Promise (약속) Application: [Alice/Face of the Group/Visual/Lead Dancer]

Hello, my name is  ( Alice  Jae - Hwa  Park )










─ Behind The Mask;


Username; rudeneja

Profile link; here

Activeness; {1 to 10} 10 

What should I call you?; artemis




─ I Was Born This Way;


Character name; Alice Jae-Hwa Park


Alice Park; English name

Park Jae-Hwa; Korean name

Date of Birth;  September 22, 1993

Age; 21

Ethnicity; Korean-American

Languages spoken; 

- English; native, was born and raised in Los Angles, CA for 15 years

- Korean; fluent, lived in Korea for 6 years and was taught by both parents

- Mandarin; learning, learning for future uses

Place of Birth; Los Angles, California

Hometown; Busan, South Korea




─ They Say I'm Beautiful;


Face-claim; Hyerin from EXID
Pictures; XXX




Back-up; Jiwon from SPICA

Pictures; XXX



Height; 162cm

Weight; 48.5kg




─ Let Me Tell You Something That You Already Know;



Blunt, Harsh, Cold, Silly, Clever, Charasmatic

Blunt - Alice doesn't like to lie, so she always tell the truth. She is very blunt so if she speaks her mind and sometimes her mind isn't the friendliest mind around. She has made many people around her cry because she told them how she felt about them. 

Harsh - Alice isn't the nicest person too. When you first meet her she is harsh and will criticize and verbally hurt you. She only does this because she doesn't want to be held back due to someone's silly mistake. 

Cold - When you first meet Alice, she isn't really loveable, She is cold and will not talk to others she doesn't know. This also make her look like she is disintrested in certain stuff so fans take it the worng way.

Silly - Once you get to know Alice, she is actaully silly. She is very clumsy and makes weird random comments on everything.

Clever - She is very smart and likes to answer any type of questions. So if others trainees need help on schoolwork, she will help them.

Charasmatic - She is full of charisma when practicing or on stage.


Background;  Alice lived in California for 15 years and then her family moved back to Korea. She tried out for 10 companies (e.x. S.M., JYP, YG, Starship, J.Tune) but got rejected because she was very different from her appearance. She was also bullied and made fun of due to her being from the States and that she can't get accepted. She tried commiting suicide but the cut she made on her wrist wasn't deep enough but she was sent to the hospital to recover. Her parents pleaded her not to harm herself so Alice refrains herslef from self-harm.She struggled a bit after her suicidal attempt as the bullying got worse and didn't get anywhere with her dreams of being an idol. She fell into depression so her parents hired her a therapist to help her. She then audtioned for JYP again and got accepted.



~ She loves spicy food

~ She loves rollercosters

~ She loves to sleep

~ She loves to watch the sunrise

~ She loves to act

~ She loves to dance



~ She hates it when people take her stuff

~ She hates the beach

~ She hates needles

~ She hates sweets

~ She hates animals (she finds them annoying and scary)



~ She bikes

~ She does ice skating

~ She does taekwondo

~ She skateboards

~ She draws




~ She speaks in satoori
~ She has 2 younger brothers
~ She is known to have a choding character
~ She is clausterphobia
~ She can't sing
~ When she dropped out of high school to persue her dreams as an idol
~ She can't swim
~ She has been in South Korea for 6 years
~ She cries very easily
~ She is very athletic
~ She gets scared easily
~ She wants to learn Japanese
~ She is lazy so she has a messy dorm room



─ Ohana Means Family;  || That includes friends, because friends are like family ||




 Mother / Park, Jin / 46 / Funny, Strict, Caring
Jin is Alice's mother and she loves her daughter. She fully supported her daughter's dream when she wanted to become an idol; however, she was upset that her daughter dropped out of high school. She was there for her daughter thick and thin and was heartbroken when her daughter tried to commiting suicide. She owns a noodle store in Busan.
 Father / Park, Ja / 53 / Harsh, Silly, Cold
Alice and her father have a really close relationship. He supported his daughter's dream of being an idol and really didn't mind when she dropped out of school. He was upset to see his daughter hurt and almost sent her back to California. He is a fisherman.


Best Friend;


 Close Friends / Jung, Soo Jung / 2o / Cold, Shy, Blunt

Since Krystal and Alice are quite alike they are really close. However, they knew each other even way before debut/trainee days. They were neighbors in California and she was close to both Jung sisters. Alice is like Krystal's second unnie.


 Close Friends / Hwang, Mi-Young / 25 / Shy, Funny, Caring

Just like Krystal, Alice grew up with Tiffany however, Tiffany treat Alice like her dongsaeng. Tiffany was the person who recommended her to try out for S.M.




             Bae Suzy/Miss A/ Nice, Harsh, Goofy/ same company

             Jessica Jung/ex member of SNSD/ Funny, Cold, Weird/ lived in same neighborhood in LA, CA







─ Love You Like A Love Song  ;


Love interest;  JR


How did you meet? company


Current relationship; friends


His love rival; JB


Back up love interest; N


How did you meet? met through Krystal


Current relationship; secretly dating


Back up love rival; Ken




─  Meant To Be Famous;


Company before JYP: N/A


How did you become a trainee at your first company?; N/A


Trainee years (or time) there; 0


Reason for leaving that company: N/A


Reason to joining JYP: Auditioned first time but was rejected, but after auditioning again, she was accepted for her looks and dance.


Total trainee years; 6 years




TheWorld Is My Stage;


Stage Name; Alice


Singing Twin; N/A

Rapping Twin; N/A

Dancing Twin; Yuri from SNSD//Naeun from Apink// Jaekyung from Rainbow


Position in the group; {Put an X in your desired position and a in your back up position} (The maknae will be chosen by me when the members are chosen, according to the birthdays. If you wish for your character to be the maknae, I suggest you try to make her eighteen and make her birthday around December.)


[  ] Main Vocal


[  ] Jack of all Trades


[  ] Main Rapper/Sub Vocal


[ X ] Face of the Group/Visual/Lead Dancer   


[  ] CF Queen, Actress, Lead Dancer


[  ] Leader, Lead Vocal


[  ] Main Dancer, Sub Rapper


[#  ] Variety Queen, Sub Leader


[ # ] Maknae, Lead Vocal, Lead Dancer




Personal fan club name; Ace



Sulli from f(x)

Dohee from Tiny-G




 Tell Me, Tell Me; 


Comments;  I hope you enjoy reading this ^^


Scene request?; 

Her scolding other trainees
We Got Married
Star King
Funny or Die


Scandals in mind?: I really don't know, but you can do what you like.


Password; What are passwords for?


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Hello there~ So I am the author for Promise's story and I am having quite a predicament because I cannot find many pictures for the face-claims you have chosen. If you could please change them to someone that is better known (Someone from 4minute, f(x), SNSD, Girls' Day) I would be so thankful. Thank you~