛ oh, my baby — seungri is a healthy baby boy who weights about 26 pounds, and stands at about 34 inches; relatively proportional, yet still chubby. the boy is easily recolonized by his eyes which looks a lot like the mainstream idol group, exo kai's eyes. a charm that both parents are extremely proud of. another feature that stands out is his dimpled smile; it sits on right right cheek. being just 22 months old, the boy's hair is extremely light colored and fluffy - as of right now, it's a light shade of chocolate brown. his hair is quite long right now, with the center part of his fringe going longer than the rest of his fringe; it was seungjoon's doing. thus, the boy is made by his mother to either tie it up or clip it up - yes, with a hair clip.

personality breakdown.

❛ pros — active, bold, adventurous
cons — petty, selfish, shy



❛ you're my playground — whenever either of the two bring seungri out to play at the park and there happens to be a playground, seungri would rush there within a heartbeat. seungri has a thing for huge playgrounds, he finds them fascinating especially those with huge slides and odd playthings. seungjoon usually hates bringing him out; whereas on the other hand, yoojin loves bringing him out because she gets ample amount of rest while the boy is busying himself. 

❛ "chuwar yo, omma, chuwar yo" — seungri, who is only 26 pounds, does lack quite a bit of body fats; thus, his body gets cold easily. as a result, most of his clothes are usually long sleeved. and even when he's at home, he would wear fluffy socks, or two layers of clothes.

chicken and alcohol apple juice = best combination — despite what his body statistics suggests, seungri actually eats a lot and isn't picky with his food; he eats just about everything - he can eat vegetables, spicy food etc. however, the boy has an unceasing love for fried chicken. his ears literally perk up at the sound of the word, "fried chicken" ( yoojin: this is unhealthy, i tell you )

❛ floor mattress > baby's crib (?) — seungri is currently sleeping on a mattress in the seungjoon and yoojin's room: prior to this mattress, they have have had a wooden crib for seungri. it was given as a gift by yoojin's aunt. but after sleeping in it, he would cry endlessly every night. eventually, the couple threw it out. ( seungjoon: what if it's haunted? i mean, maybe your aunt used it before? or picked it up on the streets )

"you really can't do anything, can you?" — the first thing she said after seungjoon and seungri returned home from seungri's hair cut. before the father-son left home for the hair cut, she told seungjoon, ( yoojin: no funny hair cut, just tell the hair dresser to cut it in a way that doesn't block his eye sight, okay? i'm trusting you with just this ) thus, this comedic hair style of seungri's.

❛ like mother, like son — just like how yoojin has an odd love for attractive young boys, seungri likes "noonas" a lot. specifically, seungri likes apink and f(x). and to be even more exact, he likes son naeun and krystal jung. ( seungjoon: dang, he's really superficial. why must he take after you? )

❛ "seungri-ah, i'm sorry" — the boy, as i've mentioned, is extremely petty and unforgiving. once you make him angry, you'll have to let him cool down for a couple of hours before you bring chocolate pudding to bribe the boy. if he refuses, he's still mad; and if that's the case, take a random toy of his and make him forgive you. ( seungjoon: this boy's a tough nut to crack, seriously )

❛ oh, the morning blues — seungri is usually most troublesome in the morning: usually, when he gets up ( especially if it's abrupt ), he'll start brawling. and if yoojin isn't awake, well, now she is. and then he'll get hungry, so they have to prepare his breakfast while distracting him from his empty stomach. all in all, mornings in the choi's household is a pretty sight.

❛ pikachu, i choose you! — since seungri's birth, there is this pikachu doll that has been with him: it was a gift from seungjoon's parents. he treasures it a lot though he does not know much: the doll currently does not have a name because he is having a hard time even pronouncing his own name. however, both parents ( yoojin: yes, even seungjoon ) knows that when seungri reaches out and clenches and unclenches his fist, he's after the doll. though, more often than not, he usually does not separate with the doll.

❛ i'm like a bird, i only fly away — another point of time in which seungri is a pain to deal with is when they go out: as i've mentioned, he's extremely active, does not really enjoy sitting down because it bores him. that being said, whenever they bring him out, he runs to where ever he gets fascinated by: which worries both a little.

❛ "juice, omma, juice" — for some reason, seungri hates drinking normal tap distilled water; however, if it's cold distilled water, he doesn't mind. though he would still ask for his usual: a juice box. and if that fails, he'll ask to drink normal cold water by point to the dispenser.

on a scale of one to ten, how dependent is your child towards your wife?

"i think the scale just broke." he lets out a hearty laughter, tilting his head to the back. however, his face changed almost immediately sensing the silence; any sign of mischief was now cleaned off his face. clearing his throat, he then continued "no, but seriously, seungri is extremely attached to yoojin. so, i'd say a full ten."

on a scale of one to ten, how dependent is your child towards you?

"zero?" this time, an embarrassed smile crawled up, and settled upon his face. "i really haven't done much for seungri since his birth. during her pregnancy period, i had many schedules to attend to and just the fact that i made it for her labor is actually quite a bit already. even after giving birth, i wasn't there much. so, yeah, zero."

how is your child problematic?

"he is very problematic: for starter's, he's very shy. he hides it away by showing hostility. it's not that he doesn't want to make friends, he's just too shy; even when approached. it's a miracle he even has friends. two: being the only child, he has everything he wants and so he gets a little entitled. he doesn't like to share things, and when other children try to share his things, he throws a fit."

what is your relationship with your child?

"I've said it once, and i'll say it again: it's not good, it's not bad. despite me not being there for him, he still looks up to me as his father. it puts me into quite an awkward position actually."

when was your marriage with your wife? how would you describe her?

"she is the reason why i'm still living. i was a complete mess before i got together with her: i either survive on cup noodles, or i go on a self proclaim diet; my house was always in a mess; my clothes were always taken to dry cleaners. i just didn't know how to live on my own; for lack of better description, she's actually a mother of two."

would you voluntarily offer to take care of your child? why?

"yes, but i always end up getting rejected. more than anyone, yoojin knows i can't take care of seungri on my own."

do you know how to cook? what do you usually make for your child?

"all i can cook is glass fried noodles and fried egg; all deemed as unsuitable for a baby. so, yes i do cook. but yoojin doesn't allow me to cook."

( yoojin: have you seen your diet? you can't blame me, okay? )
seungjoon: but it's healthy, there's vegetables! )
yoojin: yes, and a hell load of sesame oil )

what would you want to accomplish with your child on the show?

"i want to be there for seungri, even if it's for the smallest, most trivial things. at least, i was there." he finishes, a glint of mischief then returned to his eyes. "and maybe learn how to take care of a baby."

username. trash-bins
nickname. hui
password. lee seo twins ( they're twins, i can't choose )


scene requests. none at the moment

comments. yeah, this is actually pretty rushed. so i'll probably come back and beta it again and maybe add more things.


✕  go back to superman is back!


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